OUR SLOGAN: KEEP Community Cooperation YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! tmt CttlarkamaB Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 14, i N umber 18 E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J anuary 20, 1021 WAR FILMS MAKE DEEP IMPRESSION I. O. O. F. Installs Last Saturday night. District Ivan Lacey and Vernon Keller Deputy Grand Master H. S. i motored to Portland on Friday. Jones and suite, consisting of Mrs. John Killer and son Mel­ Chas. Hicinbothom, I). D. G. M; vin made a trip to Portland on E. McConnel, D. D. G. W.; E. Thursday. Day, D. D. G. S .; C. Kitching, The annual telephone «meet­ D. D. G. T.; J. K. Ely. D. D. ing of the DodgeTelephone Co. G. C., installed the elected and was held at the school hot'ise on appointed officers of Estacada Monday evening. Lodge, No. 175, I. O. O. F., into The pupils in the school are their respective chairs as follows: taking up tne Health Crusade N. G.—R. L. Githens work and are showing, a very V. G.—H. L. McKinney. great interest in it. Sec.—J. G. Hayman. i Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kaake and Treas.—B, F. Bullard. family spent Sunday at the G. Warden—G. Walker. H. Keller home. We are glad Conductor—W. Gilgan. to know that Mrs. Kaaxe is able 1. G.—E. Day. to be about on crutches. O. G.—G. Linn. The Fred Horner and Harold R. S. N. G.—H. S. Jones. Horner families and Rosa fen L. S. N. G.—G. Lawrence. Eyck went to Meadow brook on R. S. V. G. —F. Brown, Saturday to attend a concert L. S. V. C .-H . Gilgan. given at the Meadowbrook school R. S. S.—A. Hawkins. house. Fred and Harold Horner L. S. S.—C. Kitching. were engaged to sing solos and Chap.—F. Bartholomew. also to sing in the Meadowbrook After the installation cere­ male quartet. While there they monies, short talks and social in­ were all guests of the Chindgren tercourse were indulged in, ex- family. hibing the true fraternal spirit. The Carl Douglass Post de­ serves thanks for bringing here the war films taken at the front. These must be seen to get an idea of their educational value, so the writer will just record some im­ pressions derived therefrom. 1st: The bewildering complex­ ity of modern warfare and its astonishing development in re­ cent years. 2nd: The magnitude of its scope and operations. 3rd: The high order of inven­ tive genius it calls into play, for devising means of destruction. 4th: The wonderful system by which the operations are con­ ducted and supervised. 5th: The high morale among the men which was developed and maintained. 6:h: The tremendous waste and destructiveness of war. 7th: That it was a high privi­ lege to have taken part in it. 8th: That war is a breeder of future wars. The vanquished are imbued with an overwhelm­ ing desire for revenge. 9th: That the paramount duty of every nation is to maintain peace, and the stronger ii is, the greater the obligation. 10th: That to wantonly bring about war is a most heinous sin. 11th: That it is absolutely necessary to be adequately pre­ pared for seif protection. 12th: That the next great war will be ten fold worse as both air and submarine operations will be vastly increased. GOD SAVE AMERICA! 4 P atriotic S erv ice The union service under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. last Sunday evening in the Christian church, was in honor of the com­ pletion of the first year of na­ tional prohibition. An interest­ ing program was presented in which the children took part. One striking feature was “The Appeal of Nations” by Misses Carrie Hannah, Irene Saling, Helen Wooster, Neva Clute, No­ va Smith and Lydia Matson rep­ resenting respectively, Japan, China, India, Turkey, France and Sweeden. Four appropri­ ate addresses were delivered by the mayor, the editor, the school superintendent and the pastor of the church. N ew T ailor S h op Dan Quinlan, of Portland, an experienced tailor, has opened a tailor shop in the Odd Fellows’ building, for cleaning, pressing and altering suits. He will also do dress making. This will be very grat¡tying to our people, as a shop of this kind is badly need­ ed, and we bespeak for him a liberal patronaje. D o d g e N ew s C hicken S u p p er ! Next Tuesday evening, Jan. 25 the Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church will serve a chicken din­ ner in the church basement. It will be served in cafeteria »tyle at 5:30 p. m. Come early ar\d get a pick from the clothes’ line at 10 and 25 cents a pick. G ran ge Installation Eagle Creek Grange held its regular session at the Grange hall last Saturday with 54 pa­ tron 13 visitors and 15 children present, A very interesting meeting was held and a fine pro­ gram rendered during the after­ noon. W. H. Holder was pres­ ent and with the assistance of M. C. Glover and Bina Douglass, installed the following officers: Master, H. M. Duus: overseer, I). E. McConnell; steward, Mil­ lard Trullinger; assistant stew­ ard, Elmer Anderson; chaplain, Mrs. Mae Phillips; treasurer, H. H. Hoffmeister; gale-keeper, F. W. Bates; Ceres, Mrs. Louise Douglass; Pomona, Mrs. Mollie Bates; Flora, Mrs. Linda Hoff- meister; lady assittant steward, Mrs. Audrey Duus. T hrift W ee k Monday-was the birthday of BenjaminJ*Tankli*, and it fitting­ ly ushere