I served each day, the only t-rouble | being to find room for and digest A letter from a friend visiting what is so abundantly provided, in Argentina, not far from Bue­ j Under these conditions enter- nos Aires, states that winter is ! taimng has no terrors for a host­ ess, neither does the guest feel now on in those parts, and that that he may be causing a lot of it is summer when winter is here. extra trouble and work, so hospi- Last Christmas Day the weather : tality is without restraint and was sizzling hot. The writer is j unbounded. staying with relatives on a large E s ta c a d a ’s P o pu latio n cattle ranch, and at Christmas 192 0 C en su s all hands of which there are over Estacada’s population accord­ a hundred were invited to a big ing to the recent census is 483. celebration. A sumptuous din­ The precincts in the vicinity are — ner was provided, at which each given as follows: Barton, 303; Boring, 516; Do­ man received a bottle of wine ver, 161; Eagle Creek, 381; Esta­ and cider imported from Spain. cada, No. 1, 354; Estacada, No. The owner of the ranch was host 2, 542; George, 118; Logan, 400; and gave lavish presents to his Springwater, 351; Viola, 279. Population of i n c o r p o r a t e d hands and their families. It re­ towns o f Clackamas County: calls the old plantation days of Barlow, 42; Canby, 852; Esta­ the South, when there was no cada, 483; Gladstone, 1069; Mil- servant problem, and each white waukie, 1172; Molalla, 496; Ore­ person had his own attendant. gon City, 5686; Oswego, 1818; Many and elaborate meals are Sandy, 242; West Linn, 1628. Inverted Seasons The Democratic presidential nominee has gained one recom­ mendation. By his stand on the League of Nations he has incur­ red the displeasure of William R. Hearst. Eastern Clackamas News K i*«*red at the postoffice in Estacada, Oregon, as second-class mail. Published every Thursday at Estacada, Oregon There has been much written about the immodesty of the one- piece bathing suits for women. Those we saw at the beach were modesty itself, compared to the decollete evening gowns at a swell society function. U P T O N II. G IB B S Editor and Manager. SlIHSC’ RIPTION One year . t ix month» . RATKS . - $1. 50 - - .75 When passing Gresham Sunday we noticed a strawberry patch with a number of castor oil plants growing among the vines. We speculated as to whether this was intentional or accidental, and on recalling our c h i l d h o o d expe­ rience, the combination seemed congruous. I o n 1" ii A d v i i l i “ in^ Ki-presentativi? 11II Thursday, August 19, 1920 EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S Pcge Four \MI Mil AN HKK: S ASSOC I A'i ION Thursday, August 19. .1920 As You L ik e It The following are two repre­ sentative samples of editorial opinion on Covernor Cox’s speech of acceptance. As the peddler replied to the little hoy who asked him which article he had better purchase, “ You pays y.mr money and you takes your choice.” The Oregonian He wobbles between opposing views on ques­ tions which till at least as laige a place as the league in the pub­ lic mind. He clothes his plea for votes in an inordinately long but skillfully framed structure of words, which must be taken apart in order to discover his meaning. The Journal Governor Cox will grow in popularity as the campaign advances. The powers of thought ami expression re­ vealed by his address of accep­ tance mean that his will be a campaign of his order and one that will win from his country­ men increasing confidence in his purpose and in his powers. ..................................... .......................... The Oregon State Editorial Convention which met last week at Astoria, passed resolutions op­ posing the entry into the state of the Non-Partisan league, and condemning the five per cent in­ terest bill. They also advocated in view of the shortage of news­ print, laws for curtailing the size of metropolitan papers to GO pages on Sundays and 24 pages on week days. The former in our judgment, will not suffer but be improved by the curtailment. W o u ld Ruin the State ... From t h e American papers Ireland is seething in revolt, civil war and upheaval. Hut letters from England t o t h e writer, never even refer to it. By the way why don’ t the Sinn Fein get in touch with Sir Edward Carson instead of Lloyd George? The British government cannot aban­ don Ulster to take its chances with the southern portion of Ire­ land under a hostile regime. If a satisfactory arrangement can be made between these two, the British government would thank­ fully and eagerly acquiesce. It pays to take a vacation. This does not mean idleness but rest and change from the ordinary routine. It does not do to stav at home, for if one does, there will be no change or getting out of the old rut. Even if a man d o e s nothing but loaf around while gone, he is recuperating his worn and exhausted energies and comes back reinvigorated to tackle again the daily round and common task. | In many localities throughout Oregon meetings h a v e been called for discussion among farm­ ers and business men, of a con­ stitutional amendment, proposed by initiative which is to limit the legal rate o f interest to be charged in the state of Oregon to 4 per cent on all moneys after they became due, and 5 per cent on what are known as contract loans. The measure will go be­ fore the voters at the general election to be held Tuesday, No­ vember 2. it is estimated that 70 per cent of money loaned in Oregon comes from outside the state and this would be withdrawn over night if such a nvasure as this should pass. The wording o f the proposed measure appears to benefit the borrower by giving him cheap interest rates but low rates with­ out any money to borrow will not help the man needing money. With the U. S. government paying G per cent for money what chance would individuals in Ore­ gon stand to get it at 4 and 5 per cent? FranKlin T. Griffith, president of Portland Ry. L t «fcPowerCo.. says the measure would literally ruin the state. It would close in lustries and throw thousands of men out o f work. W E H A V E J U S T R E C E IV E D A C A R i LOAD OF TH ESE TRACTORS Better select yours before they are ail gone. , GRESHAM l ^ Light Lunches and Confectionery Pipes and Tobacco * j Cigars and Cigarettes M ade to Measure Clothes For Men R. G. M A R C HB A N K E stacada, O r e g o n ! Popcom and Peanuts Phonographs and Records I ¥ I