Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 08, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
You Want the Oregon . . .
. . . Growers’ Co-operative Association
This year, YOU MUST JOIN BY JULY 15, our closing
date for 1920 crop.
See a Field Representative, or Write Our Headquarters,
L H i i i i i i i i m i f i i i i i i i m i i i i i i l i m i m i ti ti i if’i i m i H L
Masonic Temple
Salem, Oregon,
“To be the best concern in the world
to work for and the squarest concern
in existence to do business with. ”
Next T im e-B U Y FISK
Among: the usual Saturday con­
tingent to the metropolis, were
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Krigbaum,
Mrs. J. A. Shibley and baby,
Mrs. L. C. Posson.
The city sewer bonds have be­
come due, but the council has
made arrangements to carry them
until a new issue can be floated,
which will be done shortly.
Bert Park, of Crow, Oregon,
has been visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 1. M. Park pf Estacada
during the past week, and will
remain about another week.
V. W. Hauser is enjoying a
visit from his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Hauser, who arrived
from Florida Sunday. Mr. Hau­
ser, senior, is an old hotel man,
and very pleasant to meet. He
is much taken wtih the appear­
ance of the country in this vicin­
ity. Although Florida raises two
or three crops of vegetables a
year, he says it is much harder
to get fresh vegetables there than
in New York City, because they
are all shipped away and little
left for the home supply.
E. W. Bartlett was exhibiting
Saturday the 51b discus, his son,
Ken, had thrown 143 ft., lOin. at
Pasadena, in the Olympic try­
outs. He went to Oregon City to
procure a passport for the latter.
A trip to Europe nowadays, in­
volves much red tape, not only is
a passport necessary, but a cer­
tificate that you have paid your
income tax and other personal
information. It will next be
necessary we suppose to have a
blood test and removal of tonsils,
adenoids and appendix before be­
ing allowed to cross.
A m es Family Leave
111111111 « 1111 h i l :
UY satisfaction when you buy tires.
Fisk Tires meet any comparison,
any competition. Then there is the
assurance of the Fisk Ideal.
Thursday, July 8, 1920
A. G. Ames and family left
this (Thursday) morning for
their uew home at Cascadia near
Lebanon. They expect to return
here later, which their many
friends hope will be the case.
They have lived here for some
years and the town will seem
strange without them. Retha
and Vernon will also be missed
by their playmates and in school
for both are nice children and
well behaved.
American Legion
The American Legion will hold
its regular meeting Monday eve­
How’s This?
W e offer One Hundred D ollars R ew ard
for any case of C atarrh th a t cannot bo
cured by H all’s C atarrh Medicine.
H all's C atarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past th irty-
five years, and has become known as the
m ost reliable rem edy for C atarrh. H all’s
C atarrh Medicine acts th ru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi­
son from the Blood and healing the dis­
eased portions.
After you have taken H all's C atarrh
Medicine for a short tim e you will see a
great Im provem ent In vour general
health S tart taking H all’s C atarrh Medi­
cine at once and get rid of catarrh . Send
for testim onials, free
F T CHKNKY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by all D ruggists, "Sc.