Page Two EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS The Watteau Girls The third number of the Ly­ ceum course at the High School last Thursday evening, proved up to the quality of the previous ones. The Watteau Girls were two young ladies from Texas who entertained the audience with songs and readings. Thev- made a very pleasing appear­ ance on the stage, their smiles being most bewitching. More than half the program consisted of child dialect and songs. The temperature of the auditorium this time was about right. Monday night’s Portland Jour­ nal contained a story of Lewis Jones a former Estacada boy aud graduate from the High School. Louis is a sopbomore at Heed College and is one of the debat­ ing team for that institution. Last Fridav night as he was get­ ting ready to go to Reed-Oregon debate at Eugene, the storm threw all lights out of commis­ sion. but equal to the emergency, Lewis used his safety by the light of the window and the glossy shirt front of room mate. Mrs. Ainee Upton went to The Estacada Feed Co. sent a large shipment of live poultry, Portland, Saturday, returning consisting of chickens, ducks and Saturday evening. turkeys, yesterday morning, to Portland, by the P. & E. Trans­ ; Attention Farmers ! portation Co. 1 have t h e agency for the Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief Odd Fellows Meet Association. Call in at my office Estacada Lodge No. 175, I. 0. and I will explain it to you. It 0. F., meets Saturday evening at is one of the best and cheapest 7:30. Visitors welcome. mutuals in Oregon. By order: S. E. WOOSTER, R. S. L udlow . N. G. Agent. J. K. E ly . Secretary. Choose Gifts That Speak Your Thoughts CHIN A WARE! A 42-PIECE DINNER SET GIVEN AWAY FREE! at • • WHERE? • The 2-Mc Grocery Listen! With Each $1.00 Cash Purchase you are entitled to guess. HOW MANY BEANS IN THE T he one who guesses the nearest to the number, will, on January 15th, receive the Set of Dishes Free JAR IN OUR W INDOW ? Thursday. December 23, 1920 A visit to our store will help you to select Christmas gifts that convey a message of good cheer and friend­ ship. Electrical Appliances are appropriate as gifts and will be appreciated beyond all others—they are a lasting reminder of your thoughtfulness. ; t The choice is wide, Percolaters, Chafing Dishes, Toasters, Vacuum Cleaners, Table Lamps, and many other appliances, beautifully designed and handsomely finished. MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW and HAVE IT PUT ASIDE FOR YOU. ABSOLUTELY FREE! _______________ ELECTRIC STORE HAY— We have the Best Alfalfa in Town. Did you ever see such a display of FRUTS, NUTS and FRESH VEGETBLES in our town before? PORTLAND, OREGON Electric Building WE HAVE THEM. W. H. KANDLE U. S. MORGAN For Fire Insurance PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WI LL P R O T E C T YOUR INTEREST A Merry Christmas to All * < May the New Year bring YOU > Happiness and Prosperity Cary Real Estate Co. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Standish in this locality, will be pleased to learn of the safe arrival of a little son at their home in Portland, Dec. 14th. Mrs. E. E. Hannah was among the visitors in Portland last Satur­ day. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL, A P P L IC A T IO N S , a s th e y c a n n o t ro ach th e s e a t o f th e d ise a se . C a ta r r h ia a local d ise a se , g re a tly In ­ fluenced by c o n s titu tio n a l c o n d itio n s, a n d In o rd e r to c u re It you m u s t ta k e a n in te r n a l rem ed y . H a ll's C a ta r r h M ed i­ cine ia ta k e n in te rn a lly a n d a c ts t h r u th e blood on th e m u co u s s u rf a c e s of th e sy ste m . H a ll's C a ta r r h M edicine w a s »rescribed by one of th e b e st p h y s ic ia n s n th is c o u n try fo r y e a rs I t is c o m ­ posed of som a o f th a b e st to n ic s k n o w n , co m bined « 1 th som e o f th e b est blood p u rifiers. T h e p e rfe c t c o m b in a tio n o f th e in g re d ie n ts in H a ll's C a ta r r h M edi­ cine is w h a t p ro d u c e s su c h w o n d e rfu l re s u lts In c a ta r r h a l co n d itio n s Send f o r te stim o n ia ls, fre e F. J. C H E N E Y * CO., P ro p s.. T olado. O. All D ru g g ists. 75c. H a ll's F a m ily P ills fo r c o n s tip a tio n . f The Store Wli«;re Your d* Does Its Duty. y V • • ESTACADA PEED CO.