Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 06, 1921, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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New Year Home Coming
Thursday January 6, 1921
publication is of d a te the 3d day of
F e b ru a ry , 1921.
A ttorneys for Plaintiff.
203-5 W ithrow Bldg., G resham , O re­
gon, and 609-15 F e n to n Bldg., P o r t­
land, Oregon.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. In th e C ircuit C o u rt of th e S tate of
Oregon, for the C ounty of Clack­
Wm. Dale was the scene of a amas.
happy New Year gathering last F r a n k J. Seidl, Plaintiff vs. T hom as
P a tric k D anehy, som etim es know n
Sunday, when they sat down to as
T hom as P a tric k D onahue, H a rry
a turkey dinner and all the other Danehy, som etim es know n as H a rry
Notice To Creditors
Donahue, J o h n D anehy, som etim es In the County Court of the S ta te of
good things which usually makes
know n as J o h n D onahue, T hom as
up a repast of this kind, sur­ Danehy, som etim es know n as Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
T h o m as D onahue, a n a W illiam In the m a tte r of the es ta te of Sophia
rounded by their children, Dr.
Danehy, som etim es know n as W il­
C. Stone, deceased.
and Mrs Will Dale, of Portland;
liam Donahue.
Notice is hereby given th a t the un-
Mrs. J. E. Stubbs and son, of To J o h n Danehy, som etim es know n dersigned have been appointed execu-
as J o h n Donahue, H a r r y Danehy,
Gresham; Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. som
etim es know n as H a r r y Donahue, I *r *x
*he Last Will and T estam en t
Smith and children and McColly and T hom as Danehy, som etim es and of the E state o f Sophia C. Stone,
Hale, of t . Estacada; E. Gill, of I i r * o th
! e “ r portion» o r p arties u n know n I d*'e“
ed' O by
th<! Co»"‘y c°urt the
,, .
~ ta j e
legon fo r the County of
Dufur, Oregon, an old friend, claim ing any rig h t, title, estate, lien _.
, ,
J . ..
u t.w ftk n c n e n fth e o ,.^
w a s a i s u u n c u i u i e x u c bl s .
or in te re s t in th e real p roperty de-
I scribed in th e co m p lain t herein, De-
fe n d a n ts:
G arfield G range Notes
In the nam e of th e S ta te of O re­
On New Years day, County gon you and each of you are hereby
req u ire d to a p p e a r and a n sw e r the
Deputy Matt Glover, of Eagle com plaint of plaintiff filed ag a in st
Creek, assisted by H. B. Davis you in th e above e n title d su it on or
before six weeks from th e 23d day of
and Mrs. Rena Duncan of Gar­ December, 1920, the d ate of the first
field, installed the officers for publication of this Sum m ons, to-w it:
A ppear and a n s w e r on o r before the
the ensuing year, Master, C. 3d day of F e b ru a ry , 1921, said d a te
H. Duncan; overseer, W. S. 1'a- being th e ex p iratio n of six weeks
from th e date of the first publication
vison: lecturer, Mrs. Davison; of this S um m ons and if you fail to so
a p p e a r and a n s w e r for w ant, thereof,
secretary, Mrs. H. B. Davis.
the plaintiff will apply to th e C ourt
1 here were fifty members for th e relief prayed for in his corn-
present and seven visitors, be­ p la in t filed herein , to-w it:
r a decree of this C o u rt re f o r m ­
sides children and outsiders. ing F o and
co rrectin g th e description set
Over a hundred sat down to a forth in th a t c ertain deed from T h o m ­
Danehy to J u lia Danehy, recorded
splendid dinner. Garfield Gri ng .* as
in Book 137, P age 322 of th e Records
lias nearly doubled in member­ of Deed i for C lackam as County, S tate
ship in the last year and the ot Oregon to re a d as follows, to-w it:
T he S outh o n e-h alf ( % ) of th e
outlook for 1921 under the lead­ S outhw est o n e -fo u rth ( % ) of th e
ership of the new Master is fine. N o rth e a st o n e -fo u rth ( % ) and the
South one-half of th e N orth one-hi>.
Watch us grow!
of th e said S o u th w est o n e-fo u rth ( *4 )
of th e said N o rth e a s t o n e -fo u rth ( t4 )
W hat M ay R esu lt
of Section 34, to g e th e r with th e 16%
road s tr ip on th e W est side of
If county division is effected foot
said described Real P ro p e rty con­
and Gladstone is included, it will* veyed herein, all in T ow nship 1,
of R ange 3 E a s t of the W il­
cause an official shakeup. as in South
la m e tte M eridian, co n tain in g T h irty
the seceding section are, Thom­ and five-eighths ( 3 0 - % ) acres m ore
as F. Ryan, state senator; Har- or less.
• j
t :
I,’or a further decree that the
voy E. (. TOSS, county judge; J. j plaintiff is the absolute and exclusive
G. Noe, county recorder; Bren-' ‘!w n e r , in. D'e-simpic of the following
. . . .
. .
, | described real property, to-wit:
ton Vedder, countv superintend­ T he South o n e-h alf ( % 1 of th e
ent of schools; Fred A. Miller, S o u th w est o n e -fo u rth ( % ) of th e
o rth e a st o n e -fo u rth ( % ) and th e
c unty clerk; W. A. Proctor, N
South o n e-h alf ( % 1 of th e N orth
county commissioner; F. D. one-half of th e said S o u th w est one-
u rth of th e said N o rth e a s t one-
Shanks, representative; William fo
fourth ( >4 ) of Section 34, to g e th e r
B. Cook, county assessor; Don I with th e 16% foot road s tr ip on th e
T. Meld rum, county assessor. West side of said described Real i
In s d d i t i o n t h e r e a r e a number P ro p e rty conveyed h erein , all in
of deputies and clerks in the va- ¡T o w n sh ip One (1) South of Range
Physician and Surgeon
OFFICE: Over Estacada State Bank
Local and Long-Distance Telephone
The doctor’s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring.
Dr. L. A. Well»
Clackamas, and have qualified.
persons having claims against said es-
ta te are hereby notifiad to p r e s e n t
same duly verified as by law required,
to the undersigned, a t the office of Mc-
Guirk & Schneider, Gresham, Oregon,
within six months from the date here­
A lma E lizabeth S tone .
E llen S ophia S tone .
A ttorneys.
Dated and first published, D e c e m b e r!
30th, 1920.
D ate of last publication, January
27th, 1921.
Dr. R. Morse
-: O ffice and R esidence
2 nd and M ain S trets
Telephone Connection
a s a a m
s M
^__________ ° reg°n
■ ■ ■ ■ mmm
Mrs. R. Graham McCall
Graduate, vmicago Musical
Notice of Stock
Running at Large
W H E R E A S a t the General Election
held November 2, 1920, in CARVER,
and W E S T LIN N No. 1 precincts, in
the COUNTY of Clackamas, S ta te of
Oregon, a vote w as taken for and
against stock running a t large in the
above named precincts, and said vote
resulted in a majority of votes being
cast ag ain st stock running a t large in
said precincts
T H E R E F O R E , in accordance with
the S ta tu te in such cases made and
provioed, it shall be unlaw I ul, sixty
days a f te r the date of this notice, for
stock to run a t large in the above
named precincts un Je r penalty o f $10.00
for the first offense and $20.00 for each
and every subsequent offense, to be re ­
covered from the ow ner of the stock.
D ated a t Oregon
City, Oregon,
December 29, 1920.
F red A. M iller ,
County Clerk.
Y ears
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public
Painter and Paper Hanger
... TINTING ...
Furniture Refinishing and Enameling
Leave orders a t D avis’ Confectionery
We Sell and Trade Real Estate
Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages
Rent your Property • Write lnsirar.ee
In the very best Companies.
Raymond DeShazer was calling
on Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim Sunday
Mrs- Shaw and Olive were en­
HO IS n u t . u . i lin g til t i l l I t * I M eridian, c o n ta in in g ( 3 0 - % ) T h irty tertained New Years day by
litory north of the Clackamas a n d live-eighths acres m ore o r less; relatives at Newburg.
river who w o u ld he affected, and also the N orth o n e-h alf ( ^ ) of
A n d Iasi a n d le a s t t h e E a s t e r n I ttie N orth one-half i
) of th e S outh- _ Mr. and Mrs. John
. . ., Parks . of
< Tirkamas
N o r t h - 1 Eagle Creek attended the Christ-
i . i Kamas in » u . will navi to t,.1K( on4 fourth i i 1,1 Section 34 , mas program Christmas eve.
change <ts name.
T ow nship one (1 ) S outh of R ange
T h ree ( | ) K: im of the W illa m e tte _ Mr. and
, Mrs. Akin returned
. .. to
M eridian, c o n ta in in g Ten (10) acres 1 Dover after spending the 110 I 1 -
m ore o r less.
days with friends in Portland.
School has opened again after
T h at th e d e fe n d a n ts have no es­
The Christmas entertainment
a week’s vacation for the holi- ta te o r Interest th e re in n o r lien t h e r e ­ held in the church Christmas
o f . and th a t th e d e fe n d a n ts have no
. ..
„ rv
.claim in o r to said real p ro p erty , and eve, was well attended and en­
Walter A lt Ot rirwood, spent 1 that d e fe n d a n ts and each of them be joyed by all.
the week-end at the G. W. Kel­ p erp etu ally en jo in e d an d b a rre d
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kitzmil-
fro m s e ttin g up o r claim in g any such
ler home.
estnte, in terest o r lien and th a t I lei* spent the holidays with Mrs.
Mrs. Charles Colson and chil plaintiff's title th« reto be forever Kitzmiller’s parents, Mr. and
d r e n were visiting in Oregon quieted a n d set at rest; th a t plaintiff Mrs Joseph DeShazer.
C'itv l a s t w e e k
recover his costs and d is b u rsem en t«
\ 1 ,
, * ,
. .. ,
1 u>
and . , Hugh
... ia>i » \ve»K.
. I . 1 , ,,
, ..herein ........
and . for
other and . fur-
Miss Mabel Keller attended ther relief as may be just and equit- Mrs. Guthrie’s brother and wife,
the Community Club program at able in the premises.
Mr. and Mrs. Road cape of Port­
Estacada New Years eve.
This summ ons Is served upon you
^ n . , . . ta
j • i by publication thereof by an order of land for a few days the past
/f V
c \
,y»-k attended ,jle u on> h g Anderson, Judge, for week.
tin* Oregon Mate teachers As- the above entitled iCourt made and Died—At Dover, Friday. Dec.
sociation in Portland during the entered on the 13th day of Decera- 24. 1920. Earnest Evans, aged
bor. 1920, directing such publication
The deceased leaves a
in the Eastern ('lncknmas News, a 39 years.
David Horner and Mr. and Mrs. : Weekly Newspaper of general c ir c u - 1 father, mother, two brothers
Fred Horner and children spent ,a,‘011 ,n ,l**’ County of Clnckamas, I antj one sjster Rev. Cotton of
N e w Y e a rs .lay w ith Mr. and S T ' io n U im u T ' ' , ° X ' “ ‘h * ” k ,or j Pleasant H om e conducted the
Mrs. Harold H o rn e r o f Spring- Th„
is „ r
! funeral services at the home and
of December 2 1 , 192«. and the last ' at the Sandv cemetery.
General Practice
Oregon City,
Confidential Adviser
Gresham 517.
Broadway 32
Attcrreys at Law.
A t G reshrm Office- Tuesdays, ih u rsd av s s r d
Saturdays, 203-5 Withrow Building
Portland Office—609-15 Fenton Bldg.
Fire Insurance
London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.
Great American Fire Ins. Co.
Keep your policy in
our fire proof vault
free of charge.
Estacada State Bank