Thursday, December 9, 1920 LOCAL B R E V IT IE S AND NEW S n h MS Col. Kilmore, of Gresham, was in town Saturday. Use the Christmas seals on vour letters and packages. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cary mo­ tored to Portland Monday on special business. Geo. Pointer was in Portland, Monday. Mrs. F. G. Hobley was a Port­ land visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bronson and little son returned to Portland, Monday. Mrs. J. W. Reed and her daughter Mary Alice, left for Seattle, Sunday. Prof. F. E. Burns and son Frederick were visitors in the Rose City last Saturday. Sheriff Wilson was in town Monday, but as far as we know, his visit was personal and not official. Mrs. Redlefson, son and daugh­ ter and Mr. Carson, all of Port­ land, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus last Sunday. J. W. Morrow’, a former resi­ dent o f this town but now of Portland, was here last Saturday looking after business interests. W. S. Lovejoy, who left Esta­ cada a year or so ago, was in town Friday and Saturday. Since leaving Estacada he and his wife toured western Washington hold­ ing meetings under the auspices o f the apostolic faith denomina­ tion. They are now located at Gresham, where Mr. Lovejoy is agent for the Perfection tires for automobiles. Pag2 Five EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS The weather is balmy compared to a year ago. when we had deep snow and zero temperature. The E. E. Saling family have rented the rooms over the Peo­ ple’ s Store, and will occupy them as housekeeping rooms. Have you applied for your au­ tomobile license for 1921? The secretary of state, suggests you apply early ar.d avoid the rush. After a visit o f a few days with her mother, Mrs. Sturgeon and sister. Miss Maude Sturgeon, Mrs. George W. Kiger left for her home at Vancouver, Tuesday morning. Our readers will be glad to see the Upper Eagle Creek notes again and to know that the cor­ respondent, Mrs. R. B. Gibson is at home again and convalescing after her recent operation. Mrs. A. E. Sparks, who has been at her old home in Fort Dodge, Iowa, and other points, for some weeks past, returned Monday night Mr. Sparks drove to Portland to meet and bring her home. Government h u n t e r A. G. Ames who has been for a few days at home with his family, departed Wednesday for his sta­ tion on the Santiam river, He took with him a dog and a pair o f snow shoes. Thanks Extended The ladies o f the Christian Church wish to thank the public for their hearty co operation iu helping to make the Bazaar a success. The proceeds o f the sale and noon lunch amounted to $114.00. • • G . R E IN F I R S T -C L A S S S H O E M A K IN G SHOES MADE TO ORDER Broadway R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Embalmer Gresham - Oregon Warren Me Willis Fire In su ran ce in the Home Company and through the Home Agent J. W. REED HOLMAN & PACE ESTA CA D A F uneral D ir e c t o r s AKent for Oregon City The Pacific States Wm. D a l e , Local Representative T eleph one Fire Insurance Company t Y Y Y Y Y T Y f I ? * Y i I Y Y I ? i Y 40LIGHTFPLANT PLACE YOUR Local Agent for Estacada Ï This 40 light “ F ” plant comes to you completely mounted on one base. The power plant is the famous “ Z ” Engine which can also be used to furnish power for washing machine, churn, cream separator, etc., independent of the dynamo, either direct or through a line shaft. Low speed engine and ball bearing dynamo assure long life, less attention, and lowest possible maintenance cost. Touch a button to start and another to stop. See this wonderfully efficient plant and let us explain all the details. Estacada t Y Y Fairbanks Morse Quality— V ery Low Price :: i i A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION I i ! O T H I N G that you can give to your children will be more highly appreciated, nor do them more good in after life, than to give them the begin­ ning of a .......................................................... N S A V IN G ACCOUNT, A diatinrtfv* d«- ■ten in l u í a ’V ' p l . n t . i . offered • a below : «5 Liffctj IMUcfcu m uw» Z i and afterwards help and encourage them to keep it growing, thereby instilling habits of thrift and economy. Xi i X t An Account May Be Started With a Dollar Or More. ! Call and let us explain it to you. I- z i ! 4 i : x x 1 Í z x i I {ComrMmtm P.O. B. /ndianapm lis) ! i .* t . t z ESTACADA STATE BANK * S A F E T Y A N D S E R V IC E " mm* four Per Cent Interest «n Time and Savings Accounts, l < ? \ J.