EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Ptge Four Eastern Clackamas News On Behalf of K i ' it h I at the postoffice in Kutaeada, i Jregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacuda. Oregon UPTON H. GI BBS Editor and Manager. Si'Hs<’KirrioN R atkr One year . ‘-¡x months I iiin t 'ii A . l v f j ' i . . . . $l.f»0 . .75 ui ’ R i - p w e n l a t i v f l |l \MI I<|< AN PU1 c.s A s r*TIur European allies have made peace with the enemy. However, ii is now probable that formal peace will not long bp delayed. Hut when it comes we must re­ member that there can henofrue peace if it is merely artificial. It’ we really want a peace which will he enduring we must work for the rehabilitation of our former enemies as well as of France and Belgium our allies This will he easier for us than for either Eng­ land. France or Helgium for we have suffered less. Hut this re­ habilitation is moral rather than material. Germany is able with out much help to build herself up in a material wav. what she needs ini.t is a moral regeneration from the false philosophy which caused her downfa’I. From the delusion that the state can do no wrong being unmoral, that might makes right and that solemn national covenants may be abandoned on the specious pretense of national peiil. Hut if we are to help her along this line. \\t must first look to ourselves ar.d set* that our own conduct is moral I \ sound, and that we are not open to the same repp tach. Senator t'haniherluin is a true s|Miit, he sent very nice letters of hearty congratulation, to both Se nator Harding and Robert N. Stiii fit ’dv politic, which saner political phy­ sicians than th e non-partisan leaders must not ignore. Hi yatj says Wilson should re­ sign. ‘ T iis i< the nvst unkind- »•it cut of all.” * ' è à * i * S t t f i. Light Lunches and Confectionery P'pes and Tobacco Cigars and Cigarettes Made to Measure Clothes For Men R.5G. MARCH BANK Popcom i r i and Estacada, O regon Peanuts Phonographs and Records I l ¥