SUPPLEMENT EAST CLACKAMAS NEWS, JUNE 17, 1920 ITYour House is f ! If \6 u r House is New. Keep it Nev*> , old. Make it New with Is 'With Oregon now has 5,000,000 acres of laiul under cultivation. In * 1911> the agricultural cr:p was valued at $206,000.000.00. By honest advertising the Ore­ gon State Chamber of Commerce can double the agricultural acre age in three years. This would add another $206,000,000 00 to the agricultural revenue of the State, using last year's figures as a basis of figuring. P A *7 IN T ! -A M OREGON PLAYGROUND FOR TOURISTS AIM OF STATE CHAMBER 'L, FULLER ^ thing O N is E sure— Paint Preserve* and Beautifies you can’ t hide the outside o f your house from critical eyes. Y o u ’ ll be proud of your hom e and your neighbor­ hood will be proud of you if your house is kept painted and in good repair. T h e well-painted house is evidence o f com m unity spirit and thrift. F U L L E R Paint keeps new and old houses from run­ ning dow n, adds to their value and makes them attractive. Specify F U L L E R Paint for your hom e. Y ou can depend on it to do two things and do them well— pre­ serve and beautify. Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Your Town W . P. Fuller & Co. * ¡» 4 9 -1 9 2 0 Northwest Branch Houses at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise Why the Electric Cleaner? 5 OF OREGON FARMERS STATE CHAMBER PLAN \1SM 71 YEAR LEADERS DEVELOP RESOURCES STATE CHAMBER'S AID. DOUBLE POPULATION There is really no comparison between the ease and thoroughness with which an Electric Cleaner removes dirt and the difficulty of sweeping. True, one CAN clean rugs and carpets wthout an electric cleaner. A broom or carpet sweeper will brush up SOME of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and a carpet beater will do the work after a fashion. In the same way one can wash without soap, Water alone will remove some dirt if applied With enough “ elbow grease.” But people use soap because it cleans more easily and better than water alone. For the same reason people use Electric Cleaners because they clean more easily and far better than other methods. E L E C T R IC S T O R E E L E C T R IC BUILDING. BUY YOUR ELECTRIC GOODS AT AN ELECTRIC STORE Switzerland used to be the poorest country, per capita, in the world. Now it is the richest. Tourist travel did it. Main and Colorado each re­ ceive $50,000,000" per year from their tourists; Florida gets $260,- 000,000; California, half a bil lion a year. Oregon gets $5,000,- 000. A three year's advertising cam patgn by the Oregon State Cham­ ber of Commerce may be expect­ ed to bring in at least one-half of what Main and Colorado get, or $23,000,000, which should in­ crease on a rising scale. STATE CHAMBER S E E K S TO DOUBLE POPULATION ON FARMS IN 3 YEARS Oregon has water resources to ir­ rigate 4,000,000 ncres of land now un­ productive, and which would support ,n comfort, 200,000 new population, or ibout 40,000 new families. If in its three year's campaign to put families on Oregon's vueunt land, .he Oregon State Chamber of Com- nerce can bring 1,000 families to util­ ize this land and water, it will mean in expenditures alone for such commodl ;les as clothing, food, furniture, etc., >f $1,000,000, calculating the expendi- ;urea for an entire family at only H000 per year, to say nothing of the wealth produced by these new settlers. Land settlement Is one of the chief »¡ms of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce er— nrogram in its novement to aid in the development of :he State. , Oregon has 16,000,000 acres of till­ able land now uncultivated. Oregon produced 20,400,000 bushels of wheat In 1919. If Oregon’s 16,000,000 acres of till- ible but uncultivated land were planted in wheat and the yield were the Ore- ion average for ten years—21.9 bushels per acre— new production would be 160,400,00 bushels which, at the price oday of $3 per bushel, would mean a :ash value of $1,051,200,000. The Oregon State Chamber of Com­ merce expects to double the number of farmers in three years. * If this means double the wheat crop, it will mean an additional yield of 20,400,000 pushels of wheat, which at the pre­ vailing price would mean a cash value m new money of $61,200,000. Expansion Movement Now In Progress Will Allow Broader Activities. What docs Oregon need? What— if it were possible to name the chief factor—does it most need in order to develop with a maximum of success? The question is Impossible to answer. There is no “ chief factor." The solu­ tion lies not in one particular need, but many. Oregon today, facing an era of de­ velopment unparalleled in its history, must fill these needs if it expe-ts to go ahead. • * Of the mat# factors that must be smployed >1 the state is to progress Immigration and colonisation stand pre-eminent in order to solve the vital problem of land settlement. Irrigation, reclamation of land and Iralnagc must be developed as another method of bringing about the solution Df this problem. Farm labor must be brought in. Hoineseekers who in turn become food producers, must be en­ couraged and made to see the possi­ bilities that await them in the great northwest. S S Good roads must be built. Atf the vast tracts of wMderness with thejr billions-of feet of timber are concerted Into lumber, highways must be pro­ vided over which commerce can he carried and the scenic beauties of the State viewed by the tourist. Among other needs are Industrial ex- punción, railroad extension and water power development. $ Advertising and publicity must be :nrrlcd bn if Oregon Is to be made mown as a country for the homeseek- er where Opportunity beckons. Its ícenle beauties must be advertised to Attract the stream of golden dollars from tourists and pleasure seekers. Dther states, most of them with fewer Advantages to attruct, are realizing mil­ lions each year from tourist»—because :hey realize the value of advertising and making public what advantages ¿hey possess. '■ * Oregon must develop its water transportation, its mineral lakes, its port» and reach out for foreign trade and it must develop the state to pro luce the export» which are to go down :o the »ca In »hip». It must expand da educational facllltl<*a as an uddi- .tonal advantage to hold out to the lomeseeker with children to educate. Tin Jiregon State Chamber of Com- tnerct ^Is the most logical a g e n c y to carry on this development work simply aecausc a state organiza!loir of this mature can work for the mutual good )f all communities i:i the state with >ut favoring any particular one. Catarrhal Deafntss Carnot Pc Cured local appltcatioiih, u*> timy cam n d r* iu li the dttfea»« <1 portion o f the fur j here i*< only one way to cur** catarrhal <1* .tfn* •<». anti that In by ft lunatltulluitul M u r I. I'atarrhai l j e a f I * caused b y nn in Humid condition of tin* m u o n » lining of th* KuHhclillin Tub® v\ ta il ltd» tul-e H Inflamed you liuvu u rumbling ‘»»‘«nil 0 1 lm p e r fe ct h earing, and « m n U 1 closed, Peafnaea I- III* r»*»ilt I * U m * tl • InflaiurnHtloll cmi !• i * du« * d an 1 th * tm. ren ton d to Its n-rii Rl «niidLi <• |»*.4i»hii will ba destroyed foMf'Or Many «u • - of deafinsi« ara csos* I b catarrh w 1 *• Jl* an Inhumed condition o f th< »» mi * u " ,r faces H a l l ’ s Catarrh Medlclna a - i s thru the blood oil tho inilfou? SUtffti’ «* H*" stem W e w ill g i v e O n e IT*«n de e d pwMaea f r any «as** o f C u t a r r h a l l ^ u f i a ^ i il».»* eftnnot O r* be cured by If .til's I ;»l.«»rll Al* id Iti ne culara fr*e All lir u rg ls t s The Itd iu J , O. *\ J. C l I t N i d U CO by