Thursday. November 18, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Two Look up the ad of the great J. H. Kelly and Andy Rich­ bargain offer by the Cary Real mond were here from Portland, Estate Co. Saturday and Snuday an OUR SPECIAL THIS WEEK < Quart Bottle 4 5 C Salad Oil How about that BUCKWHEAT for Flapjacks butter,and'oh boy! that delicious laripin strained honey We will be the Nut Headquarters Think of all those GOOD THINGS FOR THANKSGIVING. We have them. BR O O M S! The 2-Mc Grocery FARMERS We have the the BEST broom in town considering quality and price 4 teaspoons Royal Raking Pow der V4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening % cup milk or half milk and half w ater Sift together flour, baking powder and salt, add shortening and rub in very lightly; add liquid slowly; roll or pat on floured board to about one Inch In thickness (handle as little as possible); cut with biscuit -cutter. Bake In hot oven 15 to 20 m in­ utes. Royal Cinnamon Buns 2Vi cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Royal B aking Pow der 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg % cup w ater Vi cup sugar £ teaspoons cinnam on 4 tablespoons seeded raisins Sift 2 tablespoons of m eas­ ured sug ar w ith flour, salt and baking powder; rub shortening In lightly; add beaten egg to w ater and add slowly. Roll out %-inch thick on floured board; brush with m elted butter, sprinkle w ith su­ gar, cinnam on and ra i­ sins. Roll as for Jelly roll; cut Into m -ln ch pieces, place w ith cut edges up on w elt-greased pan; sprinkle with a little su ­ gar and cinnam on. Bake in m oderate oven 30 to 35 m inutes; remove from pan a t once. PROTECT YOUR HARNESS! YOU CAN MAKE OLD HARNESS LOOK LIKE NEW BY USING Eureka Harness Oil! — Bring in your can and buy — Eureka Harness Oil In Bulk at a Considerable Saving.. ATTENTION ! LO G G ER S ! I You can make your Shoes practically WaterProof, and give Longevity to your* Shoes by using Eureka Harness Oil. See: BERT H. EINCH Hardware, Estacada, Oregon. POWDER A b s o lu te ly P u re M ade from C ream of T a rta r, deriv ed from grapes. FREE Write TODAY for the New Royal Cook Boole; con- tains 400 other recipes ju s t as delightful as these. Address BOY AL B A SIN O PO WDKIt CO. 116 Fulton Street, New York City Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett started last Thursday for Eugene, to witness the football game be­ tween the freshmen of the U. of O. and those of the O.A.C. Ken Bartlett was the coach for the former team and they did him proud. Unfortunately cartroubles prevented Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett from arriving in time, as they had to return home for repairs. They started again Friday stop­ ping at Salem that night and going on to Eugene Saturday, where they took in the great game between the two universi­ ties of Oregon and Washington, in which the former won a glo­ rious victory. The “Homecom­ ing” at the U. was the greatest ever. The walls of the new Reed & Shibley garage are now going up. a mason from Gresham, Mr. Fieldhouse doing the wor k, which will soon be completed if the we ather keeps favorable. There 1 h m ere C atarrh In t' is Rei-tion of the country th an all other diseases put together, and fur year» it w as sup­ posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, sn