Page Two EASTER N C L A C K A M A S N E W S Store Reopened P. T. A. F. E. Burns went to Portland Wednesday where he will be Mrs. Dave Eshelman and little present at the convention o f the son went to Portland Wednes­ State Teachers’ Association. day morning. J. C, Duus City Tuesday. The former Krigbaum confec­ The Parent-Teacher Associa­ tionery has been reopened for business and carrie« a full line o f j tion will hold their next regular Christmas candies, dolls and meeting January 11th, in the au­ decorations. Call and look them ditorium o f the High School, be­ over. ginning at 7:30 p. m. An inter­ C . A. Kitch esting program is being prepared and a lively discussion is antici­ Miss Isabel Duncan, daughter pated. o f Mrs. James Duncan, who is teaching school at Stanfield in Eastern Oregon, was home for Mrs. N. L. Kirchem o f Logan, Christmas. She left Wednesday entertained at Christmas Mrs. morning to attend the conven­ J. C. I)uus, E. A. Duus and tion o f the State Teachers’ As­ family, John and Vernie Duus sociation in Portland. and Walter Douglass and family. The 2-Mc Grocery HAS NOT WISHED YOU A MERRY XMAS It tried to make Xmas merry for you all. In keeping with the New Year, to all those who appreciate a little bit o f wit: Makes dis worl’ seem brighter As youse travelin’ along ; went to Oregon Attention Farmers ! 1 have t h e agency for the Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief Estacada Lodge No. 175, I. 0 . Association. Call in at my office 0. F., meets Saturday evening at and I will explain it to you. It 7:30. Visitors welcome. is one o f the best and cheapest By order: mutuals in Oregon. S. E. WOOSTER, R. S. L udlow . N. G. Agent. J. K. E ly . Secretary. Odd Fellows Meet 1 NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS j i Extensive alterations have been made at our First and Alder Streets Passenger Station, and much better accom­ modations have been provided for our patrons. ; This building is now being used exclusivelv by us and, in addition to the ticket office, lost articles’ bureau and ex­ press, we have installed an “ ELECTRIC STORE,’ ’ where Mazda lamps and electric appliances may be purchased, applications made for electric light and power, and wher« light and power bills may be paid. A little bit O ’ sunshine. A little bit O ’ song, Thursday. December 3 0 , 1 9 2 0 But de sunshine gits to scorchin’ This will make it possible for our patrons to transact such matters o f business with our company without noing u ptow n to our main offices in the Electric building, and you will receive the same courteous and attentive service. A n ’ you wisht it wouldn’ climb. A n ’ you gits right tired O ’ listenin’ To de music all de time. We wish for you all what you have wished |for us. Yours Fraternally, Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. T H E 2-Mc G R O C E R Y . P. McWillis, H. L. McKenney. W. H. H AN D LE U. S. MORGAN ALL FEEDS PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WI LL Dropping in Selling Value with the beginning of the New Y e a r . _______________________ Mill Run $1.65 Per Eighty Pound For Fire Insurance Sack. YOUR PROTECT INTEREST Cary Real Estate Co. New Year Dance. HAVE JUST UNLOADED ANOTHER CAR OF ALFALFA with the next due to arrive any day. A ll First-class I D A H O GROWN $28.00 PER TON. The American Legion will give a big all-night dance in the pa­ vilion on New Year’s night. A good time is assured those who wish “ to trip it on the light fan­ tastic toe.’ ’ Catarrh Cannot Be Cured We Handle Nothing but Top Numbers in Flour O L Y M P IC , DRIFTED SNOW, CREAM, K E R R ’S Princess at $ 2 .6 5 , Cream Milling C o .’s “ Baker G irl,’’ a B E S T -$ 2 .7 0 Soft W heat per 49 Pastry pound sack. Flour E S T A C A D A FEED COM PANY. The Store Where Your $ Does Its Duty. at $ 2 .2 5 . with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in­ fluenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure It you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi­ cine is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the aystem. Hall’ s Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best phyalclana In this country for years. It is com­ posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of ths Ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medi­ cine Is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. All Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation.