Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 23, 1920, Image 9

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E A S T CLACKAM AS N E W S , D E C E M B E R 23, 1920
(Omitted last week)
Quite an unusual wind storm
visited Dover Friday night doing
19 2 0
considerable damage in the way
s M T W T F s of tearing down telephone lines,
i blocking the roads with fallen
trees, and shaking some build­
1 2 3 4 ings quite severely.
Our teacher, Miss Olive Shaw,
5 6
is busy preparing the Christmas
program. A Christmas tree and
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 entertainment will be held in the
church Christmas Eve.
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Mr. and Mrs. Newman and
family called on Joseph DeShazers
26 27 28 29 30 31
Sunday afternoon.
William Sanders, of Dalles,
is visiting his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Shaw
returned to Dover after a two
weeks’ stay in Portland. Mr.
Shaw is still under the doctor’s
care in Portland, but expects to
return home soon.
Mr. Morrison, Mrs. Susan Up-
degrave and Mrs. Charles Upde-
grave attended grange at Sandy
Oregon contributed $32,000 in Saturday,
he 1919 Christmas'Seal Sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Pilgrim were
\% paid for seals and sale sup­ visiting Mr. Marvin’s one day
last week.
\% commission to N itiona! Tu­
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stauber
berculosis Association for
rented their place here and start­
the National Program.
W% supported the Oregon work. ed for Eastern Oregon. Mrs.
What the 1920 Seal Sale Will Do in 1921 Stauber’s health was poor and
A $35,000 Seal Sale will continue they thought the change would
the 1920 program. Less than benefit her.
this amount will mean curtail-1
A $45,000 Sale will make possible
many extensions, such as:
(Omitted last week)
More Open Air Schools.
Traveling and Permanent I The Kaake & Jubb sawmill
has started up again, after be­
ing closed for two weeks while
More Public Health Nursing the men were repairing the
Sanitary and Case-finding road.
D. Horner and Mr. and Mrs.
Campaigns for Sanitoria.
Fred Horner and family spent
U PPER E A G L E C R E E K Sunday evening at the G. W.
(Omitted Last Week).
Keller home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Douglass,
This district experienced quite
of The Dalles, motored down a wind storm last Friday even-
this way last week and spent a ing. Several of the school chil-
few days with the former’s dren could not get to their homes
because of falling trees, so had
mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass.
Mrs. Whulst was the guest of to stay all night with neigh-
Mrs. Mnrphey and Mrs. Ray bors.
The school is preparing to
Woodle Sunday.
a program and Christmas
tAr. Haley of Sandy Ri Ige,
was in the neighborhood this tree at the school house on Fri-
week, buying some hogs of the day evening, Dec. 24th.
J. W. Marrs was visiting in
R. B. Gibson butchered a beef Oregon City and Portland on
the first of the week and sold it Sunday and Monday,
out among the neighbors.
George Douglass, of Portland, | Mrs. Cordelia Carter, who has
was an Upper Eagle Creek visi-jbeen visiting relatives in Caiifor-
tor the othor day, collecting; nja for the past month, arrived
threshing bilis.
home last Friday.
A W orth y S u g g estio n
I he following letter trom Ru­ Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen
fus C. Holman, Multnomah Co. left last Thursday for Olympic.
commissioner, contains a sugges­ Wash., where they intend to visit
their sister and brotner Walter
tion which seems to us a wise
Paulsen and wife for a week or
one. In the budget for 1921 the ten days.
taxpayers are asked for an ap­ Ohiss. Klinker was transacting
propriation of $10,000 for the business in Portland for a few
purchase of a poor farm for days last week.
Clackamas c o u n t y . Commis­ C. Johnson and wife motored
sioner Holman proposes that the to Portland last Wcdnesdao.
Multnomah poor farm be used in­
C. A Bath was transating bus­
stead and at a saving to our tax­
in Estacada last Thursday.
Ray Maxwell is looking after
“ 1 wish to most respectfully
suggest that Clackamas county1 Julius Paulsen’s farm and stock
make arrangements with Mult- J during Mr. Paulsen’s absence at
nomah county for the board and Olympic, Wash.
lodging of its indigent poor, at
the Multnomah County Farm, ! C hristm ;s Story by
rather than make the expendi | F orm er E stacada R esident
ture proposed. I believe that
Mrs. J. E. H. Simpson has a
Multnomah county c a n give pretty little story in the Christ­
Clackamas county this service at mas number of the Portland
a cost to Clackamas county possi­ Spectator. It is entitled ‘The
bly less than Clackamas county Great Birthday Party” and con­
can itself supply the service, for tains a much needed Christmas
the reason that Mulnomah county lesson. It relates how the in­
is already established in this habitants of a village celebrated
work and is caring for about 300 the birthday of a man who was
inmates a day now. 1 believe the patron of the village, and
that the larger the number the how they went to work to make
less the per inmate day cost. the day one of feasting and ex­
Moreover by such an arrange­ change of gifts among them­
ment Clackamas county will be selves. as well as helping those
saved the entire cost of the in­ in need of supcor. But in all
vestment for lands, buildings and this the man whose birthday it
equipment. Multnomah county was, they left out in the cold.
already has given similar service They did not even pay a call to
to several other counties in the him at his house to thank him
state, and with the good roads for his goodness. Well, that is
available between Oregon City the way Christmas is kept by so
and the Multnomah Comity Farm, many. The House of the One
I see no obstacle in the wav of whom it honors is forsaken.
my suggestion, providing it is
received with approval by Clack­
amas county. Moreover, I wish
S. W. Benjamin has gone to
to advise you that a report has
just been prepared by a commit­ visit relatives in Canada, and will
tee appointed by the governor, of be gone about three weeks.
which I am a member, recom­ Mrs. W. T. Kaake had. the
mending that rather than each of misfortune to fall and break her
the thirty-six counties of the leg at>out an inch above the
state operating its own individual ankle. Dr. McCall set it tempor­
county poor farm, that there be arily until they could take her
three or four institutions of this into Portland ami have an X-ray
nature located at those places picture taken. She is j.« tirg
in the state which are most con­ along very nicely and everyone
venient for the purpose.”
will be glad when she will be able
to be about again.
County Commissioner.
W. E. Myers is now working
atth e Kaake and Judd sawmill.
Mr. and R. H. Currin and Mrs.
Rosa B. Ten Eyck spent the
L. Hale and daughter, motored
week-end in Portland, visiting
to Salem last Saturday, to visit her sisters and doing Christmas
with Mr.Currin's and Mrs. Hale’s shopping.
mother, Mrs. L. E. Manrs, and
Mrs. Fred Homer and children
also to bring home Miss Dora spent Saturday afternoon with
Currin who is attending O. A. C Mrs. W. T. Kaake.
Miss Currin will have two weeks
Clarence Judd and Eldon Lan­
vacation on account of the holi­ kins spent Tuesday evening at
the Fred Homer home.