Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 26, 1920, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13,
N umber 49
E stacada , O regon T hursday A ugust 26, 192()
-------------------------------------------------------------------- —
B irthday Party
The fourth quarterly confer­
ence of t h e Estacada M. E.
Church, was held at the parson­
age last Friday evening, the Rev.
E. E. Gilbert. D.D., Superintend­
ent of the Salem district; presid­
ing. Eighteen members were
present to close up the business
for the past year. After some
devotional exercises Dr. Gilbert
gave a very impressive address
on “ T rte Ef f i c i e n c y of t h e
Church.” Reports for the past
year were given by the pastor,
the Rev. J. F. Dunlop, by the
Sunday . School superintendent,
Epworth League president and
Ladies Aid Society. Each de­
partment of the work showed an
advance over the preceding year.
During this time twenty-nine
members had been enrolled and
the Sunday School some time
since, had passed the hundredth
mark. The L a d i e s Aid had
raised three hundred dollars to
pay for plumbing in the parson­
age. The church h a s no old
debts, and all the members are
working in harmony with each
The editor of the N ews con­
gratulates heartily this congre­
gation on such a good showing,
especially on the harmony and
co-operation t h u s manifested.
This is the m o s t encouraging
sign, and is the best evidence of
the work the good pastor has
done. No matter how large a
parish may be or how eloquent
and able its pastor, if there be no
harmony a n d co-operation be­
tween the members as a whole,
there can be no progress. In
parish life the preaching ability
.of the pastor counts for far less
than his daily life and example
and the team work he can de­
velop amongst his parishioners.
We hope Mr. Dunlop will be re­
turned another year.
Mrs. Ava Bronson returned
from the city Tuesday alternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Snyder
with their little son spent Tues­
day in Portland.
$1.50 P er Y ear
Last Sunday Mrs. R. W. Dillon
attained the venerable age of
seventy-five years. To celebrate
the auspicious event a family re­
union was arranged, the two sons
VV. W. and L. A. w i t h their
respective families came down
from Portland to attend. Mr.
and Mrs. M. H. Hutchinson and
son of Vancouver, Wash., old
friends, also came. M^s. Dillon
while an invalid for years and
confined to the house yet was
able to enjoy the occasion. Her
many friends will join her family
in wishing her many 'happy re­
turns to be celebrated as this was,
surrounded by her children and
City E le6tion
The special election for author­
izing refunding bonds for the old
city street and sewer issue which
had become due, drew out but a
few voters. Evidently it was
generally regarded as a mere
formality and that there would
be no opposition, as it did not
mean additional taxation. The
result showed 36 votes cast, of
which 34 were “yes” and 2 “ no” .
It is hard to account for the noes,
either they were owing to a mis­
understanding of what was being
voted upon, or else from a desire
to be contrary. If it were the
latter reason, it is a good thing
for those who cast them that the
ballots are secret.
C o lleg e E ducation
Attention is called to the ads
of the 0. A. C. and the U. of
Oregon. There is no reason now
for anyone who wishes to take
a collegiate course, not to do so,
as every facility and help are ex­
tended. Those requiring finan­
cial assistance are usually aided
to procure it on making their
wants known and showing that
they are worthy of it. As time
passes the demand for efficiency
will increase, and the man who
is content to drift and pick up his
profession at haphazard, or his
trade as he goes along, will find
he will be left hopelessly behind.
Mrs. E. D. Allen, of Marmot,
came to Estacada Tuesday.
S andy C h oice For
Mt. H ood Loop
The State Highway Commission
met Tuesday to determine the
routes for the Mt. Hood Loop.
There were only two routes con­
sidered, those north and south of
the Sandy river. The claims of
the former were argued by Gus
C. Mosier and those of the latter
by Thomas F. Ryan. The com­
mission then reconvened for’the
afternoon session, gave its unani­
mous decision
favor of the
southern route or Sandy road.
The chairman who announced it,
stated that t h e commissioners
had been over the proposed roads
and said later that they were
satisfied that this was one in­
stance where the shortest loute
of cheapest construction served
the most persons and was the
best road to be selected.
Those who attended the session
from this vicinity were, E. W.
Bartlett, H. C. Stephens, S. E.
Wooster, J. K. Ely and Mrs. H.
La Barre.
A C ontroversy S ettled
Recently the government set­
tled the controversy between the
use of “ milch” cow or “ milk”
cow deciding in fa'mr of the lat­
ter form. Now it has settled the
controversy between Dallas and
The Dalles, which has been wag­
ing for sometime p a s t . The
Dalles correspondent in Monday’s
issue of the Oregonian reports:
“ Although this city has been
known by its present name for
nearly 75 years, Une'e Sam boldly
announces that The Dalles is not
even on his maps, but that its
official title is “ Dalles City.”
“ Dallas and The Dalles editors
and residents may now cease the
verbal and printed war they have
waged to get this city named
Fort Dalles or Dallas called some­
thing else in order to avoid mail
and express mix-ups, because of
the similarity of names. Uncle
Sam says this city is Dalles City
and not what some, or most, or
all persons think it.”
A suit to quiet title to land has
been instituted by Estella and
William Bard against Jessie and
Phoebe Stromer, and Ethel and
Walter Anderson.
M. J. Kerkes, who is well and
favorably-known in this vicinity,
having been in the stock buying
business for years, will open up
next month a new and model
meat market in Estacada. His
location will he tin* building just
vacated by Dr. Morse south of
the postoffice on Main Street, lb*
informs us that he will install an
up-to-date equipment in every
respect, and sell cheaper than the
Portland markets. His intention
is also to buy a place near to town
and move his family on to it.
This will be good news to our
citizens, not only because a new
market will start up, but because
it shows the faith a man of Mr.
Kerkes’ shrewdness and business
ability has in this town and eom-
K en B artlett Q u alities
Ken Bartlett was among those
who qualified at Antwerp for the
final contest in the discuss t brow.
He did not attain the mark he
scored at Pasadena, but this was
probably due to the difference in
climate and conditions. When
the final comes off he will have
become mo r e acclimated and in
better shape to equal if not excel
his own record.
Attention Farmers!
I have t h e agency for the
Farmers’ Mutual F i r e Relief
Association. Call in at my office
and I will explain it to you. It
is one of the best and cheapest
mutuals in Oregon.
D rin k ing W ater
S hould Be Boiled
Notice is hereby given to the
citizens of Estacada. that all
water must he boiled before be­
ing used h r drinking purposes.
This is imperative.
By order,