EASTERN CLACICAMAS NEWS Thursday, December 23, 1920 February, 1921. McGUIRK & SCHNEIDER, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 203-5 Withrow Bldg., Gresham, Ore­ gon, and 609-15 Fenton Bldg., Port­ land, Oregon. r The days from now on, will gradually lengthen, a t fi r s t hardly perceptibly, but in two or three weeks’ time, the difference will be quite noticeable. Store Reopened The former Krigbaum confec­ tionery has been reopened for business and carries a full line of Christmas candies, dolls and decorations. Call and look them over. The Estacada Meat Co. W E WISH ALL OUR PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR M. J. KERKES & Co. Estacada :: Oregon Page Three C. A. Kitch Administratrix’s Notice Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of H. H. Yount, deceased, all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate are here­ by notified to present the same to me or at the office of my attorney, O. 1) Eby, in Oregon City, Oregon, duly ver­ ified a» by law required within six months from date hereof EDITH TROWBRIDGE YOUNT, Administratrix. Dated December 2, 1920. O. D. Eby, Attorney lor Adminis­ tratrix. First publication December 2, 1920. Last publication December 30, 1920- « [ Want and Eor Sale Column > cents per line. Cash in advance NOTICE Hauser’s restaurant will be closed Christmas for a few days, as 1 am moving to the Hotel, where l will be glad to meet all my old customers and welcome all new ones. FOR SALK Full blood Jersey Cow Fresh good, rich milk. Enquire of H. B. Davis 1I-28-&0. FOR SALE Universal Range, good baker, fine shape. Inquire at Hauser’s restaurant. WANTED—3 Jersey cows, all giving milk. R. Malzanini, Estacada, Ore. It FOR SALE On main road, on corner of Main Street, in Es- tacada, Lot 50x100 with buildings and all fixtures inside. Good place to start business. Will trade for acreage or house and lot in Portland. Write Wm. Kraak, 1100 E. Harrison St., Portland. 12-23 WANTED- Some loads of barn yard manure, (’all at N ews ’ office. ______________tf. TO OLIR FRIENDS : WANTED M 11 k customers. Fresh, rich milk delivered daily. Inquire at Morgan’s store, or drop order in the postoffice. G. L. Mendenhall, Box 78. 30 FOR SALE A full blooded Holstein bull from Bishop stock. 2 years old. John Whitley, on Markwart's place, Rt. 1. 12-23 FOR SALE One Durham bull cheap. Charley Merlike, Elwwood, Oregon. 12-23-0 FOR SALE Two heifers, one Holstein, the other Durham, will be fresh in January, or will trade for sheep. J. A. McComb, Rt. 2 1-6 that we have appreciated your many favors during the past year W e extend to you our h ea rtiest..................................... A s s u r in g you FOR SALE A Mil burn wagon 4 inch tires. Inquire at this of­ fice. Wagon may be seen in the shed back ot the bank. 12-30 LUMBER We have s i x t y thousand feet of one and two inch lumber for sale, price #0.00 at the mill as we wish“to change the yard. Park Lumber Co. Estacada, Oregon. 12-30 Buy your chocolates at Hau­ ser’s, get them at cost, closing out candy line. Wishes for a MERRY XMAS and a GARFIELD BREVITIES HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR T h e P e o p le ’s S t o r e H. B. SNYDER C. E. KILGORE Out1 Motto 1« Service I G. F. Hunt was down from Ba­ ker, Ore., last week. Mr. Hunt is owner of the Country Club tract, and was negotiating with the State Game and Fish Com­ mission for a part of the tract. Mr. Earl Tracy, teacher of Porter School, is preparing a pro­ gram to be given on Fricay af­ ternoon. Parents don’t forget we were children once, and how happy it made us to see father and mother come in to hear us do our part, and really it makes the teacher feel as if he was re­ ally appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. La Barre will serve Christmas dinner at Log I,a Barre. J. O. Botkins leaves tomorrow to spend the holidays with his father, Dr. O. S. Botkins, of | Cherryville.