T hursday, July 29, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS By an unfortunate oversight we omitted the year of his birth in the obituary last week of A r­ thur Duncan. He was born Sep­ tember 22, 1900, so he was nine­ teen .years, nine months and three weeks at the time of his death on July 15. There is really no comparison between the ease and thoroughness with which an Electric Cleaner removes dirt and the difficulty of sweeping. True, one C A N clean rugs and carpets wthout an electric cleaner. A broom or carpet sweeper will brush up S O M E of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and a carpet beater will do the work after a fashion. In the same way one can wash without soap, Water alone will remove some dirt if applied with enough “ elbow grease.” Water f o r irrigation May b e u s e d from 6 to 8 A . M. and from 7 to 9 P.M . each day. î \ f Council. H. BOYER, ! I For the same reason people use Electric Cleaners because they clean more easily and far better than other methods. E L E C T R IC S T O R E E L E C T R I C B U IL D IN G . BUY YOUR ELECTRIC GOODS AT AN ELECTRIC STORE Cussing the Mail Order Houses! D O E S N ’T H U R T T H E I R F E E L IN G S H A L F SO M U C H A S M E E T IN G BETTER Overalls- T H E IR QUALITY P R IC E W I T H OF A G O O D S . ;£] FOR SALE A Jersey Cow. Will be fresh in a few days. S. A m ann . 7-29 One mile north of Estacada. t WOOlVFOR SALE. 16-inch old fir. Dry. Delivered at Es­ tacada $7.25. Phone T. B. Y oung , 7-29-8-5-12-19 Garfield. FOR SALE One milk cow four months fresh; one fresh thoroughbred Jersey heifer and heifer calf; FOUR Jersey heifers two years old in November, and small ranch with house and barn for rent, all two miles west of Dover, near Victor Lumber Com­ pany. Opportunity for man who would work in mills. The above cattle must be sold soon at fair price. I). M. W atters , Eagle Creek, Ore., R.F.D. DON’T forget the United A r­ tisans’ dance on July ,‘Ust. FOR SALE A few weened pigs. C. H. Duncan, Rt. 1. .M E N 'S , B O Y S ’ and Y O U T H S ’ . Khaki Panic IM 1 G IY I FOR SALE Two very desir able lots for sale in Estacada close to school, 100x100. Make me an oiler. E. G. BARGER, 828 East Kelly St.. 7-29-8-5-12 Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE A 5-year-old dark hay driving or saddle mare, tine traveller, weight about 950 lbs. A bargain at $75.00 if taken at once. Write or see. Also Bees and Honey. J. B. B o w m an , 7-29-8-5 R. 1, Estacada. Bend Utility Company plans Freewater is to have a new $250,000 power plant. bank capitalized by $00,000. City Marshall. { f. t But people use soap because it cleans more easily and better than water alone. V IO L A T IO N S OF THESE R E G U LA T IO N S W IL L BE PROSECUTED Common Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance Why the Electric Cleaner? Water Users Attention ! By Order Page Three R A I N t e s t , and m o l e s k i n . r i l l l l a * p ut them to t h e test and see which line is best. FOR SALE By Community float committee. A number of yards of burlap in short lengths. See Ruth L. Dillon, 7-22-29 Soap— 2 0 -M U L E -T E A M B O R A X C A S C A D E W H IT E R O Y A L W H I TE 1 [ 15 Cakes for $|.00 Assorted if you wish. I T R A IS E S T H E D O U G H — B A K IN G POW DERS — W E H A V E A L L K IN D S . J A R R IN G S , .guaranteed, J T p 2 dozen f o r .................. l« J v A A l T JL • • • • • C A M P - F IR E R O A ST COFFEE . . Chairmen. FOR SALE Two S. C. R. I. Red Roosters, 15 months old, pure bred from Elliott’s yards. Also a few hens and some young stock. J. W. Moxley, 7-22-29 Morrow Station. FOR SALE Good work horse. Mrs. A. L. Baker, one mile east of the Grange Hall. Eagle Creek. 7-15-tf 38c FOR SALE First-class green cut wood, 16 inch. On road. Matt Anderson, 7-22-29-1 Rt. 1. Bx 50 A. FOR S A L E Slab wood. Leave ordersat McWillis’ grocery store. 7-22-29 8-5-12 W m . P erry . • The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER, Proprietor Our Motto U Service. NOTICE A fter this .date the minimum charge for classified ads. will be 25c for the first insertion. Sub­ sequent insertions 10c or more, each time according to number of lines.