Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 13, 1921, Image 1

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ON E S T A C A D A !
Community Cooperation
astern (Ularkatnaa N rut®
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 14,
N umber 17
The council meeting: last Tues­
day night, evoked a great deal of
interest, as the question of clos­
ing public dances at midnight,
was to be decided. In order to
accommodate the unusual attend­
ance. it took place in the audi­
torium of the High School. Both
sides were well represented the
local post of ‘the Amenican Le­
gion and the Artisans being the
chief opponents. All the council-
men were present. The discus­
sion waxed warm. The princi­
pal speakers against the measure
were R. Ludlow, Dr. McCall and
Sylvester Lawrence, while Mrs.
Ida Holder. Supt. F. E. Burns,
Rev. J. C. Dunlop supported it.
In the heat of argument some
verbal castigation was delivered
by the opponents to the propo­
nents. When the vote of the
council w’as taken, four voted
for it and one against. Then
the Carl Douglas Post rose mag­
nificently to the occasion and
publicly declared that it submit-
to the judgment of the council
and would obey the law, and
even close the dance scheduled
for the 22d at midnight, altho
the law would not be in effect at
that time. It also apologized for
any ill advised remarks made in
the heat of the moment This
declaration and apology are pub­
lished on this page, in another
column. We predict by so doing
the Post has established itself in
the community, and will not fail
for enthusiastic support when­
ever it needs it. It was a fine
example of loyalty and worthy of
the name “American Legion.”
If it lost its point it carried off
J u d g e W o o ster
S. E. Wooster who was elected
justice of the peace at the last
election for district No. 14, has
qualified and is ready to function
in that office.
The state legislature is now on
with ninety members and plenty
of work ahead of it.
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J anuary 13, 1921
A n A p o lo g y
S p rin g w a ter N ew s
In the last issue of this paper
appeared a resolution adopted by
the American Legion Post of Es­
tacada, as being opposed to any
action by the city council in clos­
ing the all night dances. Since
then, in the good judgment of
the city council an ordinance was
passed closing all public dances
at midnight, the American Le­
gion wishes to assure the public
and the city council that this or­
ganization will bend every effort
to help enforce this measure.
The American Legion also de­
sires publicly to apologize for
statements made in the heat of
debate, relating to some of the
citizens and organizations of this
community, particularly
th e
the churches and the Rev. J. F.
Dunlop. It also wishes to be un­
derstood that it fully appreciates
ánd recognizes the invaluable
services of some of the men in
this community during the war,
believing that their part was
fully as worthy and important as
that of the men in uniform.
We wish to thank the commu­
nity for their expressions of co­
operation at this time. And also
add that our dance on the eve­
ning of the 22nd shall be closed
at midnight in compliance with
the action of the council.
The above redounds great cred­
it to the Carl Douglass Post and
will serve to strengthen the es­
teem it enjoys in the community.
By cheerful compliance with the
law its members set a most nota­
ble example to all.—Ed. N ew s .
The two children of Mrs. Eth­
el Julian are down with measles.
The Neighborly club met with
Mrs. George Guthridge on Wed­
nesday, Jan. 12.
Dr. Wallens is patiently wait­
ing for a certain Estacailan to
fix his chimneys.
H. L. Patterson and Marion
of Logan, were seen in
Springwater Monday.
There has been a light form
of flu going around the commu­
nity the past two weeks.
The latest freight delivery to
Springwater and Portland. Arch
Howell and his new truck.
What in “ heck” is the matter
with the financial committee of
the Estacada chautauqua? I
want mine. Dr. Wallens.
New arrivals on Tuesday to
the Rhodes and Carpenter farm
as care takers, were Mr. and Mrs.
Christensen from P o r t l a n d .
Christensens on each side of the
road but no relation.
The new officers elected and
installed at the Springwater
Grange, No. 263, on Saturday,
Jan. 8, 1921, are as follows:
Master, Mrs. Grable; overseer,
Peter Erickson; lecturer, L. S.
Tenny: steward. W. W. Chris­
tensen; assistant steward, Ever­
ett Shibley; chaplain, Mrs. J.
F. Moger; treasurer, E. Closner;
secretary, Mrs. T. McAuley:
gate keeper, J. M. Forbes; Ceres,
Mrs. Closner; Pomona, Mrs.
Erickson; Flora, Mrs. Mary Shib­
ley; lady assistant steward, Elva
Shibley. The following resolu­
tion was passed: Springwater
Grange No. 263. at its regular
meeting on Jan. 8, 1921: Re­
solved: That the Grange go on
record as being opposed to the
county division and j o i n i n g
Multnomah county. Resolution
unanimously carried.
R eb ek a h Installation
At the regular meeting last
night of the Rebekah lodge, the
following officers were installed:
N. G., Jennie Kreiger: V. G.,
Val Cary; secretary, Mary Es-
chleman; treasurer. Audrey Linn;
chaplain, Mae Kitching; warden,
Dora Herring; conductor. Myr­
tle McWillis; I. G.. Allie Mc-
Kinny; 0. G., Clara Hicinbothan;
R. S. N. G., Dorris Lovel; L. S.
N. G., Agatha Githens; R. S. V.
G., Mary Posson; L. S. V. G.,
Mary Smith. District Deputy
Dorris Lovell was the installing
officer. After the installation
light refreshments were served.
How many days will it be, be­
fore we write it, Estacada, Mult­
nomah county? -
It is as necessary to have a
good listener as a good preacher
for the proper effect of a sermon.
$1.50 P er Y ear
The Carl Douglas Post is to be
congratulated on its enterprise
in proeming a set of war pict­
ures which have never been
shown in public in the state.
Estacada will thus be favored
above larger towns and commu­
nities. These films contain 5,000
feet and are the selected clip­
pings out of a million feet. They
were taken by the U. S. Signal
corps on the battle fronts in
France and are no faked up
productions. Actual occurences
will be seen in these films en­
titled, “ Flashes of Action,” and
an idea of what warfare is in
reality, will be gained as is im­
possible from mere description.
Remember the date, Friday,
Jan. 18, at 3:30 p. m. and 7 and
9. Admission 50 and 25 cents.
B asket Ball M atch
Salem High defeated the Es-
tacada quintet for the se^pnd
time, on the Estacada floor Wed-
nesday night. The boys did not
get into the game on their home
f floor as they did at Salem. The
game at Salem resulted in a
score of 27 20 in favor of Salem
and the score last night was
31—16 in favor of the visitors.
We can not judge the gam«* by
the score alone, for Salem High
has turned out championship
teams for several years past
and has the same expectations
this year. We are only too
proud and it is an honor, that
Estacada High can compete
with such schools. The boys de­
serve all the praise we can be­
stow upon them and many
victories are in sight before *6*
end of the season.
E vangelistic
M eetin gs
At Barton, Ore., school house.
Meetings opened Sunday, Janu­
ary 2nd, 1921. Meetings daily
at 7:30 p. m., and Sunday, Sun­
day school at 10 o'clock a. m.,
preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m., by Evangelist Harrv C.
Steers, assisted by song leader,
Chas. H. Weir.