O UR SLOGAN: 1 KEEP YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! ' Community Cooperation i \ ■Eastern (Clackamas îfoUîB Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 14, N umber 15 MASONS AND 0. E. S. INSTALL OFFICERS Last Thursday night there was a joint installation of the newly elected officers of the Masonic Lodge, No. 146 and Mountain Chapter, 0. E. S., No. 108. The old saying “ladies first,” was reversed and the masons had their installation first. Tom Watson, the retiring worshipful master, presided and installed the new officers. Alf Drill was marshall and led each candidate to the altar and presented him to the installing officer. The proceedings were well carried out and went along smoothly. Ihe following is the list of the the new officers: E. D. Aden, W. M.; Charles A. Norris, S. W,: Theodore Ahlberg, J. W.; C. S. Allen, Treas.; Wm. Dale, Secy.; L. A. Wells, S. I).; Ray H. Kieth, J. D.; R. G. McCall and Harold Wooster, Standards; B. R. Kim- mel, Tyler. At the close and before ad­ journment, Alf Drill presented the retiring W. M, on behalf of the lodge, with a P. M.’s jewel. The visiting brethren present were G. A. Kobel, of Oregon City, J. C. Shirley and H. J. Pulfer of Gresham, C. W. Quick- sail and L. E. Townsend of San­ dy. * The masons having completed their program, the lodge room was prepared for the O. E. S. ceremonies. These were con­ ducted hy Mrs. E izabeth Wom- er, the retiring W. M. with Mrs. M. S. Lauryy as marshal. Those installed were, Mrs. C. Norris, worthy matron; C. S. Allen, worthy patron; Mrs. J. W. Reed, associate matron; Anna Dillon, secretary; Mrs. C. S. Allen, treasurer; Maude Sturgeon, con­ ductress; Mrs. Mary Smith, as­ sociate conductress; Mrs. John Greenwood, chaplain; Mr-». F. Womer, marshal; Mrs. Ina Lov­ ell. Ada; Mrs. R. H. Carter. Ruth; Mrs. Frazier, Esther; Mrs Ray Kieth, Martha; Mr*. Dora Herring. Electa; Mrs. A. Drill, warder; Charles Norris, senti­ E stacada , O regon , T hursday , D ecember 30, 1020 nel. Mrs. Elizabeth Womer was presented with a past wor­ thy matron’s Jewel. It was near midnight when the installations were finished and adjournment was made to the Hotel Estacada where a splendid five-course banquet was served by mine host Hauser, who deseryes hearty praise. The dining room was beautifully dec­ orated appropriately to the sea­ son. Between eighty and ninety guests sat down to the good cheer provided, to which all did full justice. They were waited on by a bunch of pretty waitress­ es under the command of Miss Betty Wise and Mrs. Hauser. Pho girls were Mabel Wilcox. Helen Wooster, Lydia Matson and Irene Saling. Alf Drill act­ ed as toast master, calling on different speakers. A reading was given by Mrs. Pless Cahill and musical selections by Mrs. McCall and Theo. Ahlberg, Christmas Family Reunion One of the events long to be re­ membered by those who partici­ pated in it, was the family gath­ ering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yocum of Garfield, on Christmas Day. By the well laid plans of the immediate family and Mrs. Judd sister of Mrs. Yocum who has been visiting her the past week, two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Lewis and son Glenn, Mrs. Hinshaw' an