Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 09, 1920, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
m t (Slarkamaa Ncuts
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V o l u m e 13,
N u m b e r 51
E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n , T h u r s d a y , S eptember 9, 1920
_____________________________________________i--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
There have been many beauti­
ful weddings in Estacada, but
none more so than the one which
occurred Sunday afternoon, Sept.
5th. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Harkenrider, when their
daughter Miss Josie and Harold
O’Neill became man and wife.
The house which was beauti­
fully decorated with greens and
pink and white roses, was filled
with a number of guests includ­
ing friends from Portland. To
the strains of the Lohengren
wedding march, played by Miss
Anita Paulson, at 2:30, the bride
entered on the arm of her father
preceded by her little niece Neva
Richards as flower girl. Miss
Dora Currin was rrr.id of honor.
Under a bower of greens and
white roses the bride met the
groom who was attended by Eu­
gene Scoville as best man. The
solemn service was then read by
the Rev. John Comminsky of
The bridal gown was a beauti­
ful creation of white satin with
a tulle veil held in place by a
wreath of orange blossoms, while
that of the maid of honor was of
Nile green tulle over silver cloth.
After the ceremony and congrat­
ulations a dainty buffet luncheon
was served. The wedding pres­
ents were numerous and included
a number of pieces of silverware
and cut glass.
The newly married pair soon
afterwards left in their car ac­
companied by the music of peal­
ing bells and tinkling tin pans.
Their future home will be in
Ridgefield, Wash., where the
groom owns and operates a saw­
mill. The b^st wishes of their
many friends go with them.
The N ews acknowledges with
thanks several pieces of the de­
licious cake served on this occa­
Mrs. Milton G. Weatherby and
son Gilbert of Upper Garfield,
are on a visit to Mr. Weatherby
at Kelso. Wash.
They will be
absent several weeks.
The Coming School Year
Next Monday will witness the
opening of the schools for the
coming year and it is hoped that
every boy and girl in Estacada
and vicinity will be ready to
avail themselves of the splendid
opportunity afforded in the com­
munity both in the grades and
high school to continue their ed­
ucation. Very few communities
of the size of Estacada are blest
with the exceptional educational
advantages which our bovs and
girls enjoy. Every effort has
been made both by the board of
education and the principal of the
schools to lay the foundation for
the most successful school year
in the history of Estacada. New
equipment is being added in a'l
departments of the high school
wherever necessary to afford
more and better school work. A
full four year course in manual
training has been adopted and
new machinery will be added to
meet all demands in that depart­
ment the coming year. A full
two year commercial course has
been planned, to consist of ty­
ping, shorthand, bookkeeping,
commercial arithmetic and filing.
A special diploma of graduation
will be given in this department
to all who complete the full two
years of work.
Special pains have been taken
to provide the best instructors
obtainable in all departments of
the high school and in the grade
school. The following is a com­
plete list of teachers:
F. E. Burns, Prin. History English.
Gertrude S. Dillon, Teacher Training
Latin, English.
Ida M. Holder, Mathematics, Science
Vera M Murray, Domestic Science,
Girls Physical Training.
HelenS. John, Commercial, Spanish.
Albert J. Sehoth, Science, Athletics,
L. V. Cleworth. Manual Training,
Boys Physical Training.
Mrs. Edith Coleman, Prin. 8th grade.
Mrs. Lucia P. Pimm, 6th and 7th
Leila C. Howe, 4th and 5th grades.
Carrie C. Hannah, 2nd and 3rd grades.
Josephine M. Connors, 1st grade.
All high school students who
were registered at the close of
the school last year are urged to
$1.50 P er Y ear
provide themselves with text
books before coming to school
Monday, as we wish to lose no
more time than necessary in be­
ginning work. The schedule of
classes and assignments in all
classses should be on the black­
board before school opens and
classes should be in operation by
10:35. The following is a list of
high school textbooks and "prices
at which they may be obtained
at the Estacada Pharmacy:
Payne’s Literary Reading $1.00
Ward’s Sentence and Theme
New High School Algebra 1.20
Breasted’s Ancient Times 1.64
Smith’s Latin Lessons
First Year Science
Plant Husbandry
Clippinger’s Written and Spok­
en English
Mediaeval and Modern Times
Hunter’s Civic Biology
Caesar’s Commentaries
Advanced Physiology and Hy­
Long’s English Literature 1.48
First Course in Physics
Laboratory Manual in Physics
Principles of Bookkeeping 1.30
Gregg’s Speed Studies
Gregg’s Shorthand
Rational Typewriting
Civics: Form and Functions of
American Government
A complete list of books need­
ed in each grade in the high
school has been placed at the
bookstore and care should be
taken to purchase the right book
in each class. In case of doubt
the student should neither soil
the book nor write his name in it
as in that case it won’t be taken
Every family having a spare
room is requested to notify the
principal as providing living
quarters for students is daily be­
coming more difficult. In future
no “ batching” will be allowed
without proper supervision of an
adult person.
F. E. Burns, Principal.
Prayer Book Service
Evening service according to
the Book of Common Prayer will
be held in the Methodist Church
Sunday at 8 o'clock, the Rev. U.
H. Gibbs officiating.
Ed Boner has performed a feat
which will have an imperishable
memory for him. Last Saturday
he left Portland in his car at 2
p. m. with four male companions
for Mt. Hood. They arrived at
the government camp at 7 p. m .
where they stayed for the night.
While it was vet dark, they arose
the following m o r n i n g at 3
o’clock, and started their climb
up the mountain. T.his proved
tedious but they patiently plod­
ded abng over the trail of snow
and rock until the summit was
reached, which is six or s£ven
miles above the camp. It took
them nine hours, arriving at the
top just at noon. This proved to
be a narrow ledge of rock. F.d
says the atmosphere was bright
and clear with a little breeze
blowing and it was not cold. On
looking down there was a sea of
cloud 4000 feet below them, out
of which they had emerged. Af­
ter resting about an hour, they
began the return journey at 1
p.m., and arriving at the camp at
5 o’clock. They stopped the
night camping out* among the
huckleberry bushes, which were
loaded with fruit, and remained
until I p.m. Monday, when thev
left for Portland, Ed arriving
home in Estacada at nine that
evening. He can now call him­
self a Mazama whatever that
means, and can claim to have
been nearer heaven than most of
his friends.
Community Services
As was announced last week
Community services will be held
in the George Social and Club
grounds on Sunday morning and
afternoon. At eleven o’clock the
Rev. Mr. Stratemeier of Hills­
boro, will preach in German. A
basket dinner will be served at
noon and at 2 p. m., the Rev. Mr.
Seelv of Portland will preach.
He will be followed at 4 p.m bv
the Rev. Mr. Stratemeier, who
will make an address in English.
The Rev. J. 1). McLennan will
also be present in the afternoon,
but has to hold his regular ser­
vices at Springwater in the morn­
ing and at Eagle Creek in the
The Epworth League will meet
Sunday at 7 p. m.