Pa ye Two EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday. November 11, 1920 LAST CALL FOR SPECIAL Mrs. Elizabeth Harper, lately KATES ON TELEGRAM. from Nebraska, has bought the Another Royal Suggestion Rarkley property and will reside Sheriff Wilson was over Mon­ day from Oregon City to hid in there soon. Mrs. Harper came the stock of goods of the Krig- here with her daughter, Mrs. haum confectionery, which had Bishop, last fall, the famly mak­ From th e NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK been ordered sold to meet the ing the trip by auto. The Bishop family bought the Ely place in OUGHNUTS! demands of the creditors. There is nothing more wholesome and The basket social given by the the Currin district. delightful than dough­ Ladies Missionary society at Mrs. Carol Smith of Portland, nuts or crullers rightly made. George the evening of Nov. 6th, the sister of Mrs. J. F. Dunlop, Doughnuts was a grand success. We take visited the latter Saturday and 3 tab lesp o o n s sh o rte n in g cup su i;a r great pride in thanking each and Sunday. They both returned to "a cup m ilk every one who participated in Portland Sunday evening, leaving 1 teasp o o n nutmeg* 1 teasp oo n s a lt this social affair. Twenty-five the Reverend J. F. Dunlop as 3 cups flour 4 teasp oo n s R oyal baskets were sold netting $52.00. chief cook and bottle washer. B a k in g P o w d er DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS D The 2-Mc Grocery 75c OFFERS YOU A SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONE BROOM Given with each $5.00 Cash Purchase of Groceries. IN TRADE 75c FOR EGGS The Price we will pay Saturday, Nov. 13. ‘ ‘ All Fruits and Vegetables Will be Handled in Season. - REMEMBER OUR MOTTO - “ The Best is None Too Good for the Irish’ * NONE OF THE JAP FOR US ” C ream sh o rten in g ; add s u g a r und w ell-b eaten eg g ; s tir in m ilk ; add n u t­ m eg. sa lt, flour an d b a k ­ in g p o w der w hich h av e been sifted to g e th e r an d enough ad d itio n al h o u r to m ak e d o ugh stiff en o u g h to roll. Roll o u t on floured h o a 'd to .a b o u t t£-inoh th ic k ; cu t out. F r y in deep fa t hot en o u gh to brow n a piece of b read in 60 seconds. D rain on u n - glazod p a p e r and sn rln k le w ith pow dered su g a r. Crullers 4 tab lesp o o n s s h o rte n in g 1 cup s u g a r 2 eggs 3 cups flour 1 teasp o o n cin n am o n ’,3 teasp oo n salt 3 teasp o o n s R oyal B ak in g P o w d er % cup m ilk C ream sh o rte n in g ; add s u g a r g ra d u a lly an d b e a t ­ en eg g s; sift to g e th e r flour, cin nam o n , salt and b ak in g 1 p o w d er; add one- h a lf and m ix w ell: add m ilk and re m a in d e r of d ry in g re d ien ts to m ak e so ft dough. Roll out on floured b o ard to a b o u t Vi- inch th ick an d c u t into strip s ab o u t 4 inches long and V4-inch w ide; roll in h an d s am i tw ist each s trip an d b rin g ends to ­ g eth er. F ry in deep h o t fa t. D rain an d roll In pow dered su g ar. FARMERS PROTECT YOUR HARNESS! YOU CAN MAKE OLD HARNESS LOOK LIKE NEW BY USING Eureka Harness Oil! Eureka Harness Oil In Bulk at a Considerable Saving. — Bring in your can and buy — ATTENTION ! LOGGERS!! You can make your Shoes practically WaterProof, and give Longevity toyour Shoes by using Eureka Harness Oil. See: BERT H. FINCH hardware, Estacada, Oregon. « 9 J. C. Abbott has returned from his hunting trip on the south Santiam. He reports a splendid time and that the party got all the deer the law allowed. The wails of the annex to the Cascade Garage are rapidly go­ ing up under the direction of the contractor, Claude Stockton, of .Gresham, who rebuilt the main structure this summer. Ihe High School football team met with a democratic defeat at Hood River last Friday. Such is life however, one day up and the next day down. It is all right provided you don’t stay down. 1 he Saturday morning contin­ gent to Portland, included Mrs. Anna K. Morton Miss Florence Kendall. Mrs. V. B. Weight, Mrs. U. S. Morgan, Mrs. W. Heylman, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eshelman and P. M. Anderson. There m ore f'a ’arr’i In t ’ is sceMon nf th e co u n try th a n all o th e r d iseases put tog eth er, an d for y e a rs it w as su p ­ posed to be incurab le. D m -tors p re s c rib 'd •oral rem edies, an d by c o n sta n tly failin g to c u te w ith local tre a tm e n t, p ronounced It tn u rab le. C a ta rrh is a local disease, g reatly influenced by co n stitu tio n a l con­ d itio ns an d th e re fo re req u ires c o n stitu ­ tio n al tre a tm e n t. H all s C a ta rrh M edi­ cine. m a n u fa c tu re d by F. J. C heney & Toledo, Ohio, is a c o n stitu tio n a l rem edy, is ta k e n in te rn a lly an d a c ts th ru th e Blood on th e M ucous S u rfaces of the System . O ne H u n d red l^ollars r.* w ard Is offered fo r an y case th a t Hull's* l a ta r r h M edicine fails to cu re, »end for c ircu lars and testim o n ials. L Sold T by CH,E N E Y & CO.. D ruggists, 76c. T oledo. Ohio. H all'a F am ily P ills fo r co n stip atio n .,