EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, August 19, 1920 Page Seven '1 Binder or Any Twine ? I have a 6-foot McCormick Binder That I can sell you at {0 PE R C E N T B E L O W To-D ay’s Portland prices, Also a few hundred pounds of Standard and Manilla Twine left yet,—but it is going fast, and as the Twine outlook is very scarce—better order yours now and be sure of it when you need it. ! have a good supply of H a Y FORKS and HANDLES, MANILLA HAY ROPE and HAY CARRIERS. I BERT H FINO!. asea memmmm mm conomy~ fhciencjT ndurance WANTED FLY C H A S E R ! FOR THE PROTECTION OF STOCK FROM FLIES A M ) MOSQUITOES. SAFE, E C O N O M IC A L and E A S Y T O A P P L Y ?! *i FOR SALS JÏY THE ESTACADA PHARMACY The ? v 1 !i Store 1000 Fat Hogs Weighing from 150« to 225 pounds. Will pay THE EXTREM E TO P PRICE! These three Stirling qualities, sought by every motorist, and essential to the success of a Car ( doubly so in a hilly country ) are embodied in t h e ................................... C H E V R O L E T IF YOUR HOGS ARE FAT AND READY FOR MARKET you want to get the very top price for them, and weighed at home, then call And For the Business Man or Pleasure Seeker, our “ 490 ” and “ FB ” Models fulfill all the requirements of the Most Dis­ criminating Motorist. Mother, wife or daughter can safely, easily and comfortably drive these “ Easiest to 1 landle” Cars. In the Commercial Field and in the Farming and Fruit G row ing Industry the C H E V R O L E T M O D E L “ F ” ( one-ton truck ) has amply demonstrated its ability to cope with any situation. PH O N E : G. M. LAWRENCE — OR — FRED C. BARTHOLOMEW, Mgr. Estacada :: Oregon M. J. K E R K E S I a’so buy all kinds of live stock, fat or breeders, and 1 do not overlook the fresh cows Notify Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you j have any livestock for sale or call me at 'l abor 41*23 at 354 E 54 St.. Portland. Oregon. To get the most money out of hogs sell, them on hoof. C H E V R O L E T O V E R T H E TOP ALL KINDS anti SUPPLIES GUNS- P L A C E Y O U R IN S U R - ANCE T H R O U G H YOUR HOME AGEN T W H O W IL L P R O T E C T YOUR IN T E R E S T Cary Real Estate Co. W IL C O X BROS. O F TH E And AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE FOR FIRE INSURANCE n H KODAKS- Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here ----------------------- ----------------------------- ----------t_ - - Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies Kodak PicturesDeveloped and Enlarged ED. BONER'S CASCADE GARAGE DR. STEINER Physician ?, Surgeon Is h a c k f r o m Naches, Wash., and will answer any call at" the office or in the country. Estacada Oregon Presbyterian Church Services every Sunday: At Spring water 11 a. m .; at George 3 p. m.; at Kagle Creek 8 p. m. J. I). McClennan, Pastor. M. E. Church There will be service* both morning and evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. m and S:(iO p.m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. rn.. Young People's Meeting at 6:30 p. m. Everyone cordially invited to attend these service-*. J. F. Dunlop, Pastor