EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Eight Estacada Feed Co. We beg to announce to our patrons that we have put in a new feed grinder and thoroughly over­ hauled our grinding plant. We are now prepared to grind all kind* o f feed with promptness and without delay. Yours truly, U. S. Morgan, W. H. Kandel. Lyceum Entertainmen Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs had the misfortune last Friday morning to severely bruise the top jo in to f the forefinger o f her left hand. It swelled up considerably and caused a great deal o f pain. Sat­ urday morning Dr.,McCall lanced the wound in order to let out the congealed blood. Since then it has been better, but as she is left handed she is hindered con­ siderably in doing her work. Notice of Road District M eet­ ing to Vote Special Road Tax Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to Section 15, Chapter 299, General Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 25, Clackamas County, Ore­ gon, will be held on the 27th day o f November, A.D. 1920, in said Road District, at the hour o f 1:30 P.M., in Bull Run Schoolhouse, to vote an additional tax in said road, district for road purposes as bv law provided. / ------------------------------------------------\ H. S. ANDERSON, 11-11-18-25 County Judge. The McAlister trio entertained v ery acceptably a large and ap­ preciative audience at the High School auditorium,Tuesday night. This was the second number in the Lyceum course. The artists proved themselves finished musi­ cians and made a good appear- a nee on the stage. Again wc would urge that windows should be opened when the atmosphere becomes too warm, as it is hard on both audience and performers. For Fire Insurance N O TICE I There will be a meeting o f the Library Association at the libray, Saturday afternoon, Nov. 20, at 2:30, to consider the advisability o f selling 30 feet off the rear o f the lot which the library is now located. Every member is earn­ estly requested to be present. By order o f the President. Notice of Road District M eet­ ing to V ote Special Road Tax Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to Section 15, Chapter 299, General Laws o f Oregon for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters o f Road District No. 41, Clackamas County, Ore­ gon, will be held on the 27th day o f November, A.D. 1920, in said Road District, at the hour o f 1:30 o’ clock P.M., in Dover School- house, to vote an additional tax in said road district for road pur­ poses as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, 11-11-18-25 County Judge. Thursday November 18, 1920 PROFESSION! CARDS D R . R. G R A H A M M C C A L L P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Office over Estacada State Bank. Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A . W ells Dentist ESTACADA OREGON Dr. R. Morse PHYSICIAN and SURGEON -: O ffice and R esidence 2 nd and M ain S tiiets Telephone Connection Estacada___________ :: _____________ Oregon Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate \_,nicago Musical College. p ip e ; o r g a n a n d p ia n o . 10 Years PLACE Y O U R IN­ SURANCE THROUGH YOUR HOME AGENT WHO WILL P R 0 T E C T YOUR INTEREST , Attorncy-at-Law and Notary Public* THRIFT — ... SUM M ONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. I). W. Hansford, and Belle Hansford, Plaintiffs, Experience. E. W . B A R T L E T T with every stroke of the brush when you paint with Cary Real Estate Co. -----------------------------------------------------------— Teaching Look Up a FULLER DEALER m . I / PULLER 8 CO ; P o r tla n d , S a a ttlt Ta­ pear and answer the complaint in the co m a , S p ok a n e, Boi above entitled couit and cause on or before the 19th day of November, 1920, said date being more than six weeks after the date o f the first publication of this summons, which is published weekly for six consecutive weeks, in the E a s t ­ ern C l a c k a m a s N k w s , a newspaper | of general circulation in Clackamas; County, Oregon, by order made and e n -' tered October 4. 1920. by the Honor-1 ableJ. U. Campbell, judge of said court and if you fail to answer or appear, W e are in the market for Plaintiff will take decree as prayed for m her complaint, decreeing Plaintiffs to be the ownersof I a H n 1 and4, Block 42, Pirst Subdivision of Oak Grove, Clacka­ mas County, Oregon, and construing And will buy no matter how small the the description in Deed Book 83, Page lot. H og s may be brought in dressed 4