SUPPLEMENT = EAST CLACKAMAS NEWS, SEPT. 2, 1920 MAKES A GOOD MATCH SAFE W hat Is There Left For Essex to Prove « No Need to T h r o w A w a y Nutmeg Grater Because It Has Become a Little Dull. * A nutmeg grater which Inis heemm too dull for usefulness for Its‘original purpose makes a splendid instch safe, says Popular Mechanics muguxlnc Note the Range o f its Nation ■ Wide Performances A ll Made in One Week These performances show what to expect of the Essex you will get. T h ey are not a surprise to the more than 40,000 Essex owners, although their equal in so many instances was never shown by any other car. Some of the hardest tists w t r ; made by Essex cars that had already traveled over 35,000 miles— equiv­ alent to 7 years of average driving. Some were on criginal tires that had done from 15,000 to 20,000 miles. % M an y were owner cars— owner driven— taken without special preparation from their ordinary day to day work, to break the speed, reliability and economy marks of their localities. W om en piloted some of the runs that showed as high as 28 miles to the gallon of gasoline. l i T hey set new marks for fast time over long distance driving where men with many cars hesitate to venture there any important car quality left for Essex to prove ? Is * i ECONOMY SPEED With 49 cars in every type o f performance of from 5 to 72 miles per hour and over all kinds of roads the av­ erage was 18.9 milesper gallon. The inter-city records for time in nearly all localities are now held by Essex. The St. Louis to Kansas City record, 303 miles was taken by Essex in 10 hours, 17 minutes. Another Essex went from Yakima. Wash., to Seattle, 180.1 miles over Cascade Mountains in 4 hours, 56 minutes, lowering the railroad time by l hour, 44 minutes. A Hastings, Neb., woman drove 100 miles to Lincoln averaging 28 miles per gallon. Four women drove from Los Angeles to San Fran­ cisco and return averaging 22.3 miles per gallon and another Essex made the round trip between the two cities, 846 miles, with an average of 23 miles per gal­ lon. HILL - CLIMBS . RELIABILITY In every section Essex set now performance marks on the most difficult hills. The Rim () the World in California, a climb of nearly f>,000 feet in 8.8 miles over mountain roads, was made in 17 minutes. 23 seconds, beating all previous records. Reliability which is a larger factor in car economy than even gasoline mileage, was proven in every local­ ity in non-stop motor performances and in long dis­ tance inter-city runs. A t many points non-stop motor performances were made during which the car was for a greater time used in country and inter-city running. No attempt was made at speed but in no case was the motor stop­ ped during the period of test. Scores of cities saw the Essex in constant operation for 144 hours. At one point a two weeks test 336 hours was made o f a motor in constant operation. An Essex which had previously gone 28,000 miles made a round trip between San Francisco and Los Angeles over a route of grades and mountain passes, frequently far from water supply, with its gear shift levers, hood and radiator all sealed. It averaged 22.8 miles per gallon. Literally hundreds of tests like these were made in all parts of the country. exactly what you may expect from the Essex you buy. W h a t they reveal is Can you place equal confidence in any car that has not so vividly established its performance? REED CS. SHIBLEY, Agents :: Dendrograph Furnishes Information of Much Practical Value to Stu­ dents of Arboriculture. * NON-STOP MOTORS Another Essex that had set the best time between Boston and Fort Kent, on the Canadian Border, made four round trips within a week, totaling 4,052 miles. f RECORDS GROWTH OF TREES The 31st Street hill in Washington, D.C., was climbed by an Essex on high. No other car had done that. And on the Tilden Street hill an Essex went over the top at 51 miles an hour anu the same car towed a 6-t«»n truck with load 16 blocks uphill. An Essex which had seen 16,000 miles service was driven from Columbus, Ohio, to Washington, I). Ci, 403 miles, in 11 hours, 40 minutes. Estacada Huns' Savage Crime. Among the many crimes with which the Germans are charged Is that of the destruction of religious uiftntinfciils ami everywhere In the devastated dis­ tricts are graves which have been vlo luted and vaults which have been burst open. One of the cemeteries which has suffered the greatest damage II«* h high on a hill above a III tie town not very far from Paris. Il«‘re the work of destruction was carried out by aer ial torpedoes, five of which w«»re fired. Not one missed Its mark. Monument­ al crosses are heaps of twisted Iron and broken stone, and at the points when» the torpedoes exploded nothing remains hut deep holes. ^ From Buffalo, N. Y. to Kochester the distance is 88 miles. An Essex did it in SO minutes. 24 cars were sent on an average 216-mile economy run in Connecticut, some over mountains and others on|a level course, averaging 18.7 miles per gallon. One car with 35,000 miles service averaged 21.2 miles per gallon. :: : : Oregon. The grater Is hung up by the hole m handle on the larger end, the bottom of the nutmeg pocket Is taken out and n wooden plug Is driven In, leaving « sufficient height above It for the matches to route Just tinder the Mil of the nutmeg pocket. If the rough sur­ face Is too «lull for good grating It 1« Just right for striking nfwtches. • The dendrogrnph Is a new Instru­ ment devised by the department of botanical research of the Carnegie Institution for recording growth and other variations In the dlineiislons of trees. Two types of the apparatus are now In use. Both employ a belt of wooden blocks hinged together and fastened securely as a supporting belt around« the trunk of a tree. In one type, series of plungers In conflict with a number of «selected points Hrotind the tree carry «m their «niter ends un en­ circling wlrcV Vn.v change in position of the plunger moves the* encircling wire unU the motion Is recorded by a pen on a sultuhle revolving «Iruiu. ThV second type curries a yoke which ru- clrclea the trunk **f the tree, with four points of c«>ntact. changes In vtdume of the trunk ure followed by differ­ ences In distances between the con­ tacts, which are duly recorded as shove. These devices ftirni-di uu lu- ter«»stlng re«,«ir«l of ihe «1« ^ ami -e» VUiaI chunges In tin* sl/.e and form of tree trunks.