EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Flight Thursday September 23, 1920 Earl Kilgore is clerking in the FOR SALE—Good clean cheat LOST—Between Upper Gar­ seed 3c per pound. People’s store. field and Linn’s mill, one auto­ P R O FES S IO N CARDS Neil Taylor, Mrs. E. A. Smith of Salem, is mobile tire chain. R. L. Githens. 9-16-23 Currinsville. visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. 9-9tf DR. R. G R A H A M M C C A L L Sharp. WANTED—Four or nye loads P h ysician a n d S urgeon We are glad to report that of good barn yard manure, in If Your Subscription Has Expired Please Renew At Office over Estacada State Bank. Mrs. Ecker, Mrs. Charles Kan- del and Mary Alice Reed are all yuire at me iNkWS oiiice. Local and Long Distance Telephone Once. KS3 improving. The doctor’s phone can be connected with your Miss Roberta Schuebel, the ac­ home phone at night if requested. One long ring complished daughter of the Hon. Chris Schuebel of Oregon City, Dr. L. A. Well* was in town yesterday. The Estacada Meat Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw, their Dentist two sons, and Mrs. Etha Krahn, former Nebraska friends of'Mrs. ESTACADA OREGON W. F. Carv. visited at her home The undersigned wish to Inform the Saturday. They were en route public that they have purchased the from Norfolk, Neb., to Los An­ Dr. R. Morse geles by automobile, intending to Palace Meat Market from J. C. Hill­ P h ysician and S urgeon locate at the latter place. man, and have taken possession. It will now be known as th e ................... Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Morgan and son Elwyn of Portland, vis­ Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5t.h Sts. ited Mr. and Mrs. Upton H. Gibbs Telephone Connection ESTACADA MEAT COMPANY” Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr. Morgan’s nephew, Victor And run as a first-class and up-to-date Morgan, who has recently arrived Mr*. R. Graham McCall market. By scrupulous attention to its from Minnesota. Twelve years ago he and l)r. McCall were fel­ sanitary condition, by courteous treat­ Graduate »^nicago Musical low students at the Blue Earth College. ment and fair prices they hope to retain High School in Fairbault Co., all the former customers and add many PIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. Minnesota. new ones. 10 Years Teaching Experience. The Misses Elsa and Gladys Sharp attended a bridal shower As a starter, we announce a reduction of of one of their friends in New- E. W. BARTLETT berg last week. On their return On all Fresh Meats 2 cents a pound they visited their aunt Mrs. Ax- Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public tell in Gresham. Thursday Per­ cy Sharp drove to Gresham, and On all Smoked Meats 5 cents a pouud Estacada. Oregon took his sisters and aunt over the Columbia Hi ghway. On on Lard and Shortening their return home the^ were ac­ and 5 cents a pound GEORGE POINTER " 1 1 ■ ■ ■ companied by Mrs. Axtell, who visited here a few days with her Painter and Paper Hanger We are the market for sister-in-law, Mrs. J. H. Sharp. I ... TINTING ... $5.00 Reward Furniture Refinishing ar.d Er.aireling Live Stock and Poultry Leave orders at Davis’ Confectionery A reward of $5.00 will be paid And will buy no matter how small the ESTACADA. OREGON. by the undersigned for the re­ lot. Hogs may be brought in dressed covery of a U. S. Govt, service or alive. 45-cal. Colt’s automatic pistol We Sell and Trade Real Estate which was lost Labor Day on the Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages trail between the old Hatch cabin Rent your Property • Write Insurance and the cattle camp. The pistol M. J. KERKES & Co. is U. S. government property, In the very best Companies. and persons into whose possession Estacada Oregon We CAN GET YOU RESULTS it may come are warned that United States laws impose severe S. E . WOOSTER & SON. penalties upon those who without Estacada proper authority sell or possess U. S. government firearms. L. M. Wagner, O . D. E B Y 9-23 Estacada, Ore. »ays the Good Judge Attorney-at-Law Notice for Publication General Practice Confidential Adviser Department of the Interior United H ere’s genuine chewing State» Land Office, Portland. Oregon, Oregon City, Oregon August lt»th. 1920. satisfaction for you, hook­ NOTICE is hereby given that under ed up with real economy. date of May 10, 1920, A. F Flegel. 900 Northwestern Hank Building, Portland, Gresham 517. Broadway 32 A small chew of this class Oregon, filed Application No. 06823 for Exchange of lands within the National of tobacco lasts much long­ McGUIRK & SCHNEIDER Forest under Act of Sept. 8, JOlfi— er than a big chew of the for the SWl-4 SW1-4 of Sec. 7, T. 8 Attorneys at Law. South. Range 6 Fast, Willamette Meri­ ordinary kind—that’s be­ At Gresham Office—Tuesdays, Thursdays and dian, containing 40 Acres IN LIEU OF NWI 4 NE1-4 Sec. 35, T. 2 » , K. 1 • K., cause the| full, rich, real Saturdays, 203-5 Withrow Building \N 1 1 lametta Meridian, containing 40 Portland Office—600-15 Fenton Bldg. tobacco taste lasts so long. Acres. I he purpose of this notice is to allow Any man who uses the ail persons claiming the land adversely or desiring to show it to he mineral tn Fire Insurance Real Tobacco Chew will character, an opportunity to file objec­ London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. tion to such location or selection with tell you that. the Register and Receiver of this office, Great American Fire Ins. Co. and to establish their interest therein, Put up in two styits r >.W Keep your policy in or to show the mineral character lher»s«f our fire proof vault ALEXANDER SWEKK, W-B CU r is a long fine-c it tobacco free of charge. Register. l»Hte of First Publication August RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco 19th. 1020. * ELstacada State Bank Date ..f I -,