Page Eight EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S publication la of dale the 3d day of February, 1921. McGUIRK & SCHNEIDER. Miss Mildred Douglas is ill In (he Circuit Court of the State of Attorneys for Plaintiff. Oregon, for the County of Clack­ with the measles. 203-5 Withrow Bldg., Gresham, Ore amas. Mr. Akers has rented the Har­ Frank J. Seidl, Plaintiff vs. Thomas f on’ a" d 609*15 Fenton Bld* - Port- vey Gibson place. Patrick Danehy, sometimes known |lan<1, Oregon, as Thomas Patrick Donahue, Harry Wayne Doutrlas, of the Dalles, Danehy, sometimes known as Harry Notice To Creditors was recently a guest of relatives Donahue, John Danehy, sometimes In the County Court o f the State o f down this way. known as John Donahue, Thomas Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Danehy, sometimes known as Mr. Hayden, with the assist­ Thomas Donahue, and William In the matter of the estate of Sophia ance of Mr. Renstrom, has been Danehy, sometimes known as W il­ C. Stone, deceased. busy hewing out some ties. liam Donahue. Notice is hereby given that the un­ To John Danehy, sometimes known dersigned have been appointed execu­ Mr. and Mrs. John Parks were as John Donahue, Harry Danehy, the dinner gusets of Mr. and sometimes known as Harry Donahue, trix' of the Last Will and Testament Mrs. H. H. Udell, Sunday. and Thomas Danehy, sometimes and of the Estate o f Sophia C. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson known as Thomas Donahue and also deceased, by the County Court of the other persons or parties unknown State of Oiegon for the County of and Mrs. Katie Douglas were the all claiming any right, title, estate, lien dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. or interest in the real property de­ Clackamas, and have qualified. All Ray Woodleon Sunday. scribed in the complaint herein, De­ persons having claims against said es­ tate are hereby notifiad to present T. E. McKay, H S Gibson. fendants In the name of the State of Ore­ Walter Douglas, Henry Udell gon you and each of you are hereby same duly verified as by law required, and R. B. Gibson, were business required to appear and answer the to the undersigned, at the office o f Mc- visitors to Oregon City, last Sat complaint of plaintiff filed against •Juirk & Schneider, Gresham, Oregon, you in the above entitled suit on or within six months from the date here­ urdav. before six weeks from the 23d day of Will Douglas and Dave Hoff- December, 1920, the date of the first of. A lma E lizabeth S tone . meister went covote-hunting the publication of this Summons, to-wit: E llen S ophia S tone . other day, but failed to find Mr. Appear and answ-er on or before the 3d day of February, 1921, said date MCGUIKK & SCHNEIDEB, Covote. Discovered his tracks, being the expiration of six weeks Attorneys. was all. from the date of the first publication Dated and first published, December j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglas of this Summons and if you fail to so 30th, 1920. and answer for want, thereof, and daughters, Mildred and appear the plaintiff will apply to the Court Date o f last publication, January Florice, were recently guests at for the relief prayed for in his com­ 27th, 1921. the home of the latter's sister,' plaint filed herein, to-wit: For a decree of this Court reform­ Notice of Stock Mrs. N. L. Kirchens. of Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas en­ ing and correcting the description set Running at Large forth in that certain deed from Thom­ tertained at dinner on Sunday, as Danehy to Julia Danehy, recorded WHEREAS at the General Election Mr- and Mrs. G. Moehnke. Mr. in Book 137, Page 322 of the Records and Mrs. Geo. Priester and chil­ of Deeds for Clackamas County, State held November 2, 1920, in CARVER, dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar of Oregon to read as follows, to-wit: SPRING WATER, UNION, VIOLA Tlie South one-half ( % ) of the and WEST LINN No. 1 precincts, in Benson and children. Southwest one-fourth ( >4 ) of the the COUNTY o f Clackamas, State of Mr. and Mrs. E. Naglor very Northeast one-fourth ( V* ) and the Oregon, a vote was taken for and pleasantly entertained Mr. and South one-half of the North one-h;.. against stock running at large in the Mrs. Will Douglas and Mr. and of the said Southwest one-fourth ( % ) above named precincta, and said vote of the said Northeast one-fourth ( % ) resulted in a majority o f votes being Mrs. Ray Woodle last Friday 1 of Section 24, together witli the 1(5% against stock running at large in evening. Mr. Naylor has a new foot road strip on the West side of cast said precincts said described Real Property con­ cabinet Edison phonograph. THEREFORE, in accordance with veyed herein, all in Township 1, On New Year’s Eve, Mr. und South of Range 3 East of the Wil the Statute in such cases made and Mrs. Will Douglas were very j lamette Meridian, containing Thirty provioed, it shall be unlawiul, sixty after the date of this notice, for agreeably surprised when about 11,1(1 five-eighths ( 3 o - % ) acres more days stock to run at large in the above forty-one of their triends and <>r le8S- named precincts un >er penalty o f $10.00 neighbors gathered at their home , l?°F,*.*, ,nrth‘‘r decree that the for the first offense and $20.00 for each and every subsequent offense, to be re­ and h.ld a Wdtch-pRrtV watch- owner ill fee-simple of the following covered from the owner of the stock. ing the old year out and the new described real property, to-wit: Dated at Oregon Ci*.y, Oregon, ypar in. Everyone had a good 1 The South one-half ( % ) of the December 29, 1920. j Southwest one-fourth ( Vi ) of the time. F red A. M iller , Northeast one-fourth ( Vi ) and the 1-6-13-20 County Clerk. South one-half ( Vi ) of the North DODGE NEWS one-half of the said Southwest one- V IO L A » i , *___ • i - . . . iourin e sam fourth oi of m the said Northeast one- About four inches of snow fe ll , fourth ( ) of Section 34, together Mrs. B. Clarke’s bahy who has here during Saturday and Sun- "R h the it>% foot road strip on the | West side of said described Real been ill is improving. day. Property conveyed herein, all in Township One ( i ) South of Range Wm. Hicinbotham has moved Miss Mabel Keller spent Sun­ Three (3 ) East of the W illam ettei his family to Gopher Valley. day evening at the Fred Horner Meridian, containing ( 3 0 - %) Thirty Mrs. Nora Mattoon with her and five-eighths acres more or less; home. and also the North one-half ( % ) of two children has returned to Vi- Will Kaake and Clarence Jllbb the North one-half ( %) of the South- , , n made an extended trip to Port- ! we8‘ one-fourth t % ) of the North- ola after a short visit to Oregon east one-fourth ( V4 ) of Section 34, City. land last week. Township one (1 ) South of Range High water for a week or more Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle, from Three (3 ) East of the Willamette UPPER EAGLE CREEK SUM M ONS Redland, arc also new comers to :'!r!!,diaJ1; contninln* Ten acres has inteorupted the travel be­ the Kaake & Jubb lumber camp more or less That the defendants have no es­ tween here and Oregon City and where Mr. Hinkle is employed. tate or interest therein nor lien there­ Redland was cut off from mail. David Horner and Mr. and on. and that the defendants have no Viola has had a siege of sick­ Mrs. Fred Horner and family claim in or to said real property, and defendants and each of them be ness, not one family having es­ and Rosa B. Ten Eyck were Sun­ that perpetually enjoined and barred day callers at the G. W. Keller trom setting up or claiming any such | caped, but we are glad to re­ estate, interest or Hen and that' port thai everyone is on the home, Mr. and Mrs Cummings and : ¡¡utu'^índlet «/‘r ^ t h a * plahiUff mend again family I rom Rouland have moved recover his costs and disbursements Me and miri Mrs. I Mr. Robert Mattoon , . ~ . to the Kaake *Kr Jubb lumber I herein and for such other and fur-, . Cummins is ' ., , rt A1 u8 mRV b*‘ Just and equit- returned to Oregon City after camp where M r . ................... .. i able in the premises. helping employed. i _... . . , spending - - two weeks hare -------- ~ S. W . Benjamin returned home, by publi eaUon° t h e reo f bV*a 11°order o'f to take care of their son Ken- Thnrsday from Canada w here : the Hon. 11. s. Anderson. Judge, for neth, who has been ill with ty- lie has been visiting relatives ••liter* (1 on t he 1 3 th day o f Decern- I P ” ® p n e u m o n i & . for the past three weeks. Mr. her. 1920, di r ec ti ng such p u b l i c a t i o n 1 Fred Burcher, of California, is Benjamin says that he had trav­ a ' ISlt among relatives, eled over fifteen hundred miles Weekl y Newspaper o f general clrcu- j latlon in the County of Clackamas. He is Grandpa Miller’s grand- while away and he declared thsit S m i e of O i e g o n , o nce each w ee k tor „ „ „ „ „ 1 « , . , . the road between Estacada and sir consecutive weeks. i son *nd Viola was his home when Dodge w as the worst he had T h e t.rst p ubl ic at i on is of t he .late a small lad until he went to Cali- seen. of December 23. 1920 , and the last fornia with his parents. Thursday January 13, 1921 PROFESSISI CARDS DR. R. G R A H A M M cCALL Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: Over Estacada State Bank Local and Long-Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long rin f. Dr. L. A . W ells Dentist ESTACADA -:- OREGON Dr. R. Morse PHYSICIAN and SURGEON - -: O ffice and R esidence :- 2 nd and M ain S trets Telephone Connection Estacada_________ j : _____________ 0 r e g ° n Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate vmicago Musical College. • PIPE .ORGAN AND PIANO. 10 Years Teaching Experience. E. W . B A R T L E T T Attorney-at-law and Notary Public Estacada. -:- Oregon G E O R G E POINTER Painter and Paper Hanger ... TIN TIN G ... Furniture Refinishing ar.d Enameling Leave orders at Davis’ Confectionery ESTACADA. OREGON. Wc Sell and TradeJieal Estate Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages Rent your Property • Write Insi ranee In the very best Companies. We CAN GET YOU RESULTS S. E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacada O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, -:- Oregon Gresham 517. Broadway 32 M cG U IR K & SCH NEIDER Attorrey» at Law. At Gresham Office—Tuesdays, 'ihurfdavs srd Saturdays, 203-5 Withrow Building Portland Office—609-15 Fenton Bldg. Fire Insurance London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our fire proof vault free of charge. Estacada State Bank Agents