« Page Two Miss Grace A. Pierec. a teacher of St. Helen’s Hall, Portland, who has been visiting Mrs. C. A. Jacques of Upper Garfield, for some weeks, returned to the metropolis Saturday to resume her school duties. Two young Englishmen arrived this week to visit with Tom Watson. One is C. Smith his nephew and the other a friend, J. 1). Smith. Their home is at Keighley, Yorkshire, which they left last June. They first went to Canada before coming on to the U. S. They both saw service in the late*war. the former serv­ ing one year and the other foi r years and a half. They much enjoy the quantity and variety of fruit in this vicinity, as their home district is not a fruit grow­ ing secton. EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS J. C. Duus is building a garage, at the back of his house at the corner of 5th and Main streets, into which he and his wife will shortly move. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, who sold their farm recently at Eagle Creek, and bought the former Peterson residence, v/hich has just been vacatedd>y Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephens, have moved into it. Nettie Finch the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Finch, was returning home Sunday evening, when she passed some boys w'ho began throwing stones at her. Being frightened she ran hastily home and fell wrenching 1 er elf s ) she was quite lame the next Uay. Boys should understand that throwing stones is a dan­ gerous and reprehensible prac­ tice. If any damage is done thereby, they can be held re­ sponsible and severely punished. Thursday, Septemher 16, 1920 /----------------------------------------s My dear Mr. Gibbs: I have read your article enti­ For Fire Insurance tled “The Standard Gauge in Education” and I take this first PLACE YOUR IN­ opportunity to congrrtulate you SURANCE THROUGH HOME AGENT WHO upon your views in educational YOUR W I L L PROTECT matters as indicated in the edi­ YOUR INTEREST torial. If every man who sits in an editorial chair could see as clearly along educational lines as Cary Real Estate Co. you do and would put that sight \ . _______________________________________________________- into strong editorials as you are UPPER EAGLE CREEK doing, the cause of civilization (Omitted Last Week). would be materially advanced. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duus were On behalf of the school children calling on Mr. and Mrs. Walter of the state, I again wish to con­ Douglass the other day. gratulate you. Will Markwood, of Portland, Very truly yours,# was in theneghborbood last week J. H. Ackerman, President. visiting with his friends and relatives. Orville Douglass, who has been the guest of his uncle und aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass, for the past two months, returned home last week. Jesse Douglass and son Leon­ ard, were down this way recently visiting w i t h relatives. Mr. Douglass returned home hut his son remained for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Woodle, of Troutdaie, came up this way and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle to the huckleberrv patch a short time ago. They came home with about 40 gallons of berries.___________ From the State Normal DOVER ITEMS Home. Protect it NOW with Jestructive Dem ents are' Attackinq'gsse Vbur Season in and Season Out - jiL 1 18 W | tim P A I Every N brushful T house or building, regardless of how well N O constructed, can long withstand the elements without the protection of good paint. Sunshine, rain, snow, ice and wind; t.’.l have their harmful effects in one form or another. M a n y old s t r uctures are in bet­ te r condi­ tion t h a n c o m p ara- tively new o n e s be­ cause they h a v e been p r e s erved through the p a in t s Use of good PULLER „ 71 YEAR LEADERS '»•ft FULLER 8 CO; paint. of FUIfLER Paint applied to your house or building means not only protection against destructive elements, but keeps up ap­ pearances as well. FULLER Paint saves a great deal more than it costs. 71 years of FULLER Paint-making Ex­ perience has established a high standard of quality. Take a few minutes and make a survey of your house or building. And remember—there’s a FULLER Paint or other Product for everything that needs preserving or beautifying. Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Your Town W.P.Fuller & Co. 1819-1920 Northwest Branches at Portland. Seattle. Tacoma, Spokane, Boise. 11 A Mr. Kreiger and family were visited by friends from Portland Sunday. Mr. Kleinsmith and family Oregon City were visiting trends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie were entertaining friends from Port­ land Monday. Edward Stauber returned to Doveif with his newly made bride. Congratulations. Ralph DeShazer was an Ore­ gon City visitor Saturday and Sunday visiting friends and rela­ tives. Mr. H. Shaw is entertaining his brother and wife from Colo­ rado. Mr. Shaw thinks Oregon is all right. Miss Olive Shaw has returned home after several weeks sta> in Salem. Miss Sha>v will teach the Dover school the coming year. A large delegation from Dover attended the Mt. Hood Loop cele­ bration on Monday. Able speak­ ers from Portland, Oregon City and Gresham SDOke in the grove. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. Lucas County, sa. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing buaineaa In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be H A LL J. S CHENEY CATARRH MEDICINE. u,e of FRANK Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this «th day of December. A;J> MW. A. W. GLEASON, t Hall , a Catarrh „ Public. In­ Medicine Notary is taken ternally and acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation.