Page Six EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS GARFIELD BREVITIES H. A. La Barre is a Portland visitor this week. Mrs. S. A. Roberts, of Boring, was a truest of her sister Mrs. Richard Davis last week. The Dennis property was pur­ chased recently by Mr. Shaffer and wife from Washington. Mrs. Paul Hissock has been enjoying a visit in Portland this past week, returning Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mattoon, Mrs. T. Eash. E. Krigbaum and C. E. Corbin motored to Port­ land this week. Rev. Dunlop held services in Nora Memorial church Sunday. Two were baptized and received into the M. E. church. F. C. Pauli has his new resi­ dence completed. The Paulis are from Kansas. They say the winter is very mild compared with the home state winters. 0. W. Failing has returned from Portland after a stay of two weeks. He reports that he actually came down the Country Club hill without getting stuck. Mr. Ayers has returned to Cartield from Boyd. Oregon, and the Dillingers have moved to their homestead, giving Mr. Ayers possession of his ranch. Oeorge Cook, president ot the Hill Telephone Co., called a spec­ ial meeting last week. An as­ sessment of $10 was levied on each stock holder for general repair and up keep of tne line. A. C. Anderson, C. V. Sand­ stone, H. Anders, Hector An­ ders and .1. A. Botkin have been resetting p o le s and doing line work the past week, The Hill line was completely out and eve­ ry fellow must do his share in keeping up the line if he g e t s service. DOVER Mrs. Seward has be»n quite ill hut is improving at the pres­ ent. Mr. Shaw left Monday morn­ ing for Portland to spend a few days. Mr. Blackerby is spending the winter on the R. F. Thompson ranch. Little Hugh Guthrie has been sick and not able to attend m h e o l. Mr. and Mrs. Akin and family were calling on Jos DeSha'.er Wednesday. Several from Dover attended the Dairymen's League meeting held in Sandy recently. Ralph DeSha/.er and Claud Young are loading a car at Cedar Brook with hewn ties this week. NEW YORK SUN PRAISES YOUNG C mm ORATOR ON RETURN FRO*.; EUROPE « -------------------- **» Stanley Nelson Dancey, Who Was Com- p Urn en ted by Joffra ft»r His Brilliant Eloquence, to Lecture Here. | Stanley Nelson I>anc«*y, the brilliant young Cunudiun lecturer, unconaclous- ly Htepped into the lim elight while a eoldier In th e late great war. Imme­ diately following the arm istice he gained a Imeut international fame aa a Fpcaker, winning p raise from high allied oflicers nnd ¡ i ! ru personal com­ m endation from Field Ma shal Joffre. Tiie New York Sun said of him : “He Thursday, January 27, 1921 Fr uit Growers’ Handbook Popular f G . R EIN Demand for the Fruit Grow­ F IR S T -C L A S S ers’ Handbook has been so strong S H O E M A K IN G that it will soon have to be re­ I printed. renorts A. L. Lovett, Best Neatsfoot Oil For Sale. entomologist of the O. A. C. Ex­ periment station. The book was Broadway :: Estacada originally planned as a guide for Oregon growers, hut outside spe­ cials have found that it is a R. R. CARLSON handy and reliable reference text. So useful has the volume proved to Oregon orchardists that the Undertaker and Embalmer department intends to put out Gresham - Oregon like hand books on stone fruit, insects, small fruit insects, if at Warren McWillis a later date the present volume Local Agent for Estacada is found to fill the bill. r— :— ;— :— :— :--:— :— :— r— r— :**:— ;— :— :— :— :— :— ;— ;— :— ? Attractive Offer! ! ? We are able to make the following Attractive Offer of the Portland Evening Telegram and the NEWS combined by mail, for a year. Y Y ORDINARY PRICES:— . $ 6.00 NEWS . . Total . . . . $ 1.50 ♦ I 1 $ 7.50 y Telegram is a pow erful speaker and carrier ids audience w ith him a t every turn. H is enthusiasm is (treat and lie possesses a w onderful liuency of language.” Mr. Dancey en jo jed a wide experi­ ence in travel. He has visited most of the Fouth American countries as well as practically all of the Kuropenn governm ents. I’rior to th. «». a r he v.ns a wcll-knmvn jo u rn alist in w est­ ern nndn . D u n w y ’s lecture is a trcHi ® It* has been n veritable sen sa­ tion during tiie p ast sum m er on a large easte-n ( 'hiiutninjini circuit. He will spouk on “T he Invisible F ro n tier.” Special Price for Both Only $5. | X I Y This applies to both Now Subscriptions and Renewals. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Good onlv until February 15tn, 1921. EASTER N CLACKAMAS N EW S . * ? ? ? ? ? Y v X •X“X*v*w*‘X-,;"X“>.-.',:**x -x-x— x->-x-:— x —x*<— x— :— x**.— x -x — xk — x — i -. xk . High School Auditorium, Wed­ nesday. February 2nd. Admis­ sion 50 and 25 cents. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Jan. 18. 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Carl C. Alt. of Sandy, Oregon, who, on December 8, 1920, made Homestead Entry, No. 00085, for SW'i SW '4. Section 21, Town­ ship 2 S. Range 5 E, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of in­ tention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Reg­ ister and Receiver of the United Sfates Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 8th day of March 1921. Claimant names as witnesses; F. W. Alt. of Sandy. O r e . : Theo Koennecke, of Sandy, Ore.: L. L. Corey, of Sandy, Ore., Fred I’. l\i ennecke, of Sandy, Oregon. Proof under Sec. 5. Act of June 9. 191b. ALEXANDER SWEEK, Register. Date of first publication Jan. 27. 1921. Date of last publication Feb. 21. 19*21. y y y y y Fairbanks Morse Quality— Very Low Price T his 40 light “ F ” plant com es to you completely mounted on one base. T he power plant is the famous “ Z ” Engine which can also be used to furnish power for w ashing machine churn cream separator, etc., independent of the dynam o, either direct o r through a line shaft. Low speed engine and ball bearing dynam o assure long life less attention, and lowest possible m aintenance cost Touch a button to start and another to stop. See this wonderfully efficient plant and let us explain all the details. 40UGHTF PLANT I ComtUere F.O .B In d ia n a p o lis ) A d ia tin rtie e de- h Ur««r p lan ta it offered below: «5 Liait» ZMLifkb l»0 Ufbta 40Ught"F"Plant REED 8c SHIBLEY at