EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S Thursday, July 15, 1920 Dr. Harry Morgan of Wasco, Ore., with his wife and baby are visiting his parents in Estacada, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Morgan. Pai?e Three Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance Why the Electric Cleaner? LOST—In Estacada on the 4th a white silk knit baby bonnet. Return to E. Shibley. It FOR S A LE — Two sows with pigs. Call on A. Miller, Elwood, Oregor. 7-15-22 Water Users Attention ! W ater f o r irrigation M ay b e u s e d from 6 to 8 A . M. and from 7 to 9 P.M . each day. $ VIOLATIONS OF THESE REGULATIONS WILL BE PROSECUTED ! B y Order Common Council. H. BOYER, City Mallarsh. There is really no comparison between the ease and thoroughness with which an Electric Cleaner removes dirt and the difficulty of sweeping. True, one C A N clean rugs and carpets wthout an electric cleaner. A broom or carpet sweeper will brush up S O M E of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and a carpet beater will do the work after a fashion. In the same way one can wash without soap, W ater alone will remove some dirt if applied with enough “ elbow grease.” But people use soap because it cleans more easily and better than water alone. For the same reason people use Electric Cleaners because they clean more easily and far better than other methods. E L E C T R IC S T O R E E L E C T R I C B U IL D IN G . • • • • Eagle Creek. Dr. Steiner returned The clerk of the weather seems to have shut off the rain faucets. yesterday morning. • Old Hampshire Gray Ware L I P P E D P R E S E R V IN G K E T T L E , wood grip, 10 quart size. D E E P H A N D L E D D IS H P A N S , 12 quarts. C O N V E X K E T T L E , B E R L IN -S H A P E T I N COVER. F A M I L Y M IX IN G - B O W L S , 9 quarts.- D E E P F L A R I N G P A IL S , 10 quarts. This W are guaranteed first quality and Sold at Second Prices. It is here for your inspection. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Curtain Rods 10c. 15c. 20c, 25c- Curtain Scrim Ecru, and White. Mason Jars, quart and one-half gallon. Mason Jar Rubbers the best, 2 doz. for X5c. Indian Head we have in stock. 7-16-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Ridinir and driving pony. Weight about 1000 lbs. Will trade in on work team. J. C. Botkin, Rt 1. Box 50. FOR SAL E McCormick 7-15-22 Binder and Mower. See W. W. Christensen, 7-8-7-29 Í t BUY YOUR ELECTRIC GOODS AT AN ELECTRIC STORE home YouareCanningiPreseving Do It in FOR SALE Good work horse. Mrs. A. L. Baker, one mile east of the Grange Hall. Estacada, Rt. 2. FOR SALE Oats and Timothy Hay. Fred Marasco, 2t Estacada, Oregon. WANTED . rent at once. 2t Tents to buy or R.C. Deming, Garfield. FOR SALE A fine four year old colt coming five next spring, a good worker single or double, block built, easy keeper and no breacher. 1 want to go off to work in 10 days. E. W. Gribbon, Estacada. Ore. 7-15-22 NOTICE A fter this date the minimum charge for classified ads. will I k * 25c for the first insertion. Sub- . sequent insertions 10c or more, each time according to nun^ber of lines. NOTI CE There will be a meeting of T he H ill T elephone C o ., Limited, held at the School House of Distrtct 88 on Saturday, July 17, 1920, at 4 p. m., for the purpose o f amending the Constitution and By-Laws, and re-organizing the Company, and the transaction of such other business as may come before the members. H. A. La Barre, President, Ben T. Rawlins, Secretary. Dated June 15. 1920. 7-15 J. W. SHAFFORD — DEALER IN — LU M B ER . R. R. TIES . C ED R PO L and FE N C E POSTS A T ...................... CAR The People’s Store H. B. SNYDER, Proprietor Our Motto is Service. S T R IP S A SPE­ C IA L T Y -O N E DRED HUN­ C A R LO A D S WANTED Estacada, Estacada Hotel