EASTERN C LA C K A M A S N E W S P ig e Four Eastern Clackamas News Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon UPTON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription H ates One year Six months - - - - - $1.50 - .75 Kor«i»*n A H v '-rti-in > R e p re se n ta tiv e T H E A M E R IC A N P R E S S A * S-' C IA I ION Thursday. September 23. 1920 covery of Michael Faraday, the not­ ed chemist and scientist. Faraday was a poor boy, but this teacher dis­ covered his latent talents and set about to develop them. Thus to iiim was the honor of making an ex­ ceptional contribution to the scien­ tific world in the person of Michael Faraday. The teaching profession ill paid ami on the whole lightly esteemed, is a glorious one, and none affords more abundant opportunities for lasting service to humanity than it. To those who are engaged in it, we pay our homage, and when des­ pondent and depressed from carping criticism of an ignorant sort, or lack of appreciation from those to whom they are rendering lasting service, we bid them recall their goodly heri­ tage, of master minds, of heroic sac­ rifices, of noble aims, endeavors and achievements which in spite of much toil and pain often times fitter op­ position and misrepresentation, tri­ umphed in the end. “ R espondete n a t a u b u s !” Slug the Garden Slug Relief for German And Austrian Children By spraying “ slugged” plants with Bordeaux mixture, 4-4-50, We have received a communi­ cation from the committee in and spreading a poison bait, Portland, for furnishing relief to made of one part calcium arsenate the German and Austrian women to 16 parts chopped lettuce leaves, and children. There is no doubt that there is terrible distress from in small heaps about the plants, under * nourishment among the good protection is obtained. For children especially in Austria. several years A. L. Lovett, ento­ The situation is acute and winter soon will be on them. Those mologist o f the O.A.C. experi­ wishing to contribute can obtain ment station, and A. B. Black, the necessary information from the secretary, C. T. Steir.lein, assistant, have been trying out 420 Chamber of Commerce, Port­ many ways of slugging the slug, land, Ore. and find the above best. They NOTICE have published their findings on There will be a mass meeting the slug, its feeding and breed­ of the citizens of Estacada, Ore­ gon, at the city hall at the hour ing habits and its control, in a of.eight o’ clock, p. m. Septem­ new bulletin, “ The Gray Garden ber 30th, 1920, for the purpose Slug,” just off the college press. of nominating an entire ticket I f bothered by slugs, and of for city officers, viz. mayor, re­ corder, treasurer and five coun- course you are, send for free copy cilmen. S. E. Wooster, to the college at Corvallis. 9-16-23 Recorder. An Ominous Portent The explosion in New York city * T h e T e a c h e r ’s O p p o rtu n ities last week which caused over The teacher often Hods his work* thirty deaths, and two hundred very prosaic and uninspiring, es­ pecially in the smaller and more re­ wounded besides wrecking prop­ mote schools where lie is cut off erty to the extent of two millions from professional association and educational environment and atmos­ and a half, was the work of an­ phere. He has to depend on his own archists. There is no reasonable resources to save himself from petri­ fication. But the depressingness of doubt but what it is the evidence his situation affords an opportunity of a diabolical nation wide plot, for him to.magnify his office by ris­ ing to and surmounting the condi­ and if prompt a n d sufficient tion. measures are not taken, it will be A great English schoolmaster owed his subsequent success to his repeated in other cities. We have first teaching experience. He was been expecting something of the curate in an English village, and part of his duties lay in teaching in sort to happen, and would not be the National schools. Here was the surprised if worse is yet to come. problem which presented itself to him: We cannot but help thinking that “ How on earth the Cambridge Governor Cox’s repeated asser­ honor man, with his success and his brain world, was to get at the minds tions that the big business inter­ of those little laborers’ sons, with ests are attempting to buv the their unfurnished heads, and no time to give?” presidency, are but adding fuel He felt that, they bad to be got at to the flames. In this campaign or else he had failed. He likened himself to a key which more than ever, it behooves poli­ must lie made to tit the wards of a ticians to be careful what they lock, and then went to work to make himself tit the lock so he say and allege, for the political could unlock their minds and open and social atmosphere is charged tlie secret chambers of their hearts. In his dairy lie pathetically records with gasses which coming in how hard it was to get into shape, contact with other inflammable their shape and lit (lie twists and cor­ ners of blocked and ignorant minds. gas will explode with sufficient But he was well repaid in the end. force to shake the country to its for lie afterwards confessed at the height of bis career, that “ Every­ foiyidations. thing I most value of teaching thought, and teaching practice, and Senator Chamberlain is no teaching experience, came • from that.” And lie was never tired of doubt reckoning on a number of Affirming as a fundamental truth, republican votes as heretofore. that the lowest teaching work re­ quires the highest teaching skill. His war record has commended Bet tlie teacher in some lonely him to them and the American post, where he is isolated and appar­ ently forgotten except for an official Legion feels grateful to him for visit from th* county superintendent, his efforts on behalf of the boy?. enthuse bis flagging interest by re­ calling that bis work is to be esti­ But there is this point to he taken mated by its possibilities, that he is into consideration, and that is the laying foundations on which will depend the security and dimensions contest for the majority in the of the subsequent superstructures. U. S. senate will he a close one, What he does will largely determine what the high school and the col­ and it is most important that if lege will be able to accomplish for Harding is elected, he shall have bis pupils. ▲ ■4 what Is more, faithful work a republican senate to back him, in the elementary schools Is more otherwise he will be seriously l ruin ul of results of a personal na­ ture than In any other department handicapped in all he endeavors because the* minds of the pupils are to accomplish. i'i a plastic stat«* ami more suscepti­ ble of being moulded. A teacher in fie grades has tin* opportunity of Change in Partnership tneradicably impressing hini-«lf on *ho»e whom he instructs. He can D. E. Morgan of the firm o f ••nd them out to subsequent teach* ••*» and classes hearing his own intel- Morgan Bros, has sold his inter-. lectual inag«* and likeness. ] , e ; t t o W. H. Kandel. He does Again he will have the opportuni­ ty of discovery. \s he unlocks the n >t not know yet what he will do minds of his pupils and reveals thiir hut will remain here for a time contents, he may discover some rar«* gem, which but for him would lie while looking around and decid­ forever hidden. A celebrated Scotch ing the matter. We hope he will teacher declare«! that the greatest thin- h«- h i*f « \«r done, wa* th** dis­ c m^lnde to stay in E ta a la. Thursday, September 23, 1920 I Light Lunches and Confectionery Pipes and Tobacco M ade to Measure Clothes For Men R. G. MARCH B A N K E stacada, O r e g o n Popcom and Peanuts I f t f Cigars and Cigarettes ! Phonographs and Records I y f