Thursday, September 2 , 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS P a g e S e v e .i WHF.N Y O U A K K FIGURING ON WANTING ANY WIRF. FEN CING. C O M E IN AND L E T US F I G U R E WI T H Y O U . O U R BUYING P O W E R E N A B L E S US T O G E T AND. T H E R E F O R E . GIVE T H E L O W E S T P R IC E . O F YO U R HARD- WANT. W E W I L L L E T US H A V E A C R A C K A T A L L W A R E BUS IN E SS . T H A T ' S A L L W E G ET YOUR O RD ER BEG A USE OUR TEST. HARDWARE IS T H E BEST: IT S T A N D S T H E We Have Just Received A N EW L O T O F FURNITURE )} We Se// All Kinds o f WIRE FEN CIN G 1 F L Y C H A S E R ! In Beds. Springs, Mattresses, Chairs and Tables. Also Lorain,* Columbia and Universal Steel and Eramel R A N G E S WANTED FOR TH E PROTECTION OF STOCK FROM F L IE S AND MOSQUITOES. SAFE, ECONOMICAL and EASY TO APPLY I i Y I V fficiency~ ndurance W eigh ing from 150. to 225 pounds. Will pay THE EXTREME THE ESTACADA PHARMACY j2ië conom y' I 100« Fat Hogs FOR SALE BY These three Stirling qualities, sought by every motorist, and essential to the success of a Car ( doubly so in a hilly country ) are embodied in t h e .................................... TOP PRICE! 4 Store Estacada, Oregon B E R T H. FIN CH CHEVROLET Your Community Paper For the Business Man or Pleasure Seeker, our “ 490 ” and “ F B ” Models fulfill all the requirements of the Most Dis­ criminating Motorist. Mother, wife or daughter can safely, easily and comfortably drive these “ Easiest to Handle” Cars. In the Commercial Field and in the Farming and Fruit Growing Industry the C H E V R O L E T M O D EL “ F ” ( one-ton truck ) has amply demonstrated its ability to cope with any situation. PHONE: G. M. LAWRENCE — OB — FRED C. BARTHOLOMEW. Mgr. Estacada Oregon «« THE EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Only paper in the eastern portion of Clackamas County Published Every Thursday $ 1.50 yea " All Kinds of Job Printing done at reasonable prices, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED f f r C H E V R O L E T O V E R T H E TOP KODAKS- ALL KINDS anil SU P P L IE S 1 W IL C O X G UNS- O F THE And AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies KodakPicturesDeveloped and Enlarged ED. BONER’S B R O S . CASCADE GARAGE DR. STEINER Presbyterian Church Physician £ Surgeon Services every Sunday: At Springwater 11 a. m .; at (Jeorge 3 p. rn.; at Ragie Creek H p. in. J. I). Met ’lennan. Is h a c k f r o m Nachos, Wash., and will answer any call at the office or in the country. Estacada Oregon Pastor. • M. E. Church There will be services both morning am) evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. in. and 8:00 p.m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m . , Young People’s Meeting at 6;n«J p. m. Everyone cordially invited to attend these services. .1. F. Dunlop, Paator