Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 14, 1920, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
tEastmt (Elarkatnas N pwb
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 14,
N umber 4
A goodly number of members
were in attendance Saturday eye­
ing at the regular weekly meet­
ing of Estacada Lodge, No. 175,
I. 0. 0. F. the main business of
the evening being the in itiatio n
of a class into the work of the
first degree. Cyrus B. Law­
rence, Gordon Lawrence, Harvey
Gilgan and William Gilgan were
the victims, and the goat was in
prime condition for the occasion.
Estacada Lodge has one hun­
dred members and is steadily
growing. The building occupied
by them and by the J. K. Ely
store, is the property of the
lodge and is entirely free from
debt. They expect a substantial
increase in membership during
this fall and the coming winter,
as many have signified their in­
tention of joining the order as
soon as the busy season ends.
The principles of Odd Fellow­
ship are both Christian and hu­
man and as such they appeal to
the young man who is starting in
life and who wishes to affiliate
with some organization whose
object is to make this world of
ours a better place to live in.
An Odd Fellow convention is
to be held at Oregon City, Octo­
ber 29, and it is expected that a
large delegation from Estacada
Lodge will be present.
Reception to Teacher*
Last Friday evening a recep­
tion was given in the M.E.church
by the Ladies’ Aid to the teachers
of the schools, most of whom are
new comers. A short program
commenced proceedings, which
consisted of musical selections, by
Mrs. Dunlop and Miss Ruth Dil-
on, a reading by Mrs. C. J. pimm
and a recitation by Master Pimm
who acquitted himself smilingly
and most creditably. The Rev.
F. Dunlop, pastor of the church,
made the address of welcome to
which Superintendent Burns re­
sponded. The remainder of the
evening was spent in the dining
room in a social way, light re­
freshments being served.
E stacada , O regon , T hursday , O ctober 14. 1920
Land Sales
Transfer of real estate through
the Carv Real Estate Co. for the
past two weeks:
Thirty acres in Garfield from
Cassie Epperson to Earl Tracy.
Emly Lady Residence to F. J.
Raney Crawford residence to
S. F. Snyder residence in Ter­
race Addition to Anna Tucker.
One lot in Terrace Addition
from Cary to H. C. Stephens.
Two lots in Terrace Addition
from F. E. Thomas to H. C.
One lot i n Terrace Addition
from Rachel Deming to H. C.
Eight lots in Terrace Addition
from Cary to Francis Baker.
Eight lots in Terrace Addition
from Cary to W. H. Woodruff.
Two lots in Terrace Addition
from Cary to W. J. Milner.
Fourteen acres from Cary to
P. S. Stamp.
One lot from Ira Moore to J. C.
Coon Boyer residence in Ter­
race Addition to Francis Baker.
Twenty acres close to Boring
from A. C. Anderson to J. C.
Revival Meetings
The revival meetings at the
Methodist Church are progress­
ing well. They begin every eve­
ning at 7:30 under the direction
of the Rev. Robt. Brymer of Sa­
lem. They will continue till the
24th, after which the evangelist
goes to Garfield.
Mr. and Frank Gibb spent Sat­
urday evening and Sunday at the
home of Will Gibb.
Mrs. M. L. Sevier and daugh­
ter Clara with her two children
were at the Gresham Fair Friday.
We are glad to report that
Bernice Miller is able to be out
again, after a couple of weeks
of sickness.
At last our scholars will have
plenty of water to drink, as Ed
Miller and Mr. McComb have dug
a well on the school grounds.
Babe White has moved his
family back to Viola and is liv­
ing with his father. He has a
truck he intends to use for haul­
ing to town anything the farmers
want to send to market.
The basket social which was
held at the church, netted $34.25
which will be used for buying
S. S. singing books. If there is
a balance over, a flag will be pur­
chased for the school house.
$1.50 P er Y ear
An Academic Dispute
The Norwegians question the
claim that Columbus was the
first to discover this continent.
But it does not make any practi­
cal difference who was the first
discoverer. In any case Colum­
bus’ voyage was most adventur­
ous, and he it was who aroused
European interest in America.
Our high school football team
\ may be excused if they feel a lit­
tle chesty just now.
A paper was circulated last
week among the business men
and others, to raise funds for
providing the football team with
newr equipment. It met with a
generous response as was right.
Those who like mushrooms
must be careful to distinguish
between the edible and poison­
ous varieties. The former can
be distinguished by the color of
its gills which at first are pink
and later turn a dark brown.
Never pick one whose gills are
Serial Film to be Shown
The Sunday night shows at the
Family Theatre will consist of a
serial film and a comedy. The
title of the former is “Trailed by
Three” with Stuart Holmes and
Frankie Mann in the chief roles.
It is most thrilling and the trail
leads round the world and you
are taken from the sky scrapers
of civilization to the luxurious
harem of an Eastern potentate;
from America to the borderland
of the Ottoman empire where
east meets west in the conflict of
Republican Rally
There will be a rousing repub­
lican rally at the Family Theatre
tomorrow, Friday, evening when
Major Cassius R. Peck of Port­
land will discuss the issues of the
campaign. Candidates for coun­
ty offices will also be present.
Women voters are specially in­
Parent-Teachei Meeting
There will be a parent-teacher
meeting in the High School audi­
torium next Tuesday at 3:30 in
the afternoon. All mothers are
urged to come and meet the
Outplayed and outgeneraled
the Jefferson team bowed down
to defeat at the hands of the local
team by a score of 2(5 12.
From the spectator’s point of
view, this game was more thrill­
ing than the Camas game, but a
follower of the game would pro­
nounce it a very ragged, gridiron
scene, Estacada f urn biers lost
several touch-downs and proved
to be the point winners for Jef­
ferson. Raymond
Lovelace was
high man in gaining yardage
through the line. Arnold Love­
lace helped in bringing home the
bacon by catching t w oblong
Saturday’s game brought out
several weak spots. Shifts have
been made which is hoped will
strengthen the team materially.
The team ’s fight has increased
100% and their “ pep” never lags.
The High School students, and
especially the team, wish to ex­
press their sincere thanks to
those who contributed to the fund
for the purchase of new equip­
ment. Forty-eight dollars were
donated in all.
Estacada vs. McMinnville, Oc­
tober 15, at McMinnville; Forest
Grove, October 22. here; Oregon
City, October 29, at Oregon City;
Hood River, November (5, place
undecided; Hillsboro, November
11, at Hillsboro; James John,
November 20, here; Alumni,
Store Building
Change* Ownership
Harry Snyder of the Peoples’
Store, has bought the building
which he has been leasing of 1.
M. Park. Mr. Snyder wil' im­
mediately make some improve­
ments. He will extend the store
the full length of the lower floor
to the alley, making it a hundred
feet deep. The rear part will be
used for storing purposes. Mr.
Park will move on to the farm he
has just bought of John Love-
lace in Springwater.
The Rexall vote shows Harding
well in the lead and going strong.
J. B. Abbott has gone up the
river after deer and will be gone
about a week.
J. K. Peterson of the meat mar­
ket had the pleasure Sunday of a
visit Sunday, from two of his
brothers resident in Portland.