OUR SLOGAN: KEEP YOUR EYE ON ESTACA PA! Community Cooperation im t (Elarkamaa N rata Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas V olume 13, N um ber 48 canyons until the coast level is reached. The first glimpse of the ocean is obtained at Wheeler, which is a lumber mill, on the arm of the bay opposite Nehalem, When the S. P. R. R. line was and Neah-kah-nie -m o u n t a i n . nearing completion from Portland From there the railroad runs along the borders of the ocean to Tillamook, a well-known Port­ and bay to Tillamook, with re­ land capitalist noted a spur of sorts all along the way. Transfer land jutting out between Tilla­ for Bayocean is made at Bay mook Bay and the Pacific ocean. City, where a launch meets pass­ Being gifted with an imagination engers, the trip across the bay and a vision, he conceived its taking about half an hour. possibilities as a summer resort and playground. He immediate­ On arrival they are met by the ly took steps to develop the same manager a n d escorted to the under the appropriate name of hotel or the bungalow city which Ba>ocean, i n v e s t i n g a large is a very popular feature of the amount of his own capital. A place. This is a regular camp on company was formed and exten­ the bay side, nestling under the sive preparationsand plans drawn lee of a hill. The bungalows are up. Lots were platted, streets 20x12, divided into two parts, laid out and hard-surfaced, two living a n d sleeping quarters, hotels built, and one of the which are furnished with stove largest natatoriums in the coun­ I and equipment for light house­ try. In all a quarter of a million keeping. E a c h contains two or more dollars were invested beds, one double and one single, and for a few seasons the pat­ to accommodate three or four ronage was very good. Then persons. But w h o l e families other resorts springing up along squeeze themselves in at a pinch. the mainland coast drew off vis­ Water, electric light and fuel are itors, and the chief promoter also furnished being included died. The property became in­ in the rent, which is $14.00 a volved i n expensive litigation week or $40.00 per month. The and turned over to a receiver. . camp this month is fully occu­ Since then it has been an uphill pied, many being turned away or struggle, but in spite of this it forced to wait at the hotel until presents eloquent testimony of a a vacancy occurs. great conception which yet may The principal diversions are be successfully realized. For c r a b b i n g a n d clamming at those who spend a week or more low tide on the bay side, dipping there, become enamored with the in the surf in the ocean or swim­ place, as it has the advantages of ming in the tank at the natato- both bay and ocean beaches, the rium, hiking along the beach, or latter being unsurpassed. over the cliff through the woods The writer and his wife have to the Cape Mear’s Light house just returned from their third or to the neighboring Netarts visit to Bayocean, and while this beach, then in the evening sittin g . time, the weather was consider­ by beach fires telling stories and ably foggy and the wind blew a roasting wieners or marshmal­ good deal more than was pleas­ lows. ant, they enjoyed their stay im­ The natatorium has a tank over mensely, taking long walks and a hundred feet long and the water congratulating themselves hav­ is warmed before being let into ing escaped the heat from which the tank, w h i l e fresh water other parts of the state were showers are provided both cold suffering. The trip from Port- • and hot. It possesses one fea­ land takes about eight or nine ture which is unique, artificial hours going by way of Hillsboro surf. This year the machinery and thence west to the coast. was out of repair, so it was not The route is very picturesque and turned on. But the writer was the greater part being through [ Carried over to Page «, col. 1 ] heavy timber, winding down , BETWIXT BAY AND ROLLING OCEAN % E stacada , O regon T hursday A ugust 19, 1920 $1.50 P er Y ear AMERICANS LEAD TRAGIC DEATH IN OLYMPIC GAMES AT GARFIELD The latest report of track and field scores made at Antwerp, gives to the United States 101 points; Finland 49; Sweden 36; England 24; France 12; South Africa 7; Italy 7; Canada 7; Nor­ way 3; New Zealand 3; Esthonia 3. The discus twirling contest has not yet been reported. This is the event in which Ken Bart­ lett will compete. C h atau q u a G u aran tees The committee for securing a sufficient number of names to as­ sure the Chatauqua here another year, is working this week, try­ ing hard to complete their work. Over sixty of the hundred names necessary, have been obtained. After the recent inspirarational talk on Community spirit by Dr. Hawn, it would be expected that there would be a readiness to respond to all efforts for im­ provement of an educational and cultural sort. The Chatauqua held here this summer was de­ cidedly good and uplifting, the various numbers being fully up to the average of much larger ones with more elaborate pro­ grams and higher salaried lect­ urers and talent. W ed d in g B ells R ing O ut O n th e N ight A il Married -In Oregon Cily, Sat­ urday, Augut 14, 1920, Miss Edith 1. Ferry to Theodore A. Reid. * The young couple are well and favorably known, the bride being the pretty and popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ferry of Garfield, and the groom the son of Mrs. N o r a Reid who lives south of Estacada. They were accompanied by the patents of the bride and mother of the groom to the county seat for the marriage ceremony. The newly married p a i r returned to the home of the groom’s mother Sunday, where that evening their many friends gave them an old fashioned charivari which for noise was never surpassed, and seldom equalled. They will make their home at the groom’s mill in the Logan country, accompanied by the best wishes of all who know them. Tuesday afternoon a man in­ quired at the bank where the coroner, sheriff or some one in authority could be found. He in­ formed Mr. Stephens that he had brought that morning, a party of five from Fortland to the Nunn ranch in Garfield, which adjoins that of Doc Falmateer. The day before Richard K. Nunn of Fortland, brother of the owner of the ranch, had gone out, and on arriving they found him dead, and evidently for some hours. There were evidences they feared of suicide. Milt Marshall, depu­ ty sheriff was notified, who put himself in touch with the author­ ities. The coroner came out in tho evening and with Mr. Marsh­ all and Dr. McCall went out t«> view the body. Dr. McCall ex­ amined it, and gave his opinion that death was caused by a drug. As Dr. Nunn had been in a very nervous condition from over work, evidently he had taken an opiate to induce sleep and inad­ vertantly an over dose, so it was decided that no inquest was nec­ essary. An underlaker of the Holman Co. of Fortland was sent out after the remains and took them back that night. The de­ ceased was an eminent oculist and had practiced in Fortland from 1882 to 1915, when he went to Europe to work in the war hospitals, in the medical corps of the British army, and had only returned three weeks from over seas He was a native of Eng­ land and educated at Dublin uni­ versity and about sixty-one years of age. He leaves a widow and a son. D rin k in g W ater S hou ld Be B oiled Notice is hereby gi /en to the citizens of Estacada. that all water must he boiled before be­ ing used for drinking purposes. This is imperative. By order, 19tf WATER COMMITTEE