__ I OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation K E E P YOUR E Y E ON E S T A C A D A ! astern (Qarkamas N puts Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, N umber 52 HARVEST CELEBRATION, FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 T he m e etin g s o f th e C om m u­ n ity Club for th e Fall and W inter w ill be resum ed w ith th e regular m eetin g th is m onth, w hich w ill be held Friday e v e n in g o f n ex t w eek , S ep tem b er 24th. It w ill be in th e n atu re o f a H a rvest celeb ration . If th e w ea th er is favorab le it w ill be held on th e p av em en t on B roadw ay; o th er­ w ise in Odd F ello w ’s H all. T he Band w ill be p resen t to en liven th in g s; th ere w ill be com m u nity sin g in g and oth er m usic and th e usual good tim e is assu red . E verybody should c o m e and b rin g supper, to be served at six o ’clock. C offee w ill be served by th e Club. D on ’t fo r g e t th e d ate. T he C l u b d em on strated its w orth to th e C om m unity d u rin g th e first vear o f its e x iste n c e and it can be m ade o f m uch m ore valu e if ev ery o n e g e ts in and w ork s w ith a w ill for th e upbuild­ in g o f th is d istrict B e su re to com e ou t and join th e club if not alread y a m em ber. R eport O f T he C ondition O f No. 125 ESTACADA STATE BANK at Estacada, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, September 8, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and discounts..........................$169,805.57 Overdrafts, secured and ...................... unsecured..... 31.300.83 58.18 Bonos and warrants Stocks, securities, judgments, etc...... 3.450.00 4 13.63 Banking nouse ............... Furniture and fixtures.........._.......... 3 048.40 Otfier Real approved Estate owned........ 5.568.61 Due from reserve banks..... 6o.445.lb Cash on hand......... ................ I 3.061.85 Total................ ...................... $290.152.23 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in _........... {15,000.00 Surplus fund............................ 2,000.00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes savings paid.............. 6,900.45 Postal bank deposits .......... 984.74 Individual deposits subject to check .... I 77.428.37 Cashier checks outstanding.............. 935.36 Time and Savings Deposits............. 83,271.05 Other liabilities. Escrew and Ins. Ac­ counts ......................................... 3.632.26 Total..........................................{ 290.152.23 Statg ol Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: I, H.C. Stephens, Vice-President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of tny knowledge anti belief. H.C. STEPHENS, Vice-President. Correct—Attest: Leroy D. Walker, Thomas Yocum, H. C. Stephens, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of September, 1920. I Seal) S. E. W ooster , Notary Public. My commission expires March 12, 1923 . E stacada , O regon , T hursday , S eptember 16, 1920 From Sunny California To the Editor: Enclosed you will find a check to pay mv subscription for the N ews . We all enjoy the paper and think the right man has fi­ nally got hold of it. To our old friends and neighbors I would say that we are fairly well and enjoying California’s fruits as our grapes, peaches, pears, ap­ ples, lemons, prunes, blackber­ ries, strawberries and tomatoes are all ripe now. It keeps us very busy taking care of all. We have enjoyed bathing in the briny deep this summer, though Mr. Bland would prefer his bath water a few degrees warmer. Eva has learned to swim and al­ so took a flight in an air plane. Tney went about 2,000 feet up, remaining 15 minutes. She en­ joyed it immensely and said it was heaven to her. We expect to go farther south this fall down around Covina. We often think and talk of the good times we had in Estacada for some stand out as monuments in our mem­ ories. We may come back and settle down there yet. I would like it better there if the sun shone a few more days in winter. But I do like the school in Esta­ cada and hope it will keep up its standard and record it had a few years back. I also congratulate the Christian Church on having its new bell. I wish I could hear it ring. Sadie Ouray Bland. Santa Cruz, Calif. Clothing Caught Fire 9 Mrs. Charles Kandel was stand­ ing by a heating stove Monday morning when a portion of her clothing caught in the damper and was set on fire. Miss Gladys Kandel. was fortunately near by, and seeing what had happened, had the presence of mind to take up a rug and wrap it around her sister-in-law, smothering th e flames. In spite of this. Mrs. Kandel was severely burnedabout the body. Dr. Morse was hur­ riedly sent for, who attended to the injuries and made her as comfortable as possible. It will probaoly be some time before she gets over the effects of the shock and burns. $1.50 P er Y ear A Pretty Sight The ginseng bed on the lot ad­ joining th e Litchthorn house J occupied by Mr. ami Mrs. J. M. Melton, o n Zobrist Street, is Who will win at the election worth inspecting. The plants Harding or Cox? In order to get are now in fruit, and the rich some idea beforehand, a straw red clusters of berries amid the vote will be taken at the 8.000 green foliage present a gorgeous Rexall drug stores in the U. S. spectacle. There is a good de­ In 1916 this method was adopted, mand for ginseng roots for medi­ and the result showed that it fur­ cal purposes, the principal market nished a very reliable forecast. being in China. They command The Estacada Pharmacy is one of a good price, which needs to he these stores and ballot boxes will the case, for it takes five yeais he placed in it for receiving cultivation before the roots attain votes. The result in each store marketable size. will he telegraphed daily to head­ quarters at Boston, Mass., where Warning to Car Owners figures will he compiled and O. M. Shields from the office the night sent hack for display of the Secretary of State, looking each in each store. One interesting after automobile and truck is that the ballots of licenses, has left orders with the feature will be kept separate and town marshall to arrest anyone women thus the found running now without a li­ dicated. trend of their votes in­ cense. If discovered will have Get Together Social to pay for a full year. All auto­ Come ! Come !! mobiles must have two white Who? Everybody. lights in front and one red light Where? To the M. E. Church. When? Sept. 22, 1920, at8p.m. behind. Mr. Shields was accom­ What? The Epworth League panied by F. It. Goldstone of the will give a get together social. Portland police station, who The following program will be looks after lost cars. given : - - Mia* Thelma Hay Piano Solo School Enrollment “ Reuben and Rachel, ” Edith Demoin, Carter. Supt. Burns reports that the Reading Richard - - VI th . C. J. Pimm school enrollment is nDt complet­ Piano Logue - - Mrs. Gladys Bass Piano Solo - - Mas Nova Smith ed, but is progressing favorably Solo - Miss Ru'h Dillon and promises to exceed that of "A Bird in - Hand,” Miss Carrie Hannah, Miss Helen Wooster, Miss Mary Ely. last year, in both the grades and Violin Solo - - Theo. Ahlherg high school. From the list of “ Reading by 3GirlH,” Ardella Dunlop, Florence Jun* Reed. teachers given last week, it will Piano Solo - - Mrs. R. G. McCall he seen that they are all new ex­ After the all will ad­ cept two on the High School fac­ journ to the program to enjoy a ulty and two in the grades. It is good social basement time, and refresh­ customary to have a reception for ments will he served. Admis­ the teachers soon after school 25 cents. Come one. Come opens. As far as the writer’s ex­ sion all. Everylx>dy welcome. perience goes, this is very poorly NOTICE attended. We suggest this year that something he made of it, and will he a mass meeting a special effort put forth to get of There of Estacada, Ore­ out a representative number of gon, the at. citizens the city hall at the hour our citizens. of eight o’clock, p. m. Septem­ ber 30th, 1920, for the purpose Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Seymour of an entire ticket have been enjoying a visit re­ for nominating city officers, mayor, re­ cently from two old-time friends, corder, treasurer viz. and five coun- Mrs. Marchalof Colby, Kan., and cilmen. S. E. Wooster, Mrs. G. C. Scutt from Camas. 9-16-23 Recorder. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. A. Baumgardner BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. were here last week looking after Forman, at Barton, a son, weight their property and calling on 8 pounds, with Dr. H. V. Adfl friends. Mrs. Baumgardner has of G r e s h a m, in attendance. Mother and son doing nicely at a jiosition at the State School for the Blind at Salem. latest reports. REXALL STORES TO TAKE STRAW VOTE