KEEP YOUR EYE ON E S T A C A D A ! aatem (Slarkamaa Nrm Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 14, N umber 5 RALLY HOUSES REPUBLICAN VOTERS The Republican rally at the Family Theatre last Friday was well attended, although the night whs stormy and very disagree­ able. The ma i n speaker was Major Cassius R. Peck of Port­ land, who is a war veteran with an overseas record. He proved to be a brilliant and forcible speaker and made a deep impres­ sion on his hearers. He devoted most of his time to denouncing the inefficiency of the adminis­ tration in its war department showing the flagrant waste in expenditure and handling o f sup­ plies. He paid his respects to the league of nations, which he denounced and showed what he considered the dangers to this country from it, if it should be adopted. He urged also that a Republican senator should be elected from this state as it was most important that the Repub­ licans should have a majority in the upper house, otherwise if Harding is elected he will he seriously handicapped i n his efforts. Major Peck was fol­ lowed by Alto ney Levy Stipp of Oregon, City, who is running for • ec.ion, and Harvey Cross who is Republican candidate for county judge. Both these gen­ tlemen dwelt on their past ser­ vices for thé* county, promising a square deal to the whole county. -------------------------------------------- 1 — C om m unity C lub The October meeting of the Community Club will be held on Friday evening of next week in the Odd Fellows hall. The prin­ cipal matter of discussion will be the Japanese question, Sylvester Lawrence will support Californi­ a’s position and Upton H. Gibbs will criticize her contemplated action. The entertainment com­ mittee is making special prepar­ ations for a Hallowe’en party with appropriate games, music and stunts, to folldto the busi­ ness meeting. Every one in the commindty is invited to become identità U with the Club. Please bring sandwiches qrd rhe c'nb will scrvj cc.Tcc and c.vU.n. E stacada , O regon , T hursday , O ctober 21. 1920 Pow er H ouse B urns Estacoda was suddenly plunged in darkness last night between nine and ten o’clock. The rea­ son was that the power house at Faraday caught fire. It started with one of the generators and spread to an oil switch which blew up, and ignited and com­ pletely demolished the roof. A crew from Portland was sent out to the scene and have been busi­ ly engaged in repairing the dam­ age so as to get the light ser­ vice 'restored. The estimated loss will be considerable. Foot Ball G am e Our school team will play on the homeground, Forest Grove, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o ’clock. Our boys in spite of their injuries last Saturday are in fine fettle with their morale unshaken. Come and see them give the vis­ itors the game of their young lives. D em ocrat* W ill Rally The democrats are to have an innings Tuesday night at the Family Theatre. It may be ex­ pected that Cox will be lauded, Harding lambasted, Wilson apo­ theosized and his league of na­ tions extolled to the skies. Well turn about is fair plav. Let us hope after election that the re­ publican and democrat will live as peaceably together as the lion and the lamb when the milleni- um comes. C alled at News O ffice C hurch F air The ladies of the Christian Church will give a Church Bazaar i in the near future. There will be booths to represent different days of the week. In the Monday booth will be found for sale, kitchen aprons, clothes-pin bags, ’ and things needed on washday. The Wednesday booth will con­ tain fancy aprons, caps, bags, quilts, etc. Friday wiM be parcel post day, and in the Saturday booth will be found all kinds of good things, cookies for your Sunday dinners. This will be a splendid opportunity for laying in your first supply o f Christmas gifts. The time and plate will be an­ nounced later. A M ontrosity The Astoria Budget may be crediied w i t h a striking and homely illustration of the utter utility of the 4 and' 5 per cent interest bill. It is: Would a law prohibiting fisher­ men from selling salmon in Ore­ gon for more than 5 cents a pound compel them to sell for 5 cents? It would not. They would mar­ ket their salmon in Washington, where higher prices were offered. No more, either, will a law limit­ ing the legal rate of interelt to 4 and 5 per cent compel lenders to put their money in Oregon. They would send it across the border, where they can get 7 and 8. Economic law is not concerned w ith state lines. No mere state s t a t u t e can repeal it. But it may do great mischief. That was what was intended, no doubt. It is inconceivable that so bald and gross a montrosity was put on the ballot in good faith. We had the pleasure Saturday of a call from R. B. Beatie of Oregon City, the Democratic nominee for county judge. He publishes in this paper a state­ ment of what he accomplished when county judge some years ago, in getting the timber hold­ ings in the county cruised of the various timber corporations, so as to properly tax them. There 'will be service« both morning and evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday Sehool at 10:00 a. m., Yeung People’s Meeting at 6:30 p. m. Everyone cordially invited to attend these services. ' J. F. Dunlop, Pastor BORN -T o Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wagner at the Lovelace hospital, Estacada, October 20th, 1920, a daughter. All doing well with Dr. R. G. McCall in attendance. Mrs. A. Lilburn of Roseburg, arrived Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs. L. A. Wells, and to see how her two grandsons have grown. M. E. C h u rch $1.50 P er Y ear PARENT TEACHERS ELECT OFFICERS The Parent-Teachers associa­ tion held its initial fall meeting Tuesday afternoon, October 19th. The following officers were elect­ ed and committees appointed: Mrs. Lloyd Yocum, President; Mrs. F. G. Rohley, Vice l ’ res.; Leila C. Howe, Secretary; Mrs. Ida Holder, Treasurer. Membership Committee: Mrs. W. F. Cary, Chairman, Mrs. David Eshleman and Mrs. Earl Day. Executive Committee: This shall consist of^kbe officers of the association, Supt. Burns, Mrs. J. W. Reed and Miss Ger­ trude Dillon. Social Committee: Miss Murray, Chairman, Mrs. David Morgan, Mrs. F. E. Burns. Motion was made and carried that the Estacada Parent-Teach­ er Association affiliate with the State Parent-Teacher Association and the following delegates were elected to represent the local body: Miss Josephine Connors, Mrs. J. W. Reed and Mrs. F. G. R ibley. A Little Nonsense A friend who frequently sends squibs to the Portland papers, has favored us with this one; Widow Buckley was arguing a debate with her daughter on marriage, when the Mama said to the daughter: “ Hold y ’ r whist, shet y ’ r tongue, I was married before you were born.’ ’ At La Grande some years ago, one of the ministers was leaving for California. It was then fall and he was talking with another minister outside the hotel. The latter was groaning about the cost of his winter’s supply of fu­ el, when the other remarked with evident self congratulation, “ I ’ m going where I won’t need to buy fuel.” Just then a pass­ ing traveling man said with a grin, “ I thought ministers were headed in a different direction.”