EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS P*ige Four New Labor Party Gastcrn Clackamas News K at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon IIETON H. GIBBS Editor and Manager. S ubscription R ates One year Six month* . . . . . $1.50 . .75 h u rt- n A ilv * - r li in>. R e p re s e n ta tiv e I I I I A M U R H A N P ir-.S S A \S< 'C IA T IO * Thursday. September 9. 1920 T he Standard G uage in Education The American people * pride themselves on their educational system, as shown in the abund­ ant provision made by the state for the education of its youth, and the encouragement it affords to all individual efforts along this line. The American people as a whole are alive to the importance of education, but are they alive to its full signification? One of the best definitions of education describes i t a s “ the drawing out of the character, manhood and personality.” To many the process of educa­ tion means more the tramming in rather than the drawing out, which process an eminent Eng­ lish educator, compared to the forcible feeding of the Strasburg g e e s e developing abnormally their livers to make a delicacy for a gourmand. Education is what the word signifies, a development of that which is contained within. The education of t h e c h i 1 d comprises the drawing out of all the |H)ssibilities and powers of his organism. He is potentially a man and his education must be designed according to the full measure of a man. The full measure of a man comprehends the essential compo­ nent parts of his constitution in . body, mind and spirit. Educa­ tion has to do with all these and in all periods of his life, child­ hood, youth and manhood. A n d throughout a 11 these periods there is but one standard guage. “ the measure of a man.” The educator then should have a profound understanding of human nature, and a clear con­ ception of its true ideal, other­ wise he will do more harm than good. He must recognize that he is training neither animats nor angels, but men in the making, and keep this fact constantly in mind. A new party has been formed by a section of the socialists and has filed certificates of nomina­ tion and acceptance for its can­ didates for office. It will appear on the ballot as the Industrial Labor P a r t y . Among Oregon candidates is the name of Upton A. Upton of Estacada for secre­ tary of state. For president it has nominated William W. Cox of Missouri and August Gilhaus of New York for vice-president. Its predominate p l a n k is the abolition of wage slavery. Advertisers and Subscibers Please Take Notice As an instance of the critical condition of the publishing busi­ ness. the quarterly bill for news­ print paper received is 90% high­ er than a year ago. As we have not raised our rates for adver­ tisements or subscriptions, some­ thing must be done or we cannot afford to continue to publish the N ews . The state editorial as­ sociation has issued a price scale for advertising which it consid­ ers to be right and fair under present prices for work and ma­ terials. According to this sched­ ule, papers like the N e w s should charge 20 cents an inch, whereas our rate is only 15 cents. We have thought the matter over, and concluded to stop a few leaks before before raising ratee. Heretofore we have not charged our regular advertisers for the extra issue when five came in a month. In this way they each received four weeks advertising free in the year. After this month, we shall discontinue the practice and charge for each is­ sue. Nor can we afford to carry our subscribers indefinitely. We have just notified a number who are some months in arrears, and others are requested to look at their address tags and it their time is up to renew please or else promptly notify this office to discontinue. Effect of Increased Railroad Rates m Much Traveled Box Last Saturday the box contain­ Railroad officials of San Fran­ ing the shipment of bread for the cisco in commenting yesterday upon the increase in freight rates People’s Store, attracted a good which a r e now effective, were deal of attention. Not that it unanimous in expressing the be­ differed in appearance from the lief that the effect upon the cost other boxes used for this pur­ of living should not be reflected by a n increase ' i n commodity pose, but because of a copper prices by more than 2 % and that plate on its cover. When ex­ the ultimate result of improved amined, it was found to bear the railroad facilities would deal a following inscription: blow at the well known H.C.L. Increase in the cost of living, “This bread shipping box has if only the additional expense of direct shipment were to be reck­ a history. It has traveled all oned with, should amount only over France and part of Germany to about 1%, in the opinion of the with Company C. 116th En­ officials, but in such instances a3 canned goods, the final shipment gineers, A. E. F. It has been is not the only one to be consid­ under fire both on land and sea, ered; there is a primary charge for shipment to the cannery, as and has a historical value for that well as the cans and the box reason. materials. Altogether, the offi­ Property of the Royal Baking cials believe 2 % is a safe figure for the increased effect upon the a n d Confectionery Company, family purse. Portland, Oregon.” THE U N I V E R S A L CAR Immediate Delivery OF FORD CARS jm d TRICKS Raker Bartlett Heads Harding-Stanfield Club Organizations of a Harding- Standfield club was effected at Oregon City Friday afternoon at a special meeting of the repub­ lican county central committee. E. W. Bartlett of Estacada was elected president; Maxwell Tel­ ford of Canemah, vice-president, and Rrenton Veder of Gladstone, secretary treasurer. J. ,J. Tobin of Oregon City, J. W. Grasle of Milwaukie, Wallace Telford of Boring. A. M. Shibley of Spring- water and D. F. Le Fevre of Ardenwald were named as an executive committee, and J. J. Tobin, A. E. Rugg and E. C. Hackett were appointed a com­ mittee on finance. Thursday, September 9, 1920 G R ESH A M & Son ESTA C A DA •V Light Lunches and Confectionery 1 Pipes and Tobacco * f Cigars and Cigarettes Í Ciga Made to Measure Clothes For Men R. G. MARCH BANK Estacada, Oregon I Popcom and Peanuts Phonographs and Records V S