EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, December 9, 1920 DODGE M. Pedersen was a Portland visitor on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. VV. T. Kaake spent Wednesday in Portland. Walter Alt from Firwood spent the week end at the G. W. Keller home. M. Pedersen took a load of dressed hogs to Estacada on Tuesday. Miss Rosa B. Ten Eyck and Miss Mabel Keller spent Satur­ day in Portland. D. Horner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horner and family made a trip to Estacada on Monday. Owing to the bad roads and the heavy correspendence, the community has had to employ an extra mail carrier. The road work is progressing favorably with the volunteer work. They are now repairing the Keller hill, which has been in very bad condition. Great consternation reigned in this district last Monday evening, as to the whereabouts of the chief engineer of the road crew. A general alarm was given, search­ ing parties sent out, and after much excitement and worry, he was finally located at the G. W. Keller home. Clarence Judd is still studying the eccentricities of the Ford so that on his next visit to Portland, he won’t have to get out and crank it every fifty yards. He intends to make the next visit in the daylight, having experienced much trouble with the headlight, not to mention the tail light. Don’t forget the Parent- Teachers meeting next Tuesday evening at the High School with Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, the child expert of Portland, as chief speaker. Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administratrix of the estate of H. H. Yount, deceased, all personshav­ ing claims against said estate are here­ by notified to present the same to me or at the office of my attorney, O. D Eby, in Oregon City, Oregon, duly ver­ ified a» by law required within six months from date hereof EDITH TROWBRIDGE YOUNT. Administratrix. Dated December 2, 15*20. O. D. Eby, Attorney lor Adminis­ tratrix. First publication December 2, 1920. Last publication December 80, 15*20. Successful Dance The dance last Saturday night in the park pavilion, given by the Metcalf orchestra of Port­ land, proved a very enjoyable af­ fair. fhe music was good, the attendance good and the order good. The Drill boys, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Drill formerly of Faraday, are members of this orchestra. * His Stock is Arriving Daily And It Will Pay You To Make Your. Choice Of Xmas Gifts Now! +: II Administratrix’s Notice WILL HE COME IN? K ID D IE CARS . . . . $ 2.25 SAMMIE CARS, WE SELL < Post Toasties, Korn Flakes and Korn Crisps 2 for 25c We are Carrying An Assortment Of LINEOLUMS Worth Your Investigation. We follow the market at The People’s Store H . B. SNYDER C. E. KILGORE Our Motto Is Service. Page Three Want and For Sale Column ■"> cents per line. Cash in advance FOR SALE Nice head cab­ bage, good for sauerkraut. One sack, weight 75 p o u n d s , for $1.00. T. Nagasawa, Rt. 3, 12 9-16 Estacada, Ore. FOR SALK On main road, on corner of Main Street, in Es­ tacada. Lot 50x100 with buildings and all fixtures inside. Good place to start business. Will trade for a • reage or house and lot in Portland. Write Wm. Kraak, 1100 E. Harrison St., Portland. 12-23 WANTED Some loads of barn yard manure. Call at N ew s ’ office. tf. WANTED M 'l k* customers. Fresh, rich milk delivered daily. Inquire at Morgan’s store, or drop order in the postoffice. G. L. Mendenhall, Box 78, 80 FOR SALE Good top buggy with harness, $50.00. W. H. Kellendonk. 12 9-16 Rt. 1, Estacada, Ore. FOR SALE- Two cords 10- inch dry first growth fir, and three and a half cords of 4-foot fir. $5.00 per cord not delivered. It J. D. Dean. WANTED a good, strong sec­ ond hand wagon for hauling wood, 3 or 3>4. Inquire at the Hardware store. It U PPER EAGLE CREEK R. B. Gibson was an Oregon City visitor last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Douglass were Oregon City visitors last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Preister of Logan, were the dinner-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass Sunday. Mrs. R B. Gibson, who under­ went an operation for appendici- tus at The Sellwood Hospital three weeks ago returned home on Sunday, and is getting along nicely. Will Huggans has been suffer­ ing for about three weeks with his side. He thinks some ribs were broken when thrown from his horse lately, and he has not been able to do anv work since We sincerely hope he will soon be able to work, as there are sev­ eral families here which need some wood sawed for winter. Wilt says it is sure handy to have a drag saw around. Mrs. Rose Freeman and her two nieces Violet and Mary Hug- gans, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Freeman’s sister, Mrs. John Marshall, at George. Vio­ let and Mary went to visit their cousins Lavena and Elmer, and had a thoroughly enjoyable good time, playing games. Sunday morning the four children went on a hike as far as the George school house and came hack tired but happy. Violet says the Ea­ gle Creek school beats any school yet. “Zip, bum, bar. Eagle Creek School, Rah! Rah! Rah!’’