Thursday, June 24, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS I f LMS June ' 1920 S M T W T F S 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 13141516171819 20212223242526 27282930 Miss Marian Dunlop is at home from t h e Monmouth Normal School. Mrs. C. F. Howe and daughter, Miss Lelia, were Portland visit­ ors Friday. A. N. Johnson, of the Phar­ macy, has been in Portland a few days recently. Miss Mary Whiting of Upper Garfield, returned Saturday af­ ternoon from a visit to Portland. “ Billie” Welches, storekeeper, postmaster and g e n e r a l land owner of Welches, is seriously ill with the measles. Herbert and Ardella Dunlop went to Portland, Monday to visit relatives and take in the big pa­ rades and other doings. The Kerr-Gifford Portland Mill­ ing Co.’s baseball team crossed bats with Estacada last Sunday, and beat the local team. Mrs. F. E. Burns and daughter Miss Bertha, and Henry D. Coss- man, returned Sunday afternoon from their visit to Seaside. Harold Ely and wife of Morgan, Ore., are visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Palmateerof Gar­ field, and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ely of Estacada. The dance given by the United Artisans last Saturday in the Park pavilion was a very success­ ful affair. Everyone had a good time and the proceeds were satis­ factory. Last Monday occurred the sum­ mer solstice and the longest day in the year. From then on till December 21, the days will grad­ ually shorten, when the reverse process will again commence. Dr. L. A. Wells returned Sun­ day from Roseburg, where he had gone with his family to visit Mrs. Wells’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lilburn. The latter will remain there a while longer. Art Ducan, who has been driv­ ing a truck for the Clear Creek Lumber Co., was taken by Dr. Morse Monday to St. Vincent's hospital, to be operated on for appendicitis. The y o u n g m;n had been sick about a week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Christer - sen, of Springwater, and their guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christensen, Mrs. Horton, from Glacier National Park, and Mrs. Mary A. Olsen, of Chicago, left last Monday to spend a week at Seaside and to take in the Shrin- ers’ convention in Portland this week. The usual Saturday contingent to Portland from Estacada, in­ cluded Mrs. J. C. Hillman and daughter, Miss Bertha, Mrs. Ed Douglass, Miss Gladys Kandle, Mrs. G. M. Lawrence, Mrs. U.S. Morgan and her sister, Mrs. M. E. Williams of Gresham, Miss Garrie Hannah and Albert Wick- lund. “ Male and Female” at the Fam­ ily theater, as might have been expected, drew large audiences. It is a very powerful film, and conveys a deep lesson concerning the artificiality of what is termed blue blood and its correspondent environment. • When torn from the latter and placed among primitive conditions, it is decid­ edly at a disadvantage with the good red variety. Manager Linn is to b e congratulated on the high class of films he is putting on his programs. » The Family Theatre THURSDAY, JUNE 24, BABY MARIE OSBORNE Page Five We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the Oregon Histor­ ical Society, f r o m George H. Himes. Mrs. L. C. Posson and daugh­ ter Leta, returned Tuesday aftei - r.jon from a visit to Silverton. Oregon Poultry Farm Phil. Marquam, Proprietor TRAP-NESTED, SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS Get your order in early for eggs or stock, Send for de­ scriptive mating list. adjoining office of f Shop on Broadway E. W. Bartlett. G . R E IN Shoe Maker & Repairing ALL WORK DONE IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER Can fit any shoe to any foot. PHIL MARQUAM | (Farm located one mile out of Kata cada, Oregon, on Garfield road.) place your R. R . CARLSON Undertaker and Embalmer Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Fire Insurance in the Home Company and through the Home Agent J. W. REED Local Agent for Estacada HOLMAN & PACE ESTACADA F u n e r a l D ir e c t o r s Oregon City Agent for The Pacific States Wm. D ale , Local Representative. T elephone Fire Insurance Company “» • X - X - l- X ' a ! WE ARE PROUD TO FEEL THAT THIS BANK IS DOING ITS PART IN SAFEGUARDING THE FUNDS and in the development of the material interests of this Community. We want our customers to know that a part of our service consists in a readi­ ness at all times to assist them with the advice and experience of our officers and directors as well as with such financial assistance as sound and progressive banking methods dictate. — IN — “ THE LITTLE DIPLOMAT” SATURDAY, JUNE 26, WALLACE REID — IN — 101111116 ROAD" SUNDAY, JUNE 27, ESTACADA STATE BANK " S A F E T Y A N D S E R V IC E ” Four Per Cent. Interest On Time and Savirgs Accounts A SPECIAL EDWIN CAREW — IN — “ THE BIO GRANDE” This ia • splendid feature, and ia playing this week at the Lyric in Portland. First show opens at 7:30 P. M. P rices : 25 and 11 cents. W. E. LINN, Manager. L E T US ALL B O O ST F O R T H E SUCCESS O F O U R R O S E F E S ­ T IV A L F L O A T N E X T W E E K and the F O U R T H O F JU LY C E L ­ E B R A T IO N A T ESTA C A D A , M ONDAY, JU L Y 5. Put in some Votes for your favorite can­ didate lor G O D D ESS of L IB E R T Y . r ^ y x - í - M ^ ^ - x x - c - í - x - í - t - x - x - x x / <-<“ X > w ~ x - + - x - :- x - :- :- V ' x