Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 11, 1920, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 14,
N umber
Harry Snyder, of the People’s '
Store, is congratulating himself,
in having associated with him
C. E. Kilgore, who has been
clerking for him for a month or
so past. The business had in­
creased ¿0 much in volume that it
was hard f3r Mr. Snyder to
handle it alone, and so he was
much relieved and delighted to
secure as partner a man of Mr.
Kilgore’s ability and standing.
The new member of the firm is
no stranger to this vicinity, hav­
ing lived some years ago in the
Sprinwater district, and also be­
ing the son of Col. Kilgore w’ ho
moved to Gresham over a year
ago. He has held some very im­
portant business positions being
chief engineer for the great
packing concern of Nelson Mor­
ris of Chicago. When the war
broke out that firm so highly re­
commended Mr. Kilgore to the
government as an expert in his
line, that he was appointed aid
to the head of the refrigerating
department in the war service.
When the war was over, he re­
turned to his former employers
at Chicago. Mrs. Kilgore is the
sister of Wilcox Bros, and when
their father died, she and her
husband came out to attend the
funeral. Mr. Kilgore liked it
here so much, and naturally Mrs.
Kilgore desired to be nearer her
relations, so he determined to
stay and settle down. Not only
will his doing so benefit the Peo­
ple’s Store, but the whole com­
munity, as he will be a decided
asset to the place, knowing well
what tends to make a town grow
and prosper. The N ews extends
hearty congratulations to the
newly reconstituted firm and
wishes them unbounded prosper­
ity. A few more such progres- .
sive additions to the business
force, a spirit of enterprise would
take possession of the place and
develop it beyond recognition.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. McWillis
returned home last night.
McWillis’ health is much better.
There will be a dance in the
A. C. C o p t c T l hall at Eagle
Creek on the eve of Thanksgiv­
ing, Wednesday. November 21th.
Mr. Appleby of the Appleby-
Bytne-ltogers Co., of Portlard,
dealers in poles and piling, was
in town yesterday, and rented a
portion o f the R. R. sour on Ter­
race Addition, of W. K Cary.
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , N ovember 11, 1920
A Notable Magazine
The Youth’s Comparion is too
well known to need any extended
comment. It has an advertise­
ment in this issue which it will
be well for our readers to con­
sider. There is probably no more
popular publication in the entire
country than this, which is as
much enjoyed by the a d u l t s
as by the young.
Its phenom­
enal success affords a striking
tesiimony that clean journal­
ism does pay, and is of a more
enduring character than the yel­
low sort.
Church Fair
The Bazaar which is to be g iv­
en by the ladies of the Christian
Church, will be held in the low­
er room of the Odd Fellows hall,
on the first Saturday in Decem­
ber. There will be a business
men’s lunch served at noon and
coffee with cake and sandwiches
during the afternoon and eve­
ning. The ladies hope to have
the articles which will be sold at
the bazaar on display before­
Where Did He Get That Hat?
Doll and Apron Sale
The Ladies Aid of the M. E.
Church will hold a doll and apron
sale Nov. 23th.
Lunch will be
served at noon.
$1.50 P er Y ear
Phil Marquam received Friday
as a present, an eighteen dollar
black beaver Fedora hat.
Were j
he a married man his chance^of
wearing it might be slim.
Dramatic Element Predominates in
.. Delightful Program of McAlister Trio
K a lk lttn and D «R m i M aAliata*, W ith Mia* Jardaa Aaaiatiaf, to Bo
Hoard Horr in High-Claai Eotortoiam oot.
Ranger Tom Carter’s new log
cabin at Oak Ridg^P on tin? trail
o f the north fork o f tin* Clacka­
mas river leading to Clackamas
lake, is to be the finest example
of artistic rusticity in the Oregon
national forest when he gets it
The cabin is built entirely of
logs. The work was done under
Carter's direction by forest ser­
vice employes in the summer of
1919. This winter Carter will
make all the furniture with which
it is to be equipped. It will he
on the rustic order, made from
natural logs. Carter is adept in
the use of logs for building pur­
poses, and the log hotel LaBarre
at Estacada is the work of his
The Oak Grove cabin is 30
miles from the nearest railway
station, Estacada.
Carter ex­
pects to move into the cabin with
his family next spring. Oregon
City Enterprise.
Parent-Teacher Meeting
The Estacada Parent-Teacher
Association met in t h e High
School auditorium Tuesdav, No­
vember 9th. Mrs. W. F. Cary,
the chairman of the membership
committee, reported an enroll­
ment o f about sixty members.
The special speaker, Mrs. Sadie
Orr Dunbar, advertised for this
session, failed to appear, soSupt.
Burns gave a talk on “ Things
P e r t i n e n t to Parent-Teacher
Work.” He briefly reviewed the
work of last year, and gave sev­
eral suggestions which may be
accomplished this year. Miss
.Josephine Connors and Mrs. .1.
W. Reed lK)th gave splendid re­
ports o f their attendance at the
State P.T.A. in Portltnd A fter­
wards the meeting was opened to
a general discussion and closed
with the suggestion of the presi­
dent that all present should get
Kathleen M<\AM*twr and De Ross MrAHster, asslstad by Miss Inna
cellist and aeeompanlut, present one of the tnoat popular and artistic programs
In lyceua It la a pregratu la which the dramattc elwmmt predoniluatea. Op
«•»tie artaa I* rM twaa am artlatleaUy paaaeated. Vocal, piano and cello nun»
bera together with hidi «Uaa dramatic readings also are featured In this un­
usual entertainment. I f * sad M r* MaAlUlar are well kaowa residents of Ho*
ton They hare beaatttal aolcaa aad alMer splendid musical foundation.
Admission, Adults 50 cents. Children 25 cents.
The High School plays Hills-
Ixiro High today at Hillsboro.
The new citv officials were in­
ducted into office Tuesday night.
Three candidates were initia­
ted into the Centennial Refiekufi
lodge last night.
Quite a delegation of ladies
from Gresham headed by Mrs.
H. C. Larson, came to Estacada
Wednesday afternoon to attend
the W. C. T. D. meeting at the
home of Mrs. J. W. Reed.