\ O U R SLOGAN: C o m m u n ity C ooperation Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 14, E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J anuary 27. 1921 N umber 19 NEWS WILL MOVE 10 QUARTERS NEW Y f Coming Events Cast Shadows Before “ All the world loves a lover,” and we have received a commu­ nication from an unknown cor­ respondent in respect to a young man in the vicinity of Dodge, who seems to have been hard hit by Cupid’s dart. We ^recall our youthful escapades and for­ bear from revealing that which was meant to be kept private. We tender our best wishes to him and suggest that if he finds it difficult to express the thoughts which surge up in him, he will find Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s “ Po­ ems of Passion” a valuable aid. After having: occupied, for some years its quarters on Broad­ way street, the E astern C lack ­ amas N ews will begin moving tomorrow, to the building which has been fitted up for it, at the corner of 2nd and Zobrist streets, opposite the Estacada Feed Co. ’s store. There it will have larger office room, better lighted and more convenient for the arrange­ ment of its furniture and equip­ ment, with the presses standing on a concrete base. Another im­ provement is the installation of electric power to run the presses, each of which will have its indi­ vidual motor. We are still hop­ ing that before the year runs out, we shall be able to put in a six column folio press which will give amore convenient shaped pa­ per, affording larger news space tn in at present. We bespeak the indulgence of our readers un­ til we get settled, as for the next week or two the paper may be belated, and the matter hastily made up. “Bringing Up of Father” Who has not been amused by the cartoons which have been running for some years in the Oregon Journal and other papers entitled “ Bringing Up of Fath­ er” ? Poor old Jiggs continually puting his foot in it, and being battered up by his vixem of a wife, and yet always coming up smiling, has won universal sym­ pathy, while his worser half has made herslf a laughing Stock for her absurd pretensions. Manager Linn informs us that he has ob­ tained three runs depicting this series, which will be commenced on Thursday, February 3, and one will be run each month un­ til concluded. Congratulations - Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett went to Portland Monday, to ob­ serve the twenty seventh anni­ versary of their marriage. No doubt the time on looking back se?rrs short and the events of i7 y?ars ago but as yesterday. With two grown children we 1 settled in life, and two grand­ children, they may consider their marriage has had auspicious re­ sults. Here’s hoping that sur­ rounded by grandchild en and great grandchildren they may celebrate their golden wedding. Little Hikers Velma and Laura Keisecher, aged 10 and 9 years respectively, the little daughters of Mr, and Mrs. George Keisecher of Fii5 wood, walked on New Year’s day to Eagle Creek, a distance of ten miles, in order to visit their uncle and aunt, Mr. and M rs. Herman Ballou. T h i s would have been a respectable hike for grown ups. A Growing Institution The Lovelace hospital is dem­ onstrating its need and provirg its utility. The local physicians find it convenient as well as resi­ dents who require special care in sickness. Mrs. Lovelace gives each patient her personal care. Look up the Ads of our mer­ chants and see how prices have declined. J • ' The failure of the Morris to d firm, of Pordand, may not result so disastrously to the creditors as at first reported. Each day the v. lue of the assets increases, and were it not for t le excessive costs of the receiv­ ership and wind up. 100 cents on the dollar might be paid. Mrs. A. O. Whitcomb Dead Stricken with heart trouble while preparing breakfast at her home on Council Crest last Fri­ day morning, Mrs. Arthur O. Whitcomb was taken to a local hospital, where she died Satur­ day afternoon. Mrs. Whitcomb was the mother of of Walter I). Whitcomb of the Portland ac­ countancy firm of Whitfield & Whitcomb, and of Mrs. Walter H. Nugent, wife of the pastor of the Central Presbyterian church. Funeral services were held Monday at 1 o’clock in the fun­ eral conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral directors, 414 East Alder street, Portland. Mrs. Whitcomb came to Ore­ gon with her husband about 12 years ago from Chicago. She lived on a fruit ranch near Esta­ cada for many years and during the war moved to Palo Alto, Cal., her husband being station­ ed at Camp Fremont, where he was chief clerk. She was C>1 years old and a member of the First Congregational church, in the affairs of which she had been active. Community Club Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Community club will be held in the high school auditori­ um on Friday evening. As the original plan of combining it with the high school debate has been abandoned, a program will be given instead by the pupils and talks given on school and community co-operation. The evening promises to be both en­ tertaining and instructive. Let there be as good an attendance as that of last month. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagn< r went to Portland, Monday, re- turuing the following day. Thev brought with them, Mr. Wag­ ner’s sister, Mrs. German and her young son, of Portland. Todav, we understand, is the birthday of Mrs. W. W. Boner, and the event is to be duly hon­ ored. We wish her many returns of the day. Mrs. Irving Smith was a Port­ land visitor Tuesday. $1.50 P er Y ear HIGH SCHOOLS' DEBATING CONTEST It was announced last week that there would be a debate in the High School auditorium on Friday night, between a team from Estacada High School and another of the countv high schools. Owing to a change in plans, rhe debate won’t come off until Friday of next week, Feb. 4. On this date there will be a triangular contest between Esta­ cada, Oregon City and West Linn. The subject is, “ Reso- ved, that the Primary Election Law in Oregon should be re­ pealed.” The schedule is as follows: Estacada negative goes to West Linn; West Linn negative goes to Oregon City; Oregon City negative goes to Estacada. The Estacada teams are, Af­ firmative, Helen Wooster and Gilbert Shearer; Negative, Fred­ erick Burns and Pearl Fautz. M. E. Conference The first quarterly conference of the year was held Tuesday night in the M. E. church, with Dr. Youngson of Portland, pre­ siding. At the last state con­ ference Estacada was placed in the Portland district, and this was Dr. Youngson’s first official visitation. The L ad ies’ A id served a delicious cafeteria chick­ en supper which was largely a t­ tended and netted $55.83. Af­ terwards adjournment was taken to the church auditorium where Dr. Youngson made a brief ad­ dress and then took up the bus;- ness of the evening. The churc h property at Currinsville which is no longer used, is to be sold and L. Hale, whose farm adjoins, is the prospective purchaser. Fourth Lyceum Number On page f> will be found an in­ teresting story of Stanley Nelson Dancey who will lecture here on Wednesday night in the school auditorium. He comes highly recommended as one who is ex­ ceptionally well worth hearing.