W ant and F o r Sale C o lu m n Attention Farmers! 1 have t h e agency for the Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief Association. Call in at my office and I will explain it to you. It is one of the best and cheapest mutuals in Oregon. S. E. WOOSTER. Agent. I E D U C A T IO N P A Y S Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOSE STATES ARE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE INVESTED MOST IN EDIK ATION Oregon Agricultural College Dr. Geo. Inglis Through a “ Liberal and Practical Education” pré­ paies the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship and Successful Careers in AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING MINING HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE PHARMACY FORESTRY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION The Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION. MUSIC, ENG­ LISH, MODERN LANGUAGE. ART and the Other Essen­ tials of a Standard Technical College Course. FITTING OF GLASSES — AND — DISEASES OF EYES FALL TERM O PEN S SEPTEM BER 20. 1920. OFFICE: Over First-State Bank. Hours : I to 5 P. M. T U I T I O N IS F R E E FUR INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGISTRAR. Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis. Ore. Oregon 5 cents per line, ('ash in advance FOR TH E IN D IV ID U A L A N D FOR TH E STATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance in 150,(X)0 to Render Distinguished Service to the Public With Common School Education 4 Chances With High School Education..... K7 Chances With College Education.............. MX) Chances PHONES: Office 4 6 , Reaiceiice 513 Gresham Paçe Three EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, S ep tem b er 9, 1 9 2 0 ». PUBLIC SALE September 18th, 1920 C. L. Durbin’s, one mile south of Springwater store. All personal property must be sold including all kinds of farm implements, horses, cows, regis­ tered Chester White hogs, White Leghorn hens and geese, house­ hold goods and cream separator. C. L. Durbin, 9-9*16-23 Rural Route 3. VETCH SEED FOR SALE Rt. 1 T. B. Young. 9-9-16-23 Phone Estacada. FOR SALE One horse. Will trade for cow. T. Nagasawa. 9-9-16-23-30 _ R. F. 1). 3 Estacada. _ ___ » FOR SALE Greeting Winter • With ajmile Because it is worth while to be prepared in FOOT WEAR, we have a full line of . , ' ............ .. . . Hipress Rubber B O OT S & SHOES You Men Who Live In Your Boots You want these great Brown Boots with the Red Line ’round the top. They outwear all others two and three to one. G O O DRICH êt Special on Men’s and Boys’ . . Cut Half Soles at . . 35c and 25c Per Pair. Men’s Rubber Heels at 20c per pair Hampshire Grey Enamel Ware Your choice of ten patterns at ' 69c First Quality. No. 1 Thin Shell Walnuts H I P R E S S ” BOOTS A N D SH O ES Goodrich ‘‘Hipress’" Boots and Shoes are not made like the hoots and shoes you have been buying. N ew Auto "Fire Stock, the toughest rubber known, is used in them and they’re cured, like a tire, I N T O O N E S O L ID PIE C E! T hey w on’t leak, peel or com e apart, they’ll outwear two and three to one anything you ever put on your feet. W atch out for imitations — you can always tell the genuine by the Red Line ’round the top. at 40c pound 45c and Cream Oil Toilet Soap 15 Cakes Laundry Soap, . . assorted as you wish . . $1.00 All the little things usu­ ally found in 5, 10 and 25c stores will be found here at $7.00 a cord, and 4-foot wood $6.00 a cord. Mrs. Mary Stubbe, 9-9-16-23-30 Estacada. Ore. FANCY PEARS FOR SALE Ready now. T w o c e n t s per pound. Ed. Still, 9-9tt Eagle Creek. FOR RENT Furnished bed rooms or rooms with hoard. Ap­ ply or phone Mrs. 1). B. Herring, 9-9-16-23-30. Estacada, Ore. WANTED Some one t<> haul FOR SALE Buck sheep, half away rubbish from the Hauser restaurant. FOR SALE Some nice pigs, weaned, five to seven dollars if taken soon. J. W. Dillinger, Rt. 1, Garfield. 9 2-9 Cots wold and Shropshire. J. R. Hughes. EGGS W A N T E D 9-2-9 Highest market price premium paid for No. 1 eggs. Get our pnees on poultry. Gresham Produce Co. 9-2-9-16-23_________ FOR SALE Large number of Pigs, Berkshire and Red. Extra good quality pigs six weeks old. at the A. .J. Brown farm on the Clackamas river. Address, A. R. Preston, Eagle Creek P.O., Oregon. 912-9-16-23 S n y d e r ’ s Special Blend . . Steel-Cut Coffee at . . 3 for 25c 16 -inch wood E verything That's Best In Footwear • Printer w ill set your name here. FOR SALE 16 Acres one-half mile south of Estacada, al>out 800 cords of timber, large spring. Will take a good auto or team in part payment. H. F. Gibson, owner, Barton, Ore. 9-29 The People’s Store FOR SA LE--Twenty head of sheep. Ewes. J. C. Duns, Garfield, Oregon. 9-2-9 H. B. SNYDER, Proprietor FOR SALE Good work horse. Mrs. A. L. Baker, one mile east of the Grange Hall. Eagle Creek. 7-15-tf Our Motto Is Service.