Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 02, 1920, Image 1

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    Eastern (fílarknutas Nnrts
Devoted. to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13,
N umber 50
A few weeks ago, the P. R. L.
& P. Co. sent its dective P. J.
Maher here to investigat the dep­
redations done to the park and
other property of the company.
He found that a gang of young
boys was responsible. Having
ascertained * the names of its
members, he called the boys to­
gether and gave them a fatherly
heart to heart talk, and at the
same time definitely warned them
that any recurrence of such do­
ings would meet with drastic ac­
tion. Mr. Maher was here again
yesterday and found that the
pavilion had been broken into, a
good deal of damage done and
some cigars, cigarettes and cook­
ies which had been stored there
after a recent’ Mance, had been
stolen. He ascertained the cul­
prits, one boy owning up, and
found that they were the same
whom he had warned 3n the pre­
vious occasion.
He informed
the writer that the company had
decided that such things must
stop, so he was going to Oregon
City and lay the m atter before
the authorities. He could not
say what action would be taken
but the boys face arrest.
It is not surprising that the
company has concluded that pa­
tience has ceased to be a virtue,
and will now take severe meas­
ures. It is entitled to some pro­
tection to its property.
boys for their own good should
be given a lasting lesson, At
the same time, vandalism is not
confined to this city but is gener­
al. It is we fear symptomatic of
the effect of the lack of disci­
pline universally prevalent. In
Omaha and Denver the recent
riots were largely the work of
young men who had grown up
under lax discipline. Speaking
for an older generation, while
naturally not better than the
boys of today, yet we did not
dare take the license the present
generation does. For we knew
full well the impressive and
smarting consequences which
inevitably would ensue.
E stacada , O regon . T hursday , S eptember 2, 1020
were made to respect law and
authority, those of our parents,
our teachers and the magistrates
coupled with which was inculcat­
ed a wholesome fear of Cod.
Birth D ay
C oun ty W . C. -T. U .
E leect O fficers
Countv officers elected were:
President, Mrs. E. B. Andrews
of Oregon City; vice-president,
Mrs. Mary Hannah, Estacada;
corresponding and recording sec­
retary, Mrs. G. J. Eberlv of Ore­
gon City; treasurer, Mrs. W. T.
Full of Evergreen, Milwaukie.
Mrs. Sam Lane, of Evergreen,
was appointed superintendent of
Supt. for Y. P. B., Gladys
Bass, of Estacada.
Superintendent of Temperance
and Sunday School Work, Mrs.
G. J. Eberly.
Superintendent o f Scientific
Temperance work, Mrs. Mary
Superintendent o f Instituet
Work, Mrs. W. T. Full. *
Superintendent o f Mothers’
Meetings, Mrs. J. W. Reed, Es­
Press, Mrs. Theo. M. Stroh-
meyer, Evergreen, Milwaukie.
Glasses fitted,—Dr. Inglis.
C om m unity S ervice*
On Sunday September 12th,
community services will be held
morning and afternoon in thè
George Social and Commercial
Club grounds. Addresses will be
made by the Revs. Seely of Port­
land, Stratemeier of Hillsboro
and J. 1). McLennan of Spring-
water. A basket lunch will be
served and everybody will be
welcome who wishes to attend.
Last Friday, Augut 27, Mr. and
Mrs. V. W. Hauser gave a birth­
day party in honor of their small
son Gorden, it being the third,
anniveisary of his birth. The
decorations were pink and white,
and in the center of the table was
a large birthday cake with pink
and white frosting, and little
Gorden’s name surrounded by
three pink and white candles. A
three-course luncheon was served
which was very much enjoyed
by the little ones. Gorden was
well remembered by his little
friends, who all joined in wishing
him many happy returns of the
Those present were: Jean,
Allan, Lenore Inglis, Alice Mel­
ton, Phyllis and Ellen Lemon,
and Gorden’s two little cousins
Dcnald and G. Fay Dunseath, all
of whom were accompanied by
their mothers.
$1.50 P er Y ear
B en efit D an ce
A benefit dance for Grover
Krigbaum will be given in the
park pavilion, on Saturday, Sep­
tember 11th. This should meet
with a general response as he
has had a long spell of misfor­
tune. After being honorably
discharged from the navy, he
worked for. the Eagle Logging
Co. at Timber, Or. where he was
seriously hurt by a tree falling
on him and crushing his leg. He
has been laid up for months and
only recently been able to get
around on crutches.
C h a n g e of Firm
As will be seen by his adver­
tisement M. J. Kerkes has pur­
chased the Palace Meat Market
from J. C. Hillman, and will con­
duct the same under the name of
the “ Estacada Meat Company.”
Mr. Hillman has not yet decided
what he will do. but at present
his newly acquired farm engages
his time and attention.
Tuesday evening we were tak­
en through the grammar school
building by Supt. F. E. Burns.
The rooms have all been done up
the woodwork painted, the walls
tinted and the desks varnished.
Its whole interior is spick-and-
span for the opening day of the
school year. George Pointer had
the contract which is sufficient
guarantee for the excellence of
the work, In the High School
everything is likewise in order,
our .citizens should appreciate
that’ we have a very complete
school plant and equipment, an
able superintendent and a fine
corps of teachers. Let us show
this by interesting ourselves in
them and their work.
Having sold out my meat mar­
ket to M. J. Kerkes, I wish to
thank the people of Estacada and
vicinity for their past patronage.
I respectfully request those in­
debted to me to call and settle
their accounts at once, as I wish
to close up my books and pay
my bills. I bespeak for the new-
firm the continued patronage and
goodwill of the public..
J. C. Hillman.
The building w hich has been
rented for library purposes has
been purchased by (In* associa­
tion. This move is a wise one,
as the location is one of the best
in town and w ill increase in val­
ue. It is generally recognized
that a library is a big asset to a
city and merits the support of its
people. The Estacada library is
maintained by the sale of mem­
bership tickets which cost only a
dollar a year. The sale of such
tickets needs to be doubled in or­
der to provide sufficient funds
for the upkeep of the building
and the purchase of new books.
The members of the board devote
a good deai of time and effort to
its management, being actuated
by a spirit of civic pA'ide, appre­
ciation of which should be shown
by the community. After being
closed through August the libra­
ry is now again open to its pa­
A m erican Legion
Monday, Sept. 6th, being a
legal holiday, the regular meet­
ing of the Carl Douglas Lost w ill
be held Sept. 13.
Ted Howe joined his father at
Wilhoit’s springs, last Tuesday,
for a brief vacation.
Attention Farmers!
1 have t h e agency for the
Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief
Association. Call in at my office
and I will explain it to you. it
is one of the best and cheapest
mutuals in Oregon.
D rin k ing W ater
Should Be B oiled
Notice is hereby given to the
citizens of Estacada, that all
water must be boiled before be­
ing used for drinking purposes.
This is imperative.
By order,