Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, January 06, 1921, Image 10

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Simple Method by Which Lover s of
S w ee t Odors May G r a C ’ y Their
Olfactory Sense.
Few people know how easy It la
to capture the fragrance of real flow­
ers. The liiMt step In the plan Is
to proeiire a glass funnel.
small end of this Instead of opening
should he drawn out to a flue point
Stone means must he adopted to main
tain the funnel In an upright position
A little stand made of wooden up
rights and wire Is shown in the illus­
tration. Any kinds of highly scented
flowers, such as roses, may he gath
ered ; these should he in fresh condi­
tion ns, Just after opening, the fra­
grance is at its hest. Place these in
a vase tilled with water so that they
will not wither. Now get some ice
and'crush this Into small fragments.
thorough flushing agent that does
OU probably know that af­
not contaminate the fresh oil.
ter a few weeks of driving
your lubricating oil becomes dirty Our skilled mechanics know
with carbon, 1 road dust and fine
how to clean ou t a crankcase with
particles of metal, which circulate
it correctly and quickly, at a nom­
through your engine and cause
inal cost to you.
unnecessary wear on bearing
This service assures proper lu­
surfaces. And gasoline escapes
brication for your cleaned engine.
past the pistons and dilutes the
W e refill the crankcase with fresh
oil. Granted.There’s nothing new
Zerolene of the correct grade.
about that—but—
T O D A Y : Bring in your car
for Modem Crankcase Cleaning
Modern,—because w e use Calol
Flushing Oil, the new, scientific,
o m y tor a Moment Did Mlsunderv
standing Disturb the Happiness
of the F a i r Belinda.
Cascade Garage,
O R EG O N .
For seventeen minutes by the clock
thev had been engaged, and during the
first fourteen-sev­
enteenths of that
time Boh and Be­
linda had called
each other two
hundred and for­
ty-seven endearing
names—all differ­
ent. But for the
Inst three-seven­
teenths of that period there had been
a proud and sorrowful look upon Be­
linda's face, calculated to wither all
thoughts—even of orange blossoms.
The young man plunged his hands
wildly through his locks.
"I can't Imagine, dear," he said sad­
ly. “what has come over you so sud­
denly. I simply asked If you were ro­
mantic, when—"
“Oh. Bob! Forgive me, dear!" ex­
claimed Belinda, ensting her arms afW
fectionately about his neck. “ I thought
you asked tne If I was rheumatic!”
using, it to till up the glass funnel. At
the same time place some receptacle
under the funnel. Sprinkle salt on
the ice and then move the flowers and
the funnel inro close proximity.
After a while It will be seen that
the moisture from the atmosphere is
condensed on the outside of the funnel,
the surface of which is chilled by the
Ice. The ethereal odor of the flowers
combines with this liquid which slow­
ly trickles down by drops Into the re­
ceptacle. When a sufficient quantity
Is secured this may he mixed with
about an equal quantity of pure alco­
hol. The mixture should then he placed
In bottles, when it will keep for an in­
definite time. In this way all kinds
of flower perfume may be captured
with »he greatest ease.
W e reco m m en d M o d e rn
Crankcase Cleaning Service as
the latest word for better engine
operation and longer life for your
Here’s an absolutely new w a y
to get rid of this dirty, diluted oil
and put your engine in line for
better performance and longer
life. It is called Modem Crank­
case Cleaning Service.
for the
ror the protection and greater ease
of deaf persons In Holland, a society
devoted to their Interests has Intro­
duced a distinctive button to be worn
by those afflicted, says Popular Me­
chanics Magazine. A small white disk
Is bisected by a vertical red strtj>e, the
white ground at the sides hearing the
letters “ S" and “il,” Initials of the
words "bad hearing" In the Dutch lan­