EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Mrs. Ida Holder entertained J. K. Petersen of George and J. W. Moore visited the me­ this week Miss Lita Walters of Dorothy Dwyer of Estacada were tropolis yesterday. Grants Pass, and Mrs. Sherman given a license to wed at Van­ Mrs. Stenzel of Po» tland, is a and two children of Salem. couver, Wash., Monday. guest of Mrs. A. E. Sparks. Miss Clara Voyen who taught here last year, visited Mrs. F. F. Burns this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. White of Willows, are visiting Mrs. Ryn- ning the mother of the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Moore at­ WE WISH ALL. OUR PATRONS tended the wedding of the cou­ sin of Mrs. Moore in Portland, yesterday. Mrs. N. S. Laurvy of Waluga, who arrived for the O. E. S. in­ Beef Fore Quarter 10c a Pound, stallation, was the guest of Mrs. A, E. Sparks. Beef Hind Quarter 12c a Pound Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Moore went to Portland Christmas day to attend a family reunion at the M. J. KERKES & Co. home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Richmond, the parents of Mrs. Estacada :: Oregon Hurt Moore. Thursday, Decem ber 30, 1920 The Estacada Meat Co A Happy Prosperous New Year Are Your Dishes Broken? We have a New Shipment of Fine Semi- Porcelain Dishes at Reduced Prices. Come in and see these values : : : : : : : EVERYONE likes HOT BISCUIT these CHILLY DAYS, . . . . And we Offering . . . . are Flour the Barrel at $9.50. Shortening Four-pound Pail 75c Why Pay Ten Cents for a TIN CAN in the ASH BARREL ? We sell the BEST PEABERRY BULK COFFEE OC» Ground or Unground, the p o u n d ........................... W l Come and Pick Out a Satine Petticoat, while they last at $2.25. Heavy All-wool LOGGERS’ SHIRTS, regular $12.00 values, now $8.50 OVERALLS that were $3.25, now $2.25 CHILDREN'S COVERALLS were $1.39 now 98c Also a full line of Rubber Shoes, Boots, Overshoes and Rain-proof Garments of all kinds. Com­ pare Portland or Mail Order Prices with OURS. We follow the market at • • • • The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER C. E. KILGORE Our Motto Is Service. Page Three W. E. Linn was indisposed \ esterday. Ed. Douglass and wife and Hetty .lean, went to Gladstone to spend Christmas at the home of Mrs. Douglass’ mother, Mrs. Hattie ('tester. Mi*, and Mrs. R. ,1. Smith en­ joyed the home coming of their children on Christmas. Those from out of town were Mr. ami Mrs. 1. Hutchings and family of Pleasant Home, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Kelly of Port­ land, the ladies being their daughters; their son R. E. Smith and daughter Laura Smith of Portland and Mildred Kniton, granddaughter, ol Gresham. DIED -At George, Tuesday, December 28. 1920, Mrs. Anna Johnson, aged 81 years, 5 mos. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance FOR SALE Full blood Jersey Cow Fresh good, rich milk. Enquire of H. H. Davie 11-23-80. FOR SALE Universal Range, good baker, fine shape. Inquire at Hauser’s restaurant. WAN TED Some loads of barn yard manure. Gall at N ews ’ office.______________ tl. WANTED A load or two of good, loose oat hay. Phone or w. H Holder, Estacada. It FOR SALE Eight months old boar, a dandy for breeding, price $80.00. Bx. 28, Estacada. It WANTED M 11 k customers Fresh, rich milk delivered daily Inquire at Morgan’s store, o drop order in the postoffiee. G. L. Mendenhall, Box 78, 30 FOR SALE One Durham bull cheap. Charley Merlike, Elwwood, Oregon. 12-23-6 FOR SALE Two heifers, one Holstein, the other Durham, will be fresh in January, or will trade for sheep. J. A. McComb, Rt. 2 ____ 1-6 FOR SALE A Milbum wagon 4 inch tires. Inquire at this of­ fice. Wagon may be seen in the shed back ot the bank. 12-30 RUG WEAVING I am ready to do all kinds of Carpet and Rug weaving at reasonable prices. Orders solicited. Mrs. I. N. Park Rt. 2. it 12-30 LOST A Maxwell automobile tire, between Estacada ana the Kaake - Jubb sawmill. Finder will please notify Wm. Kaake or leave at the N kws office. 12-30-6 LUMBER We have s i xt y thousand feet of one and two inch lumber for sale, price 59.00 at the mill as we wish to change the yard. Park Lumber Co. Estacada, Oregon. 12*80 FORSAKE I acres, mile from Estacada. some improve­ ments. Will take used Ford in part payment, Light Delivery preferred. Matt Park, Estacada. Ore. 1-6