EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S Page Two UPPER EAGLE CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Woodle and children and Joe Woodle, Jr., were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, Sunday. The regular session o f Eagle Creek Grange was held Saturday. Nineteen, including the children, were present. A short business meeting was held, then an inter­ esting program was rendered. A. N. Orke was an Upper Eagle ('reek visitor recently. Perry Murphey, who works in Portland, spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Ray Woodle spent Satur­ day afternoon the guest o f Mrs. Rosa Raker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister were guests at the home of Otho Richey, Sunday. Walter Douglass b u t c h e r e d some hogs last week shipping X hem to Portland. Walter Douglass and famdy and Mrs. Viola Douglass attended church services at Dover. Sunday. BISSELL ITEMS L. H. Weisenfluh left last Sat­ urday for Eastern Oregon, where he intends to work for a while. A number o f the George people attended the Sunday School con­ vention at Estacada last Sunday. Don’ t forget t h e Fourth o f For the next three months the (¡range will hold the meetings in i July celebration that is to be held the evening instead of during the at George on July 3rd, with ! dancing in the evening, day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell and family were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Parks Sun- dav. Mrs. T. C. McKay went to Portland on Monday to spend the week in the City of Roses with friends. Miss Rina Douglass came out this way last week; but has re­ turned to Portland to attend the Rose Show. i How to Save Sugar “ Conserve * sugar by using honey, syrup, and dried fruits— prunes, raisins, figs, dates, pears and peaches,’ ’ say food special­ ists at the Oregon Agricultural college. Products cooked with strained honey are said to have a pleas­ ing characteristic honey flavor. One cup o f honey may replace one cup o f sugar, but the milk or Tether liquid should be re­ duced one-fifth cup for each cup o f honey. Cooking fruits with the ce­ reals will sw’eeten the cerial and t save sugar. Raisins with ^ream o f wheat, figs wdth wheatina, or farina, are examples o f good combinations. Mark Doryland and two daugh­ ters, Emma and Doris, returned last Monday from Kansas City, Kansas, where he has been vis­ iting h i s mother, Mrs. Sarah Doryland, w ho has been very ill. Corn syrup may be used in stewing or baking fruit, using one half cup o f syrup to each pound o f fruit. Drier! fruits are stewed 10 minutes after soaking over night in wrater. The Ladies’ Missionary meet­ ing will be held at the Presby­ terian church, at George, Wed­ nesday evening, the topic is on “ Philippians . ” w i t h Mrs. H. Joyner as leader. Everybody is* invited to attend. A few raisins in the rhubarb sauce add flavor as well as help out the sweetening. Cereals may be served sweet­ ened with syrup or with sweet fruits. Thursday, June 2 4 , 1 9 2 0 Estacada was truly a “ desert­ ed village’ ’ Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Mikulecky is visit­ ing her daughter in Portland. » Mrs. Lena Underwood return­ ed Tuesday afternoon from Un­ derwood, Wash, where she had been for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ellis left Saturday afternoon for Eugene, to attend the graduation o f their son, Loren, who will receive the degree o f Bachelor o f Science in Architecture, at the state univer­ sity. This young man graduated the first in his class and com­ pleted a five year course in four years. He w o n last year the first prize awarded by the Oregon chapter o f the American Insti­ tute o f Architects. While Mr. and Mrs. Ellis areaway the store* will be in charge o f Mrs. Ava Bronson. Cowboy Preacher Is On Way East B aker , Or., June 10.— Baker was treated to a relic of the old- time West when a quaint and ramshackle outfit belonging to one Bettes, self-styled “ Cowbov Preacher,’ ’ passed through the city yesterday. Bettes has traveled from K ing’s ranch, Texas, and covered 3,386 miles when he reached here. He is on his way to New York and expects to cover the Southern states and come back to Oregon to live. The “ cowboy preacher’ ’ is 74 years old and has been a Baptist preacher for fifty-years. Last Sunday he preacned at North Powder. He is a type of the old-time circuit rider who is al­ most a person o f history now. O O D mileage, good looks, good traction — all to an extreme degree— are features of these tires. In their making and in their selling, the Fisk Ideal is a vital factor. G The Fisk Ideal: “ T o be the best concern in the world to work for, and the squarest concern in existence to do business w ith." N ext Time— B U Y F IS K Estacada Garage t**s* H im | „ u • r*i os T i m e to K e - ti r e? «Buy JL * I. Flak) Ex. The circuit riders in the pioneer times, did an amount o f good, which cannot b e estimated in teims o f dollars and cents. They kept the religious instinct alive among scattered peoples, without which man sinks to the animal level. At the last day, when all things s h a l l become manifest, they will receive the recognition which most o f them failed to get while living. T h e Rev. S. G. Bettes is the father o f Mrs. D. H. Morgan o f Estacada. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by lo c a l a p plication s, as they c a n n o t r e a c h th e dis eased p ortion o f th e ear. T h e re is only on e w a y to cure c a ta rr h a l deafness, and th a t Is by a c o n s titu tion a l r em ed y . C a ta rrha l D ea fn ess is c au sed by an in ­ flamed co n d itio n o f th e m u c ou s lin in g o f th e E u sta c h ia n Tu be W h e n this tu be is Inflamed you h ave a rum blin g sound or 1m- pi r fect h earin g, and w hen it Is entirely closed. D e a fn e s s is th e result. Unless the Inflam mation c an be r e d u c e d and this tube t u t o r e d to Its n orm a l condition , h earin g « ill be d e s tr o y e d forever. Many cases o f deafiM ts are caused by cata rrh , w h ich Is an inil tmetl co n d itio n o f the m u c o u s stir- fa e> s H a i l’ s C a ta rrh M edicine a c ts thru the b lo o d on th e m u c o u s sat faces o f the *• stem W e will g ive One H u n d r e d D olla rs f o r any case o f -Catarrhal D ea fn ess that c a n n o t he cu red hy l l s l l ' s c a t a r r h Medicine. C ir ­ cula rs tree. All D ru rg ists. “ he. F. J U I l M L Y CO.. T o le d o , O.