Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 22, 1920, Image 1

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    O U R SLO GAN :
Community Cooperation
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13,
N umber 44
Ken Bartlett has been selected
as one o f the athletes to repre­
sent the U. S. A. at the Olympic
games at Antwerp, Belgium,
next month. The honor is a con­
siderable one and obtained for
discus throwing, having broken
at Boston the former record of
the Junior A. A. U. These con­
tests are international, so he will
be pitted against the best Euro­
pean athletes. ^ In a manner this
this will be the crowning point o f
his athletic career, which has
been a brilliant one, as he proved
himself last year exceptional on
the football team of the U. of O.
and played tackle in the memor­
able match against Harvard uni­
versity at Pasadena . on New
Year’s Day.
Not only in athletics but in
scholarship also, he has disting­
uished himself and won honors,
boing listed among the 65 stu­
dents to get the highest grades
during the spring term o f this
year, and was elected a member
o f that fraternity which expects
to become affiliated with the
noted Phi Beta Kappa society.
Estacada can well feel proud o f
this young man because his suc­
cesses reflect honor on his home
town. The N ews extends to him
the heartiest o f congratulations
and wishes him bon voyage look­
ing to his obtaining fresh laurels.
This trip will be different from
his first one across the Atlantic,
when he volunteered and enlisted
in the army.
Then there was
danger o f the lurking submarine
but now the seas are safe and
That he helped make
them so, he may rightly think.
Work has been started on the
three-story $750,000 building for
the American Can Company at
Portland, Ore. With the com­
pletion o f this new building, the
plant will employ a minimum o f
700 people and will turn out “ tin
cans” for the u s e o f canneries
and condensers throughout the
Pacific Coast.
E stacada , O regon T hursday J uly 22, 1920
Community Picnic Supper
A community picnic supper in
the Park is planned for Friday,
July 30th, the regular evening for
the meeting o f the Community
Club. The special object of this
affair is to arouse interest in the
repair o f the road on Main Street
from the bottom o f the hill to the
Harkenrider turn. It is proposed
to dig up and grade the surface
and then lay fresh gravel over it.
A town is judged by its ap­
proaches, and if the roads leading
into it are good, a favorable im­
pression is made on the visitor as
to the progressiveness of its citi­
zens. That portion o f the road
to be repaired has been badly
worn by the constant motor traf­
fic, and the gravel already on it
is getting ground in, and requires
Another subject o f vital inter­
est to be discussed is the Mount
Hood Loop Road and its latest
A representa­
tive o f the State Chamber
o f Commerce who is said to be a
very attractive speaker, is also
expected to be present, and give
an account of what the Chamber
is doing and has accomplished.
Altogether the evening promises
to be most interesting. Let ev­
erybody turn out, bring their
own lunches and have a rousing
Remember the
place, Estacada Park, the day,
Friday, July 30th, the hour, 6.30
p. m.
Improvements A t
Telephone Office
Manager Wallace, o f the Esta­
cada Telephone Co., is to be con­
gratulated on the improvements
which have been made in the
office. The walls are papered
and tinted and the wood work
painted in walnut. The whole
system is being overhauled and a
new switch board is on its way.
$1.50 P er Y ear
A gloom spread over this com­
munity when the sad news came
that Arthur Duncan had passed
He w a s such a good
natured boy, with always a smile
and a kind word for all who knew
him, so it could well be under­
stood bow many friends he had.
* This was shown by the large
crowd which gathered at Mt.
Zion church to pay their last re­
spects to him and to place on his
casket beautiful flowers as a token
o f their love and good friendship.
The son o f Charles and Rena
Duncan he was born in Carfield,
Ore., September 22nd, and lived
all his life in this neighborhood.
He was taken sick on Thurs­
day, June 17th, and was taken to
St. Vincent’s hospital the follow­
ing Monday, where he underwent
an operation.
He s uf f e r e d
greatly but bore it patiently until
the end came on July 15th.
Besides his parents two sisters
and a brother are lett to mourn
his loss, and a host of friends and
relatives. Six o f his boy friends
a c t e d as pallbearers a t the
funeral, which was conducted by
the Rev. A. Demov.
W h o Said Parker
’ House
Rolls ?
Bertha Burns and Leta Posson
represented the domestic science
class at the Gladstone Chatauqua
last week. They were called
upon to demonstrate their culi­
nary .skill, and rolling up their
sleeves they went to work with a
will, and made ten dozen Parker
house rolls. These were so tempt­
ing and appetizing looking, that
they sold right off the pan as fast
as they were turned out. The
young ladies h a v e established
their reputations as good bread-
makers, which will surely add to
their charms, for as Owen Mere­
dith says: “ Civilized man cannot
live without cooks.”
If the armistice were not in
effect between us and Germany,
it might have been thought Fri­
day morning that the latter was
making an aerial raid and drop­
ping bombs upon us.
eleven o ’clock on that day, a loud
caused many Ho run
out into the streets and see what
was the matter. It turned out to
be the head o f a gasolene tank
being blown out. Thursday H.
Huxley brought to Pesznecker’s
shop a fifty gallon tank to be re­
paired as it was leaking. It was
allowed to remain in the sun out
o f doors all day long, so that
what little oil might be in it,
could evaporate. Friday m< y ,
ing Mr. Pessnecker was about to
roll it into his shop, when he de­
cided first to see if there were
- any gas in it. So he applied a
match with an astonishing result.
The head o f the tank was blown
out and went up in the air clear
over the telephone wires and de­
scribing an arc fell in the street
about seventy-five feet away, at
the corner o f the postoffice. For­
tunately no damage was done
except to the tank, which can
easily be repaired. But it shows
the force o f this explosive and
how careful one must be in hand­
ling it. Mr. Pesznecker thinks
there was no oil in it, but only
the gas which had been gener­
At Vancouver, Wash., Satur­
day, July 10th, 1920, Miss Ger­
trude E. Morrow, daughter o f
Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrow, o f
Portland, to John J. McElroy.
Mrs. McElroy is well known here,
as her father formerly kept a
livery stable in Estacada, and
also she served as telephone op­
The Adix
Sir Thomas Liptonls persever­
ance in trying to lift the Ameri­
ca’s c u p seems a b o u t t o be
rewarded. If he is successful no
one will begrudge him his victory,
as he has been such a good sport
and good loser.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends for their sympathy and
kindness during our recent be­
reavement, and for the beautiful
floral offerings.
Charles Duncan and family.
House Sold
Dr. Morse has purchased the
residence and offices just vacated
by Dr. McCall from Dr. Adix the
the owner. He is having them
overhauled and will make a num­
ber o f improvements. Dr. Wells
will still keep his old office in the