Thursday, Ju’ y 29, 1920 M áM SF3 I have a 6-foot __________, 7 ^ I 'n s f w , j Tm.Ttr, be ;ipd; That I can sell you at 10 P E R C E N T B E L O W To-D ays Portland pricks; Also a few hundred pounds or “i n a m i A ! 3DIT0M XIHTUD3X£ Standard and Manilla Twine h .'fi • -1 i • In ) y. i n i : i ) -i i;>l /:I ' to y litliu O 9(Ü tu l iin' iij It 1 • .*t u 'Vijj Y.dai*id >-.i :) left yet,—but it is going fast, and as the Twine outlook is very scarce—better order yours now and be sure of it when you need it. BERT H. FINCH. I have a good supply of H a Y FORKS and HANDLES, MANILLA HAY ROPE and HAY CARRIERS. FOR THE PROTECTION OF STOCK FROM FLIES AND MOSQUITOES. SA FE , E C O N O M IC A L and E A S Y T O A P P L Y FOR SA L S BY THE ESTACADA PHARMACY X •.••••x^-x-x-x-x-x 'x -x -x -x -x -í-x -x -i For the Business Man or Pleasure Seeker, our “ 490 ” and “ FB ” Models fulfill all the requirements of the Most Dis­ criminating Motorist. Mother, wife or daughter can safely, easily and comfortably drive these “ Easiest to Handle” Cars. In the Commercial Field and in the Farming and Fruit G rowing Industry the C H E V R O L E T M O D E L “ F ” ( one-ton truck ) has amply demonstrated its ability to cope with any situation. And you want to pet the very top price for them, and weighed at home, then call M. J. K E R K E S C H E V R O L E T O V E R T H E TOP KODAKS- A L L KINDS and SUPPLIES Parties W anting to Buy Fauns. Come in and List, we will do the rest. Cary Real Estate Co. l W IL C O X B R O S. GUNS-- And OF THE A M M U N IT IO N FISHING TACKLE OF ‘«P CHEVROLET IF YOUR HOGS ARE FAT AND READY FOR MARKET We Have a Large List I i .•> IA I' • These three Stirling qualities, sought by every motorist, and essential to the success of a Car ( doubly so in a hilly country ) are embodied in t h e ................................... * S to re I also buy all kinds of live stock, fat or breeders, and I do not overlook the fresh cows Notify Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you have any livestock for sale or call me at l abor 4123 - at 354 E 54 St.. Portland. Oregon. To get the most money out of hoj.s sell them on hoof. to I! * i ■ . conomy~ fficiency~ ndurance FLY C H A S E R ! The ••I. nit « I n! ~ Get Hunting and Fishing Licenses Here Camping Outfits, Electric Flashlights. Baseball Supplies Kodak Pictures Developed and Enlarged ED. BONER’S CASCADE GARAGE DR. STEINER Physician S Surgeon Is h a c k f r o m Naches, Wash., and will answer any call at the office or in the country. Estacada Oregon Presbyterian Church Services every Sunday: At Springwater 11 a. m.; at George 3 p. m.; at Eagle (’reek 8 p. m. J. 1). McClennan, _ Pastor. M. E. Church There will be services both morning ‘ and evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. 'and 8:00 p.m. Sunday School at 10:OO a. m ., Young People’s Meeting at 6:30 p. m. Everyone cordially invited to attend these services. J. F. Dunlop, Pastor