EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Two Ed Harders bought a new VV. H. Dross is spending his Chevrolet car last week. Air. and Mrs. Chas. Horger of vacation with his family on their Portland, visited Mrs. Horger’s homestead. Their new residence mother, M,rs. Marie Blinker, last is near completion. Mrs. Willis of Pacific City, Cal.. Sunday. Mrs. Bateson and daughter is visiting with her daughter, Marion of Portland, are visiting Mrs. Carpenter — expecting to her sister Mrs. Henry Johnson of remain until % Xmas. Miss Rika Anderson spent a| George, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders re­ part of her vacation with her father. Matt Anderson. She is turned home from Aurora, Ore., last Friday, where they have been now teach inn at Seaside. picking hops for the past ten William Hartman, son of Mis. days. C. V. Sandsto.ie, is at home, UPPER EAGLE CREEK after spending t h e summer months in the harvest field in Mr. Rucher’s brother and fam- Eastern Oregon. ilv, of Olympia, are guests at his / Pastor Dunlop, of M.E. church. home. School commenced in District Estaenda held services in Nora No. 50 last week with 23 pupils Looney Memorial church Sunday. enrolled. Some one will be there to speak rain does not please some every Sunday afternoon if possi­ of This the farmers for they are not ble. yet ready for much rain. The people of Garfield are again Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Parks spent Sunday at the home of the lat­ trying to bring together the young people by organizing a Union te r’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sunday School at Rora Memorial H. Udell, of Dover. Several from this neighbor­ Church. Mr. Young, our super­ hood attended the C. L. Durbin intendent, is a capable and will­ sale in Springwater last Satur­ ing worker, and invites everyone day. H. S. Gibson bought some that possibly can to come and hogs, and Will Douglass a brace l>oost every Sunday 2.3Q p.m. and bits. Mrs. C. W. Murphey celebrated her birthday Sunday by inviting BISSELL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass and lid School of Portland motored Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle and to George last Sunday. son Leslie, to come and help par­ Mr. and Mrs. William Hold take of a delicious birthday spent t h e we e k - e n d visiting dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglass, ac­ friends at Tillamook, Oregon. companied bv Mrs. Viola Doug­ Mis Sarrud Mu e l l e r a n d lass and Miss Hina Douglass, daughter lilise and sons Emanuel motored to The Dalles last week and Ted, of Portland, visited the and were the guests of Mr. and Roll Douglass and Mr. and former’s daughter, Mrs. Pete Mrs. Mrs. Jess Douglass while up Ruhl, over Sunday. 0 the e. GARFIELD BREVITIES I - ! i f t when sturdy pioneers were hewing1 out a home and an existence in the West, the manufacture of HI P A IN T was begun. Today the name PULLER stands as the sturdy pioneer in (Mint manutacturing on the Pacific Coast—a name that has kept faith with quality for 71 years. P Made for the Pacific Northwest, FULLER Paint is the best for " your house or building. W. P. Fuller & Co. * PULLER I P a I NTS n > i ah „ UAOIRS 1849-1920 Northwest {tranches at Portland. Seattle. Tacoma, Boise. ^ • co. Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Your Town I \ v Ed Bon'er took a party consist­ ing of Mrs. Lena Underwood and and her son Lester, Mrs. A. G. Ames, Retha and Vernon Ames to Underwood, Wash., last Sun­ day. Mrs. Underwood remained there, but the rest returned Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle are enjoying a visit from their daugh­ ter and her husband and baby, Rev. and Mrs. C. VV. Pogue. Mr. Pogue is the Methodist pastor at Bonanza, Ore., and they are on their way to conference which meets at McMinnville on the 29th. The County Fair was held at Canby this week, closing today. We acknowledge with thanks complimentary tickets to the same from the secretary of Fair Asso­ ciation. The Banner-Courier of Oregon City in this connection, issued a special fair number which was a credit to the management. Store Shows Remarkable Growth Those who pass the Odd Fel­ lows’ building will notice that the store on the ground floor, is be­ coming well filled up with mer­ chandise, and hereby hangs an interesting tale. A year ago lai-t April 15th, a l m o s t eighteen months since, J. K. Ely started in with a small stock of notion^. His intention had been to open in the wing, where Mrs. Hay hi s her dressmaking parlor, hut the main store being vacant, Mr. Ely moved in there temporarily as he thought. But although business conditions were rather depressed at the time generally, they shortly began to improve, and Mr. Ely benefitted in consequence. At first his sale^ were natural’y small, as the size of his stock limited t h e amount. But he persevered adding by degrees this or that line, procuring orders for customers which he filled in the city for them. Thus their number increased and Mr. Ely found he had to increase his stock to supply the demand. Fur the first year, however, the growth was not very pronounced, but with the opening of 1920 it has made a remarkable progress. At present his stock is .ten times as large as when he began, and is a very comprehensive o n e . He carries full lines of men’s and women’s furnishing goods, in shoes, hats, rubbers, gloves, ho­ siery. overalls, women’s a n d children’s cotton dresses, etc., while his shelves display a varied assortment of bolt goods in wool and cotton. Ladies who do fancy work can indulge their tastes to the full, a< there is a bewilder­ ing assortment of silks, mercer- zed cottons, and yarns, the last named being the famous 1 Fleishman brand in all shades and colors. Mr. Ely is to he congratulated on the success he has attained, hut he brought to it a business experience of several years which proved a most valuable asse‘. The record of this store is a credit to anv man and any town. Thursday, Septemher 23, 1920 The N e w s has now a Garfield correspondent, Mrs. C. V. Sand­ stone, who with her family have lately .come from McMinnville, and purchased the W. K. Corbin place. We have a heavy bill to meet •at the beginning of next month for news print. Our subscribers who are in arrears can materially help us out if they will promptly renew. Mrs. Wagner and family, who have been stopping at the hotel for the summer, moved into the Mrs. A. Baumgardener house, opposite the Christian church, Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Wells re­ turned home Tuesday evening from Seattle:. The Dr. says that the roads are divided into five classes, paved, good, fair, had and awful. We regret we were out when A. H. Standish of Oak Park, 111., the father of R. M. and Phil Standish, called at this office last week. He is visiting the former in Portland. Mrs. J. C. Hillman, Miss Bertha Hillman and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hillman are in Portland, while J. C. Hillman is looking after things on his ranch in Springwater. He has threshed his grain and re­ ports receiving 1900 bushels of wheat and oats. Those boys who were implica­ ted in damaging the pavilion and other property in the park, were taken to Oregon City last Friday before the juvenile court. The judge gave them a severe lecture and reprimand, which it is hoped hey will take to heart, as if they commit any further depridations, severe penalties will be meted out to them. S t a t e o f Ohio, C ity of Toledo, L u c a s C ounty, ss. F r a n k J. C h e n e y m a k e s o a th t h a t h e Is se n io r p a r t n e r of th e firm of F . J. C h e n e y & Co., d o in g b u s in e s s In th e C ity of Toledo, C o u n ty a n d S ta te afo re sa id ,* a n d th a t sa id firm will p a y th e su m o f O N E H U N D R E D D O L L A R S for e a c h a n d e v e ry t a n of C a t a r r h t h a t c a n n o t be c u r e d by t h e use of H A L L S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E . FRANK J CHENEY. S w o rn to b e f o r e m e a n d s u b s c r ib e d In m y presenoe, th is 8th d a y of D ec e m b e r, A D 1SS6. A. W . G L E A S O N . (Seal) N o t a r y Public. H a l l ’s C a t a r r h M edicine Is t a k e n In­ te r n a l l y a n d a c t s t h r o u g h th e Rlood on t h e M ucous S u r f a c e s of th e S ystem . S e n d f o r te stim o n ia ls, free. F. J. C H E N E Y * CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all d r u g g is ts . 75c. H a l l ’s F a m ily P ills fo r c o n s tip a tio n .