Page Two Thursday. December 9, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS 0. W. Faiiing is getting his GARFIELD BREVITIES his F. Snyder is nursing a siege of prune trees ready lor market. old fashioned la grippe. He is an expert nurseryman and The road meeting held in dis­ I is sending out as fine a lot of trict 39 voted a 10 mill tax. trees as can be bought. Paul Sauer was out from Port­ A community Christmas pro­ land looking after his interests gram and of course the biggest here. T. B. Young has installed a Christmas tree and old Santa Fairbanks-Morse water and light will be there, for every one, at system. Why leave the farm the when one can have the comforts Grange Hall, Christmas eve. of a city home. An invitation has been given to Matt Anderson is confined to the Garfield, Tracy and Porter his bed this week. Dr. Morse ! schools to give a twenty minute was called to relieve his suffer­ program. Don’t forget commun­ ing. It seems to be a case of too ity means you. much ‘Thanksgiving.” YULE DANCE Farmers! The United Artisans are plan­ 1 Attention have th e agency for the ning a big dance for Christmas night, which will be given in the Farmers’ Mutual F ire Relief Park Pavilion. See handbills for Association. Call in at my office further information. and I will explain it to you. It is one of the best and cheapest Odd Fellows Meet Estacada Lodge No. 175, I. 0. mutuals in S. Oregon. E. WOOSTER, O. F.. meets Saturday evening at Agent. 7:30. Visitors welcome. By order: The NEWS solicits your R. S. L udlow . N. G. patronage. J. K. E ly . Secretary. Speed— Strength—Satisfaction 4,000 Lbs. The 2-Mc Grocery D : I : S : H : E : S! $1950 Delivered IS RIGHT ON TOP THIS W EEK. WJien we have something real nice we talk about it. Look at the set of . . . . > We have in our window