KEEP OUR SLOGAN: YOUR EYE ON ES TACADA! Community Cooperation Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 14, N umber 9 LEGION CELEBRATES The Women’s Auxiliary No. 74, American Legion, held asocial gathering at 8 o ’ c I ock the even­ ing of November 11, at Odd Fel­ lows’ hall, for the purpose of en­ tertaining the members of Carl Douglas Post No. 74, American Legion and their friends. A mu­ sical program consisting of vocal solos by Miss Dillon and Mrs. Barr, violin duets by Messrs. Ahlberg and Sharp and other in­ strumental numbers, added a touch of the artistic to the enter­ tainment. A humorous reading by Mrs. A. K. Morton, was well rendered and appreciated by the audience. in a short address by Mayor Stephens and a response by Com­ mander Lawrence, the spirit of co-operation between the various civic bodies and the Legion, was expressed with a desire to con­ tinue the reconstruction with the same spirit displayed during the war period. After a moment of silence at attention in memory of the boys who did not return, Commander Lawrence presented the Legion with the State Medals for War Service. Following the program, orders were issued for attack formation on the dining room and suffice to say, everybody was well re­ warded. The ladies are to be compli­ mented on the decorations, pro­ gram and the supper. Long live the ladies. The following lette*- has been received by the auxiliary: U.S. Naval Hospita', Balboa Park, San DiOgo, Cal. 11, 12, 1920. Women’s Auxiliary 74, Estacada, Oregon. Kind Friends: I wish to express my thanks for the gift of good eats which you sent me on Hallowe’en. It brought back the feeling of home- cheer and the effect of this re­ membrance has given me renew­ ed energy, which only flows from the heart and enlightens a heart that makes the soul a happier one for him to fight life’s battle with. Yours in Hope, O tis C. W agner . August Longren of The Dalles, visited his old-time friends, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner, last Sunday. E stacada , O regon , T hursday , N ovember 18, 1920 The American Red Cross The “G reatest M other” concept which was visualized In the fam ous art poster used by the Am erican Red Cross In its second war fund cam paign has had Its sym bolism adapted, to the Red C ross w ork of the post-war era and will illum inate the m ain poster to be used in the Fourth Roll Call Novena» ber 11-25. T his adaption will bear the title "Still the G reutest Mother la the W orld.” E veryone is fam iliar with the original “The G reatest Mother la the W orld,” the effe c tiv en ess of which has been shown In part by the faol that it has furnished a synonym for Red CrosB that has com e to alm ost • household term . More than any other sym bol, except the red cross Itself, tha public has „made It the tradem ark of the American Red Cross. Fouth Red Cross Roll Call Y o u r D u e s a re P a y a b le N O W November II to 25, 1920. C om m unity C lub Friday evening of next week week will be the regular meeting of the Communitv Club. An in­ teresting program is being drawn up, and will consist of communi­ ty singing and other musical features with an out of town speaker. Full details will he given next week. C lean U p The long delayed clean-up day seems now to materialize. The High School boys under the di­ rection of Mr. Burns, are going to devote the first good dav next week to the work, and all citi­ zens are urged to assist, particu­ larly in cleaning up their own premises. The city will furnish a truck to haul off the rubbish. $1.50 P er Y ear ! COMMUNITY SERVICE THANKSGIVING DAY There will he a union service in the H i g h School auditorium on Thanksgiving Day, beginning at 10:30 a m. it will be under the joint auspices of the M. E. and Christian churches. Three addresses will be given, the speakers being Mrs. T. J. Reagan, Mrs. Ida Holder and Prof. F. E. Burns, with congregational sing­ ing of appropriate hymns and songs. As is fitting an offering will be taken up for the fund started by the Literary Digest for the starving children of central Europe. This fund is specially commended by President-elect Harding who has contributed $2,500 to it. H erbert Hoover estimates that there are three millions and a half children in dire need of help, and that it will take $23,000,000 to supply their needs. Your Thanksgiving din­ ner will receive an additional zest, if you have contributed to the feeding of these starving little ones. H om e, S w eet H om e “ Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.“ So sang John Howard Payne, who had no home, in tones which have found a ready response in the hearts of the English speaking peoples the world over. And this is what a young girl discovered, whose hard working mother foolishly thought to make a “ lady” of her by sending her to a fashionable boarding school, where she learnt only the false values of life. While visiting with some wealthy friends she nearly became the victim of a social leach. Fortu­ nately she discovered her danger in time, and returned to her home with a truer appreciation of its worth as well of that of the home folks. This entertaining and instructive film will be shown at the Family Theatre, Saturday night. Don’t fail to see it. The Ladies Aid of the M. E. Church will hold their apron and doll sale. Saturday, November 20th, in the Odd Fellows’ room adjoining the store of J. K. Ely. Everything in the line of kitchen aprons and some fancy aprons for Christmas gifts will be on display as well as beautiful dolls that will make a happy Christ­ mas for the children. A busi­ ness men’s lunch will be served at noon. O those lovely cakes, salads, coffee, baked b**ans and sandwiches! Everybody will be welcome.