# I —J O U R SLOGAN: ¿d W • « S À Í ------------------------ -- i i — — - C o m m u n ity C ooperation k 0 V KEEP ON YOUR EYE ESTACADA! torn (fllarkamaH Nrurs Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 14, N umber 16 AMERICAN LEGION PASSES RESOLUTIONS —The Carl Douglass Post No. 74 of the American Legion at its meeting Monday night, passed a series of resolutiors endorsing the following bills which are before congress: 1. The Wason Bill; 2. Steven­ son Bill. 3. Hospitalization Bill; 4. Consolidation Bill; 5. Adjust­ ed Compensation Bill. These are all for the relief of the soldiers and have the ap­ proval of National Legislative Committee of the American Le­ gion. Tbe Post is planning a number of social meetings at which ii - vited speakers wdl make ad­ dresses on interesting topics. The Post wishes it to be under­ stood that it is taking all possi- . ble pains and precautions to see that the dances under its auspi­ ces, are properly conducted and void of offense, and passed the following resolutions in connect­ ion: Whereas: The City Council of Estacada has an ordinance be­ fore it, calling for the abolition of dancing alter midnight and— whereas: The American Le­ gion Post of Estacada feels that through the passage of such an ordinance, would injure the Post financially and socially a:.d — Whereas: The American Le­ gion Post of Estacada has adopt­ ed resolutions asking the passage of an ordinance necessitating minors under 18 to be accompa­ nied by parents or other suita­ ble chaperons. Whereas: The American Le­ gion Post of Estacada assures the public that all dances held under its auspices will be prop­ erly conducted. Then be it Resolved: That Carl Douglas Post. No. 74 go on record as condemning an action bv the City Council prohibiting dancing after midnight. The editor of the N ews sup­ ports the Post in the matter of an ordinance requiring proper chaperonage for minors, a n d commends it for its efforts to »n . sure decent dances under its con^ E stacada , O regon , T hursday , J anuary 6, 1921 trol. The character and con­ County Division. duct of a dance are far more There seems to be a general important than its duration. If i approval in this section, to being it is not properly conducted and set otf from Clackamas county objectionable features allowed, and being made part of Multno­ it should be stopped altogether. mah county. The dividing line The dangers of a public dance proposed is the Clackamas river are not so much in the ball room and all territory north of it to go as outside of it, and parents who to Multnomah. For Estacada, allow their daughters to ride out Portland is the natural objective nights without proper chape­ point rather than Oregon City, rons, whether before or after and for this reason alone the midnight, can blame themselves change will be welcomed. if harm results, Meetings for and against are be­ ing held and the question prom­ r~Obituary. ises to become a warm one in the Anra M ttta Johnson was bom legislature. The issue will de­ in Hanover, Germany, July 25th, pend on the action of Multnomah. 1838, coming to the United States If that county is agreeable, the in 1857. On May 15, 1869, i t measure will probably go through San Francisco, she was married In order to compensate Clack­ to Hans Johnson, a native of amas county for loss of this ter­ Denmark and in the Spring of ritory, it has been proposed that 1872 they moved to Oregon and a portion of Marion county be tcok up a homestead in George, given to it, but this is dubius as To this union were born sever, that county will strongly oppose children, two boys Henry and any cessio/i of its territory- Chriss, who live in George and Now that the question is up and five girls, all of whom are living a strong sentiment in favor of it. in California, viz. Mrs. Anna the NEWS advocates that it be Maddock in Soquel, Mrs. Katie put through, especially as it has White in Alameda, Mrs. Hannah come to the conclusion that there Tassett, in Oakland, Mrs. Marie is too much incompatibility be­ Fuller, in Santa Clara and Mrs. tween the western and eastern Lillie Heck in Richmond. Mrs. portions of the county as it now Johnson passed awav on Tuesday is, for the peace and progress morning Dec. 28, 1920, after an of the latter. illness of three days at the age of 82 years, 5 months and three Midnight Closing of Dances days. The funeral services were The writer was asked Tuesday, conducted in the Presbyterian to sign a petition asking for the church at George, by Rev. J. D. McLennan, of Portland, on Fri­ closing of public »lances at mid­ day afternoon at 2 P. M. In­ night. He declined because he terment was in the George cem­ had not thought the matter out etery. in all its phases and experience has taught him not to be rushed Annexation Meeting into action. The point which H. There was a largely attended C. Stephens made at the Com­ meeting last Monday night in munity Club that Sandy and Es­ the city hall at Milwaukie, when tacada were the only two places annexation of northern Clacka­ in the county which allowed all mas was endorsed by a vote of night dances, settles the ques­ 3 to 1 in favor of it. The main tion for him, especially as on in­ opposition to it comes from San­ quiry he finds this reflects ad­ dy, vand there is also some in versely on the reputation of the Boring and Damascus. H. C. town. He hopes the general Stephens of Estacada was ap­ sentiment of the community will pointed chairman of a committee endorse this movement and leave to draft a bill to present to the to Sandy the odoriferous reputa­ legislature and J. W. Reed has a tion of being the sole town allow­ place on the boundary commit­ tee, as also has Earl Day of ing such license. Springwater. The fight is or, Patronize N ews advertisers. “ Lay on McDuff, etc.’’ $1.50 P er Y ear FINE PROGRAM AI COMMUNITY CLUB The monthly meeting of the Community Club last Friday evening was one of the best it ever had. The 'obby of the Es­ tacada Hotel was crowded, every available seat occupied with many standing. After the meet­ ing was called to order, there was a discussion of road matters and the question of annexation, W. F. Cary making a compre­ hensive report on the matter. There seemed to be unanimous approval and a petition was cir­ culated so those who had not already signed up, might do so. H. C. Stephens spoke on the proposed ordinance for midnight closing of dances and R. S. Lud­ low addressed the meeting on behalf of legislation pending in congress which the American Legion is supporting for the benefit of the soldiers. On mo­ tion of S. Pesznecker, the club was put on record as endorsing the passage of this legislation. After the conclusion of the busi­ ness of the evening, a musical program was rendered by the Meadow Quartette of Dodge, which was enthusiastically re­ ceived. The members of the quartette were Messrs. Fred and Edgar Horner of Dodge .and Messrs. H. H. and Ben Chind- gren of Colton. In addition to their numbers, Miss Vendela Hill of Colton, played some violin solos which proved she was an exceptional performer and her au­ dience s howed its appreciation. A piano solo by Miss FitzlofT of Colton, also caused loud applause and a most deserved encore. Character sketches by A. H. Chindgren were also included in the program and elicited much laughter. Sandwiches ¡and cof­ fee were served and visiting was in order till midnight, whan happy new year greetings were interchanged and the gathering broke up. An editor as well as a minister is supposed to be an oracle but neither as a rule is more so than the other fellows.