Page Eight EASTERN CLA C K A M A S NEWS Thursday August 5, 1920 RESOLUTION. and the following named persons are r k „ rrk hereby designated and appointed as o a 81 v ^ n u rcn UK IT RESOLVED BY TH E COUN­ and for the judges and clerks of said Remember t h e services for CIL OF TH E CITY OF ESTA­ election, to-wit: Lucy M. Reed, Susie o n ' CADA, CLACKAMAS COUNTY, Sarver, Elizabeth M. Sparks, Judges next Sunday S. S. at 10, preach* OREGON, that the following pro­ KoSe Bartholomew-, ing at 11 a. m., and a union ser- posed amendments to the charter cdeiks Sa,lns’ of said City be and the same here­ r e s o l v e d f u r t h e r , that for vice will be held in the Christian by are proposed for submission to the hereinabove proposed charter [ church at 7 ;3 0 p m A preacher the legal voters of said City for amendments, the following ballot' . K i heir adoption or rejection at the title be and the same hereby is adopt- from Gresham Will conduct these special city election to be held on ed, to-wit: services in the absence of the the 21st day of August, 15)20, as in 1 ■■ - • this resolution provided: Charter Amendments Submitted to pastor, ,Rev. J. F. Dunlop. AN ACT. tin* Voter* by the Council. " ■ __ ___ ___ _ ■'■■■ ± - To amend an act entitled “ An act to incorporate the City of Estacada, To amend an act entitled “ An Act Notice of Sale—Real Property in the County of Clackamas, State of to Incorporate the City -of Estacada, Oregon” , bled in the office of the Sec­ in the County of Clackamas, State of In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County. (Pro­ retary of State January 31, 1905, and Oregon” , filed in the office of the Sec­ to amend all acts amending said act retary of State January 31, 1905, by bate Department). Subsequently enacted by the Legisla­ adding thereto Section 4 3 providing In the Matter of the Estate of EUGENE tive Assembly or by vote of the for the issuance and sale of $5,000 H. W ILLIS, Deceased. people. Refunding bonds to redeem a like Notice is hereby given that pursuant BE IT ENACTED BY TIIE PEOPLE amount of City street and sewer OF THE CITY OF ESTACADA that j bonds now due and providing for a to an Order of the above entitled Court, an act entitled ‘ An act to Incor-I tax levy to pay principal and interest in the above entitled cause and estate, porate the City of Estacada, in the thereon. made on the29th day of July, 1920. I County of Clackamas, State of 100 -------Yes. will on the 2lst aay of August, 1920, at Oregon” , filed in the office of the 101 -------No. Secretary of State January 31, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that 11 A .M ., offer at private sale and sell 1905, and all acts amending said the Recorder he and he is hereby in­ for cash to the highest bidder all of the act subsequently enacted by the structed to publish tlie hereinabove Legislative Assembly or by vote j proposed charter amendments sub- right, titie and interest that the Estate of tlie people be and the same is mitted to the voters by the Coun- has in or to Lot six (•») in Block “ C” hereby amended by adding thereto oil in the manner provided by law, Millwaukee Park, also known as Mill- Section 43 to read as follows: | that is to say, by publication of this waukie Park, Clackamas County, Ore­ Section 43. (a) For the purpose j resolution in full for two consecu- of procuring funds to retire and re-|tive publications within twenty gon. Sale to be made at the office o f ! deem the v'lty of Estacada street and j days immediately preceding said W. D. Freeman, No. 722 Chamber of Sewer bonds in the principal sum of j special election in the Eastern Clack- Commerce, Portland, Oregon, and sub­ tlve thousand dollars ($ 5 ,0 0 0 ) dated amas News same being a newspaper ject to a mortgage of $35!\00. Written June 1, 1910, payable June 1, 1920, published in the City of^fstaca'da anu bids will be received at the P.O. Mill- In denominations of live hundred dol-1 hereby designated for said purpose, lnrs ($ 5 0 0 ) each and numbered 1 to i Passed by the Council on this, the wauKie Oregon, until 9 o’clock A. M. on 10 Inclusive, (he Council is hereby 31st day of July, 1920, by the fol- said August 21st, 1920. nuthorized and empowered to issue {lowing vote: E. B. STONE, and dispose of general obligation | Yeas: five, Administrator, Will annexed. bondfl of said C ity in the sum of live' Navs: none. thousand dollars ($ 5 ,0 0 0 ), said bonds Submitted to the Mayor July 31st, W. D. FREEM AN, to be in denominations of live hun­ 1920. Attorney. 7-22-8-19 dred dollars ($ 5 0 0 ) each, numbered Approved by the Mayor July 31st, 1 to 10 inclusive, to lie dated July 1,1 1920. EXECUTRIX NOTICE 15)20, and to mature serially in tiu-i E. \V. BARTLETT, Mayor. liicrical order at the rate of $500 per | Attest: In the County Court of the State of annum on the llrst days of July in 8. E. WOOSTER, Recorder. Otegon for the County of Clackamas. each of the years 1921 to IUÜO in­ 8 5-12 Notice is hereby given that the un­ clusive, said bonds to be signed by dersigned h;is been appointed executrix the Mayor and countersigned by the of the last Will and Testament of Peter Notice to Creditors Recorder under the corporate seal of Schweitzer, deceased, by the County the City, and to have attached there- in |he County C ourt of the State of Court of the State of Oregon for the to semi-annual Interest coupons County of Clackamas, and has qualified. bearing g - -, 1 . ^ I ICE IS HEBEI ig the me engraved engraved fac-slmile rac-slmlle s l ig . . , . Y GI\ .. EN „ that All persons having claims against saiu mil Recorder. l‘ ,*(- 0 1 - 1 1 1 r Che unders^ned undersigned has by the County natures, of the Mayor and estate are hereby notified to present ourt of the Che State of Oregon for forClack- whereby the City shall 1 be held in *’ Court Clack the same, duly Verified as by law re­ substance and effect I lo undertake «mas County been appointed adminis- quired, to the undersigned at the office and promise to pay to the ...„ bearer . . . . . . . of tratrix „ of the , estate , of (Jeorge . , Hender- „ of McGuirk & Schneider, 203-5 With­ each of said bonds at maturity there-1 ^eceaset ' H,u 118 8Ut‘i* h*18