EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS T hursday, A ugust 5, 1920 Odd Fellows Will Meet Want and For Sale Column Estacada Lodge No. 175, 1. O. O. F., will meet in regular ses­ sion Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Visiting brethren al ways wel­ come. R. S. L , Noble Grand. J. K. E ly , Secretary. Why the Electric Cleaner? • udlow Water Users Attention ! Water for irrigation May be u sed from 6 to 8 A. M. and from 7 to 9 P.M. each day. VIOLATIONS OF THESE REGULATIONS WILL BE PROSECUTED By Order Common Council. H. BOYER, City Marshall. ! i ! There is really no comparison between the ease and thoroughness with which an Electric Cleaner removes dirt and the difficulty of sweeping. True, one CAN clean rugs and carpets wthout an electric cleaner. A broom or carpet sweeper will brush up SOME of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and a carpet beater will do the work after a fashion. In the same way one can wash without soap, Water alone will remove some dirt if applied with enough “elbow grease.” But people use soap because it cleans more easily and better than water alone. For the same reason people use Electric Cleaners because they clean more easily and far better than other methods. ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRIC BUILDING. BUY YOUR ELECTRIC GOODS AT AN ELECTRIC STORE ! ! t î An ad. in the N e w s always I f vou wish to be locally in­ formed subscribe for the N e w s . bring good results. More Business! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Compells us to buy a Ford. W e can now take in more territory and deliver your goods most any place a Ford can go. K& Page Three PHONE YOUR ORDERS Our Motto Is Service The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER, Proprietor > cents per line, (’ash in advance FOR SALE Five acres of cleared land, cheap. Mrs. Grace McKenney, 8 5-12 Estacada Heights. LOST Suit Case on road be­ tween Estacada and Springwater. Finder kindly n o t i f y Sidney Smith, Estacada, Route 2. It CONTRACT TO LET for log­ ging at $6.00 per M. Bittner & Boy lan Shingle Co. Phone Estacada. Ore. 8-5-12 FOR SALE Good general work horse, Estacada, Ore. 8-5-12-19-26 K. C. H . FOUND On the road between Gladstone a n d Springwater a kodak. Owner can obtain infor­ mation about it by calling at this office. 8-5ff FOR SALE One good Berk­ shire brood sow. Will farrow August 20. Also two Chester White S-months’-old shouts. In­ quire Joseph De Shaaer or phone Sandy 180. FOR SALE A Holstein bull, one year and a half old and in good condition. E. E. Erickson, Rt. 1. Currinsville, Ore. 8-5-12 FOR SALE About five tons of timothy and clover hay, at the Lloyd Yocum place. Any fair offer accepted. Fred Hull. 8-111 FOR SALE Two very desir­ able lots for sale in Estacada close to school, 100x100. Make me an offer. E. G. B arger , 828 East Kelly St.. 7-29-8-5-12 Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE A 5-year-old dark bay driving or saddle mare, fine traveller, weight about 950 lbs. A bargain at $75.00 if taken at once. Write or see. Also Bees and Honey. J. B. B , 7-29-8-5 R. 1, Estacada. WOOD FOR SALE. 16-inch . old fir. Dry. Delivered at Es­ tacada $7.25. Phone T. B. Y , 7-29-8-5-12-19 Garfield. FOR SALE Good work horse. Mrs. A. L. Baker, one mile east of the Grange Hall. Eagle Creek. 7-15-tf FOR SALE First-class green cut wood, 16 inch. On road. Matt Anderson, 7-22-29-1 Rt 1, Bx50A. FOR SALE - Slab wood. Leave ordersat McWillis’ grocery store. 7-22-29 8-5-12 W m . P erry . oygaakd owman oung